Hardcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5055-7 |
Product Code: | AMSTEXT/40 |
List Price: | $89.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $80.10 |
AMS Member Price: | $71.20 |
Sale Price: | $57.85 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5389-3 |
Product Code: | AMSTEXT/40.E |
List Price: | $85.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $76.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $68.00 |
Sale Price: | $55.25 |
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5055-7 |
eBook: ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5389-3 |
Product Code: | AMSTEXT/40.B |
List Price: | $174.00 $131.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $156.60 $118.35 |
AMS Member Price: | $139.20 $105.20 |
Sale Price: | $113.10 $85.48 |

Hardcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5055-7 |
Product Code: | AMSTEXT/40 |
List Price: | $89.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $80.10 |
AMS Member Price: | $71.20 |
Sale Price: | $57.85 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5389-3 |
Product Code: | AMSTEXT/40.E |
List Price: | $85.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $76.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $68.00 |
Sale Price: | $55.25 |
Hardcover ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5055-7 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-5389-3 |
Product Code: | AMSTEXT/40.B |
List Price: | $174.00 $131.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $156.60 $118.35 |
AMS Member Price: | $139.20 $105.20 |
Sale Price: | $113.10 $85.48 |
Book DetailsPure and Applied Undergraduate TextsVolume: 40; 2019; 323 ppMSC: Primary 94; Secondary 68; 81; 11
This book provides a compact course in modern cryptography. The mathematical foundations in algebra, number theory and probability are presented with a focus on their cryptographic applications. The text provides rigorous definitions and follows the provable security approach. The most relevant cryptographic schemes are covered, including block ciphers, stream ciphers, hash functions, message authentication codes, public-key encryption, key establishment, digital signatures and elliptic curves. The current developments in post-quantum cryptography are also explored, with separate chapters on quantum computing, lattice-based and code-based cryptosystems.
Many examples, figures and exercises, as well as SageMath (Python) computer code, help the reader to understand the concepts and applications of modern cryptography. A special focus is on algebraic structures, which are used in many cryptographic constructions and also in post-quantum systems. The essential mathematics and the modern approach to cryptography and security prepare the reader for more advanced studies.
The text requires only a first-year course in mathematics (calculus and linear algebra) and is also accessible to computer scientists and engineers. This book is suitable as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses in cryptography as well as for self-study.
ReadershipUndergraduate students interested in cryptography.
Table of Contents
Title page
Getting Started with SageMath
0.1. Installation
0.2. SageMath Command Line
0.3. Browser Notebooks
0.4. Computations with SageMath
Chapter 1. Fundamentals
1.1. Sets, Relations and Functions
1.2. Combinatorics
1.3. Computational Complexity
1.4. Discrete Probability
1.5. Random Numbers
1.6. Summary
Chapter 2. Encryption Schemes and Definitions of Security
2.1. Encryption Schemes
2.2. Perfect Secrecy
2.3. Computational Security
2.4. Indistinguishable Encryptions
2.5. Eavesdropping Attacks
2.6. Chosen Plaintext Attacks
2.7. Chosen Ciphertext Attacks
2.8. Pseudorandom Generators
2.9. Pseudorandom Functions
2.10. Block Ciphers and Operation Modes
2.11. Summary
Chapter 3. Elementary Number Theory
3.1. Integers
3.2. Congruences
3.3. Modular Exponentiation
3.4. Summary
Chapter 4. Algebraic Structures
4.1. Groups
4.2. Rings and Fields
4.3. Finite Fields
4.4. Linear and Affine Maps
4.5. Summary
Chapter 5. Block Ciphers
5.1. Constructions of Block Ciphers
5.2. Advanced Encryption Standard
5.3. Summary
Chapter 6. Stream Ciphers
6.1. Definition of Stream Ciphers
6.2. Linear Feedback Shift Registers
6.3. RC4
6.4. Salsa20 and ChaCha20
6.5. Summary
Chapter 7. Hash Functions
7.1. Definitions and Security Requirements
7.2. Applications of Hash Functions
7.3. Merkle-Damgård Construction
7.4. SHA-1
7.5. SHA-2
7.6. SHA-3
7.7. Summary
Chapter 8. Message Authentication Codes
8.1. Definitions and Security Requirements
8.2. CBC MAC
8.3. HMAC
8.4. Authenticated Encryption
8.5. Summary
Chapter 9. Public-Key Encryption and the RSA Cryptosystem
9.1. Public-Key Cryptosystems
9.2. Plain RSA
9.3. RSA Security
9.4. Generation of Primes
9.5. Efficiency of RSA
9.6. Padded RSA
9.7. Factoring
9.8. Summary
Chapter 10. Key Establishment
10.1. Key Distribution
10.2. Key Exchange Protocols
