Hardcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-4114-2 |
Product Code: | AMSTEXT/30 |
List Price: | $85.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $76.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $68.00 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-4342-9 |
Product Code: | AMSTEXT/30.E |
List Price: | $75.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $67.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $60.00 |
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-4114-2 |
eBook: ISBN: | 978-1-4704-4342-9 |
Product Code: | AMSTEXT/30.B |
List Price: | $160.00 $122.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $144.00 $110.25 |
AMS Member Price: | $128.00 $98.00 |

Hardcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-4114-2 |
Product Code: | AMSTEXT/30 |
List Price: | $85.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $76.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $68.00 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-4342-9 |
Product Code: | AMSTEXT/30.E |
List Price: | $75.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $67.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $60.00 |
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-4114-2 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-4342-9 |
Product Code: | AMSTEXT/30.B |
List Price: | $160.00 $122.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $144.00 $110.25 |
AMS Member Price: | $128.00 $98.00 |
Book DetailsPure and Applied Undergraduate TextsVolume: 30; 2017; 327 ppMSC: Primary 46; 65; 90; 97; 58; 11; 68
Optimization Theory is an active area of research with numerous applications; many of the books are designed for engineering classes, and thus have an emphasis on problems from such fields. Covering much of the same material, there is less emphasis on coding and detailed applications as the intended audience is more mathematical. There are still several important problems discussed (especially scheduling problems), but there is more emphasis on theory and less on the nuts and bolts of coding. A constant theme of the text is the “why” and the “how” in the subject. Why are we able to do a calculation efficiently? How should we look at a problem? Extensive effort is made to motivate the mathematics and isolate how one can apply ideas/perspectives to a variety of problems. As many of the key algorithms in the subject require too much time or detail to analyze in a first course (such as the run-time of the Simplex Algorithm), there are numerous comparisons to simpler algorithms which students have either seen or can quickly learn (such as the Euclidean algorithm) to motivate the type of results on run-time savings.
ReadershipUndergraduate and graduate students interested in learning and teaching optimization and operation research.
Table of Contents
Title page
Course Outlines
Part 1 . Classical Algorithms
Chapter 1. Efficient Multiplication, I
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Babylonian Multiplication
1.3. Horner’s Algorithm
1.4. Fast Multiplication
1.5. Strassen’s Algorithm
1.6. Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors and the Fibonacci Numbers
1.7. Exercises
Chapter 2. Efficient Multiplication, II
2.1. Binomial Coefficients
2.2. Pascal’s Triangle
2.3. Dimension
2.4. From the Pascal to the Sierpinski Triangle
2.5. The Euclidean Algorithm
2.6. Exercises
Part 2 . Introduction to Linear Programming
Chapter 3. Introduction to Linear Programming
3.1. Linear Algebra
3.2. Finding Solutions
3.3. Calculus Review: Local versus Global
3.4. An Introduction to the Diet Problem
3.5. Solving the Diet Problem
3.6. Applications of the Diet Problem
3.7. Exercises
Chapter 4. The Canonical Linear Programming Problem
4.1. Real Analysis Review
4.2. Canonical Forms and Quadratic Equations
4.3. Canonical Forms in Linear Programming: Statement
4.4. Canonical Forms in Linear Programming: Conversion
4.5. The Diet Problem: Round 2
4.6. A Short Theoretical Aside: Strict Inequalities
4.7. Canonical is Not Always Best
4.8. The Oil Problem
4.9. Exercises
Chapter 5. Symmetries and Dualities
5.1. Tic-Tac-Toe and a Chess Problem
5.2. Duality and Linear Programming
5.3. Appendix: Fun Versions of Tic-Tac-Toe
5.4. Exercises
Chapter 6. Basic Feasible and Basic Optimal Solutions
6.1. Review of Linear Independence
6.2. Basic Feasible and Basic Optimal Solutions
6.3. Properties of Basic Feasible Solutions
6.4. Optimal and Basic Optimal Solutions
6.5. Efficiency and Euclid’s Prime Theorem
6.6. Exercises
Chapter 7. The Simplex Method
7.1. The Simplex Method: Preliminary Assumptions
7.2. The Simplex Method: Statement
7.3. Phase II implies Phase I
7.4. Phase II of the Simplex Method
7.5. Run-time of the Simplex Method
7.6. Efficient Sorting
7.7. Exercises
Part 3 . Advanced Linear Programming
Chapter 8. Integer Programming
8.1. The Movie Theater Problem
8.2. Binary Indicator Variables
8.3. Logical Statements
8.4. Truncation, Extrema and Absolute Values
8.5. Linearizing Quadratic Expressions
8.6. The Law of the Hammer and Sudoku
8.7. Bus Route Example
8.8. Exercises
Chapter 9. Integer Optimization
9.1. Maximizing a Product
9.2. The Knapsack Problem
9.3. Solving Integer Programs: Branch and Bound
9.4. Exercises
Chapter 10. Multi-Objective and Quadratic Programming
10.1. Multi-Objective Linear Programming
10.2. Quadratic Programming
10.3. Example: Quadratic Objective Function
10.4. Removing Quadratic (and Higher Order) Terms in Constraints
10.5. Summary
10.6. Exercises
Chapter 11. The Traveling Salesman Problem
11.1. Integer Linear Programming Version of the TSP
11.2. Greedy Algorithm to the TSP
11.3. The Insertion Algorithm
11.4. Sub-problems Method
11.5. Exercises
Chapter 12. Introduction to Stochastic Linear Programming
12.1. Deterministic and Stochastic Oil Problems
12.2. Expected Value approach
12.3. Recourse Approach
12.4. Probabilistic Constraints
12.5. Exercises
Part 4 . Fixed Point Theorems
Chapter 13. Introduction to Fixed Point Theorems
13.1. Definitions and Uses
13.2. Examples
13.3. Real Analysis Preliminaries
13.4. One-Dimensional Fixed Point Theorem
13.5. Newton’s Method versus Divide and Conquer
13.6. Equivalent Regions and Fixed Points
13.7. Exercises
Chapter 14. Contraction Maps
14.1. Definitions
14.2. Fixed Points of Contraction Maps
14.3. Introduction to Differential Equations
14.4. Real Analysis Review
14.5. First Order Differential Equations Theorem
14.6. Examples of Picard’s Iteration Method
14.7. Exercises
Chapter 15. Sperner’s Lemma
15.1. Statement of Sperner’s Lemma
15.2. Proof Strategies for Sperner’s Lemma
15.3. Proof of Sperner’s Lemma
15.4. Rental Harmony
15.5. Exercises
Chapter 16. Brouwer’s Fixed Point Theorem
16.1. Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem
16.2. Barycentric Coordinates
16.3. Preliminaries for Brouwer’s Fixed Point Theorem
16.4. Proof of Brouwer’s Fixed Point Theorem
16.5. Nash Equilibrium
16.6. Exercises
Part 5 . Advanced Topics
Chapter 17. Gale-Shapley Algorithm
17.1. Introduction
17.2. Three Parties
17.3. Gale-Shapley Algorithm
17.4. Generalization
17.5. Applications
17.6. Exercises
Chapter 18. Interpolating Functions
18.1. Lagrange Interpolation
18.2. Interpolation Error
18.3. Chebyshev Polynomials and Interpolation
18.4. Splines
18.5. Exercises
Chapter 19. The Four Color Problem
19.1. A Brief History
19.2. Preliminaries
19.3. Birkhoff and the Modern Proof
19.4. Appel-Haken Proof
19.5. Computational Improvements
19.6. Exercises
Chapter 20. The Kepler Conjecture
20.1. Introduction
20.2. Sphere Packing
20.3. Challenges in Proving the Kepler Conjecture
20.4. Local Density Inequalities
20.5. Computer-Aided Proof
20.6. Exercises
Back Cover
Additional Material
I think that this book offers a vast and useful outline of many mathematical problems arising from the common ground of optimization theory and operations research. Surely it can be useful and of interest to advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students concerned with applications of mathematics to optimization problems and related fields.
Giorgio Giorgi, Mathematical Reviews -
I started reading "Mathematics of Optimization: How to do Things Faster" without a significant background in optimization, linear programming, or operations research. Hence, I really did not know what to expect from the book. I was pleasantly surprised to find the book to be so much fun to work through. The writing is upbeat, entertaining and enlightening and the mathematics is varied, interesting, and inspiring...I am really impressed by "Mathematics of Optimization," and I would love to teach a course based on this book just in order to spend more time going through it myself...I think that the book is unique and should be relevant and of interest to advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in pure and applied mathematics and some closely related areas.
Jason M. Graham, MAA Reviews
RequestsReview Copy – for publishers of book reviewsDesk Copy – for instructors who have adopted an AMS textbook for a courseExamination Copy – for faculty considering an AMS textbook for a coursePermission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal contentAccessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
- Book Details
- Table of Contents
- Additional Material
- Reviews
- Requests
Optimization Theory is an active area of research with numerous applications; many of the books are designed for engineering classes, and thus have an emphasis on problems from such fields. Covering much of the same material, there is less emphasis on coding and detailed applications as the intended audience is more mathematical. There are still several important problems discussed (especially scheduling problems), but there is more emphasis on theory and less on the nuts and bolts of coding. A constant theme of the text is the “why” and the “how” in the subject. Why are we able to do a calculation efficiently? How should we look at a problem? Extensive effort is made to motivate the mathematics and isolate how one can apply ideas/perspectives to a variety of problems. As many of the key algorithms in the subject require too much time or detail to analyze in a first course (such as the run-time of the Simplex Algorithm), there are numerous comparisons to simpler algorithms which students have either seen or can quickly learn (such as the Euclidean algorithm) to motivate the type of results on run-time savings.
Undergraduate and graduate students interested in learning and teaching optimization and operation research.
Title page
Course Outlines
Part 1 . Classical Algorithms
Chapter 1. Efficient Multiplication, I
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Babylonian Multiplication
1.3. Horner’s Algorithm
1.4. Fast Multiplication
1.5. Strassen’s Algorithm
1.6. Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors and the Fibonacci Numbers
1.7. Exercises
Chapter 2. Efficient Multiplication, II
2.1. Binomial Coefficients
2.2. Pascal’s Triangle
2.3. Dimension
2.4. From the Pascal to the Sierpinski Triangle
2.5. The Euclidean Algorithm
2.6. Exercises
Part 2 . Introduction to Linear Programming
Chapter 3. Introduction to Linear Programming
3.1. Linear Algebra
3.2. Finding Solutions
3.3. Calculus Review: Local versus Global
3.4. An Introduction to the Diet Problem
3.5. Solving the Diet Problem
3.6. Applications of the Diet Problem
3.7. Exercises
Chapter 4. The Canonical Linear Programming Problem
4.1. Real Analysis Review
4.2. Canonical Forms and Quadratic Equations
4.3. Canonical Forms in Linear Programming: Statement
4.4. Canonical Forms in Linear Programming: Conversion
4.5. The Diet Problem: Round 2
4.6. A Short Theoretical Aside: Strict Inequalities
4.7. Canonical is Not Always Best
4.8. The Oil Problem
4.9. Exercises
Chapter 5. Symmetries and Dualities
5.1. Tic-Tac-Toe and a Chess Problem
5.2. Duality and Linear Programming
5.3. Appendix: Fun Versions of Tic-Tac-Toe
5.4. Exercises
Chapter 6. Basic Feasible and Basic Optimal Solutions
6.1. Review of Linear Independence
6.2. Basic Feasible and Basic Optimal Solutions
6.3. Properties of Basic Feasible Solutions
6.4. Optimal and Basic Optimal Solutions
6.5. Efficiency and Euclid’s Prime Theorem
6.6. Exercises
Chapter 7. The Simplex Method
7.1. The Simplex Method: Preliminary Assumptions
7.2. The Simplex Method: Statement
7.3. Phase II implies Phase I
7.4. Phase II of the Simplex Method
7.5. Run-time of the Simplex Method
7.6. Efficient Sorting
7.7. Exercises
Part 3 . Advanced Linear Programming
Chapter 8. Integer Programming
8.1. The Movie Theater Problem
8.2. Binary Indicator Variables
8.3. Logical Statements
8.4. Truncation, Extrema and Absolute Values
8.5. Linearizing Quadratic Expressions
8.6. The Law of the Hammer and Sudoku
8.7. Bus Route Example
8.8. Exercises
Chapter 9. Integer Optimization
9.1. Maximizing a Product
9.2. The Knapsack Problem
9.3. Solving Integer Programs: Branch and Bound
9.4. Exercises
Chapter 10. Multi-Objective and Quadratic Programming
10.1. Multi-Objective Linear Programming
10.2. Quadratic Programming
10.3. Example: Quadratic Objective Function
10.4. Removing Quadratic (and Higher Order) Terms in Constraints
10.5. Summary
10.6. Exercises
Chapter 11. The Traveling Salesman Problem
11.1. Integer Linear Programming Version of the TSP
11.2. Greedy Algorithm to the TSP
11.3. The Insertion Algorithm
11.4. Sub-problems Method
11.5. Exercises
Chapter 12. Introduction to Stochastic Linear Programming
12.1. Deterministic and Stochastic Oil Problems
12.2. Expected Value approach
12.3. Recourse Approach
12.4. Probabilistic Constraints
12.5. Exercises
Part 4 . Fixed Point Theorems
Chapter 13. Introduction to Fixed Point Theorems
13.1. Definitions and Uses
13.2. Examples
13.3. Real Analysis Preliminaries
13.4. One-Dimensional Fixed Point Theorem
13.5. Newton’s Method versus Divide and Conquer
13.6. Equivalent Regions and Fixed Points
13.7. Exercises
Chapter 14. Contraction Maps
14.1. Definitions
14.2. Fixed Points of Contraction Maps
14.3. Introduction to Differential Equations
14.4. Real Analysis Review
14.5. First Order Differential Equations Theorem
14.6. Examples of Picard’s Iteration Method
14.7. Exercises
Chapter 15. Sperner’s Lemma
15.1. Statement of Sperner’s Lemma
15.2. Proof Strategies for Sperner’s Lemma
15.3. Proof of Sperner’s Lemma
15.4. Rental Harmony
15.5. Exercises
Chapter 16. Brouwer’s Fixed Point Theorem
16.1. Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem
16.2. Barycentric Coordinates
16.3. Preliminaries for Brouwer’s Fixed Point Theorem
16.4. Proof of Brouwer’s Fixed Point Theorem
16.5. Nash Equilibrium
16.6. Exercises
Part 5 . Advanced Topics
Chapter 17. Gale-Shapley Algorithm
17.1. Introduction
17.2. Three Parties
17.3. Gale-Shapley Algorithm
17.4. Generalization
17.5. Applications
17.6. Exercises
Chapter 18. Interpolating Functions
18.1. Lagrange Interpolation
18.2. Interpolation Error
18.3. Chebyshev Polynomials and Interpolation
18.4. Splines
18.5. Exercises
Chapter 19. The Four Color Problem
19.1. A Brief History
19.2. Preliminaries
19.3. Birkhoff and the Modern Proof
19.4. Appel-Haken Proof
19.5. Computational Improvements
19.6. Exercises
Chapter 20. The Kepler Conjecture
20.1. Introduction
20.2. Sphere Packing
20.3. Challenges in Proving the Kepler Conjecture
20.4. Local Density Inequalities
20.5. Computer-Aided Proof
20.6. Exercises
Back Cover
I think that this book offers a vast and useful outline of many mathematical problems arising from the common ground of optimization theory and operations research. Surely it can be useful and of interest to advanced undergraduates and beginning graduate students concerned with applications of mathematics to optimization problems and related fields.
Giorgio Giorgi, Mathematical Reviews -
I started reading "Mathematics of Optimization: How to do Things Faster" without a significant background in optimization, linear programming, or operations research. Hence, I really did not know what to expect from the book. I was pleasantly surprised to find the book to be so much fun to work through. The writing is upbeat, entertaining and enlightening and the mathematics is varied, interesting, and inspiring...I am really impressed by "Mathematics of Optimization," and I would love to teach a course based on this book just in order to spend more time going through it myself...I think that the book is unique and should be relevant and of interest to advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in pure and applied mathematics and some closely related areas.
Jason M. Graham, MAA Reviews