10.3. Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
10.4. Diffie-Hellman using Subgroups of zz _{𝑝}*
10.5. Discrete Logarithm
10.6. Key Encapsulation
10.7. Hybrid Encryption
10.8. Summary
Chapter 11. Digital Signatures
11.1. Definitions and Security Requirements
11.2. Plain RSA Signature
11.3. Probabilistic Signature Scheme
11.4. Summary
Chapter 12. Elliptic Curve Cryptography
12.1. Weierstrass Equations and Elliptic Curves
12.2. Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman
12.3. Efficiency and Security of Elliptic Curve Cryptography
12.4. Elliptic Curve Factoring Method
12.5. Summary
Chapter 13. Quantum Computing
13.1. Quantum Bits
13.2. Multiple Qubit Systems
13.3. Quantum Algorithms
13.4. Quantum Fourier Transform
13.5. Shor’s Factoring Algorithm
13.6. Quantum Key Distribution
13.7. Summary
Chapter 14. Lattice-based Cryptography
14.1. Lattices
14.2. Lattice Algorithms
14.3. GGH Cryptosystem
14.4. NTRU
14.5. Learning with Errors
14.6. Summary
Chapter 15. Code-based Cryptography
15.1. Linear Codes
15.2. Bounds on Codes
15.3. Goppa Codes
15.4. McEliece Cryptosystem
15.5. Summary
Back cover
Additional Material
This book does an excellent job of introducing modern cryptographic schemes and assessing their security. The book is replete with over 100 references to the cryptographic literature and takes its readers to the forefront of the topics discussed. I think that it is especially well-suited to be a textbook in departments where there are a large number of mathematics/computer science double majors.
Benjamin Linowitz, Oberlin College
RequestsReview Copy – for publishers of book reviewsDesk Copy – for instructors who have adopted an AMS textbook for a courseExamination Copy – for faculty considering an AMS textbook for a coursePermission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal contentAccessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
- Book Details
- Table of Contents
- Additional Material
- Reviews
- Requests
This book provides a compact course in modern cryptography. The mathematical foundations in algebra, number theory and probability are presented with a focus on their cryptographic applications. The text provides rigorous definitions and follows the provable security approach. The most relevant cryptographic schemes are covered, including block ciphers, stream ciphers, hash functions, message authentication codes, public-key encryption, key establishment, digital signatures and elliptic curves. The current developments in post-quantum cryptography are also explored, with separate chapters on quantum computing, lattice-based and code-based cryptosystems.
Many examples, figures and exercises, as well as SageMath (Python) computer code, help the reader to understand the concepts and applications of modern cryptography. A special focus is on algebraic structures, which are used in many cryptographic constructions and also in post-quantum systems. The essential mathematics and the modern approach to cryptography and security prepare the reader for more advanced studies.
The text requires only a first-year course in mathematics (calculus and linear algebra) and is also accessible to computer scientists and engineers. This book is suitable as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses in cryptography as well as for self-study.
Undergraduate students interested in cryptography.
Title page
Getting Started with SageMath
0.1. Installation
0.2. SageMath Command Line
0.3. Browser Notebooks
0.4. Computations with SageMath
Chapter 1. Fundamentals
1.1. Sets, Relations and Functions
1.2. Combinatorics
1.3. Computational Complexity
1.4. Discrete Probability
1.5. Random Numbers
1.6. Summary
Chapter 2. Encryption Schemes and Definitions of Security
2.1. Encryption Schemes
2.2. Perfect Secrecy
2.3. Computational Security
2.4. Indistinguishable Encryptions
2.5. Eavesdropping Attacks
2.6. Chosen Plaintext Attacks
2.7. Chosen Ciphertext Attacks
2.8. Pseudorandom Generators
2.9. Pseudorandom Functions
2.10. Block Ciphers and Operation Modes
2.11. Summary
Chapter 3. Elementary Number Theory
3.1. Integers
3.2. Congruences
3.3. Modular Exponentiation
3.4. Summary
Chapter 4. Algebraic Structures
4.1. Groups
4.2. Rings and Fields
4.3. Finite Fields
4.4. Linear and Affine Maps
4.5. Summary
Chapter 5. Block Ciphers
5.1. Constructions of Block Ciphers
5.2. Advanced Encryption Standard
5.3. Summary
Chapter 6. Stream Ciphers
6.1. Definition of Stream Ciphers
6.2. Linear Feedback Shift Registers
6.3. RC4
6.4. Salsa20 and ChaCha20
6.5. Summary
Chapter 7. Hash Functions
7.1. Definitions and Security Requirements
7.2. Applications of Hash Functions
7.3. Merkle-Damgård Construction
7.4. SHA-1
7.5. SHA-2
7.6. SHA-3
7.7. Summary
Chapter 8. Message Authentication Codes
8.1. Definitions and Security Requirements
8.2. CBC MAC
8.3. HMAC
8.4. Authenticated Encryption
8.5. Summary
Chapter 9. Public-Key Encryption and the RSA Cryptosystem
9.1. Public-Key Cryptosystems
9.2. Plain RSA
9.3. RSA Security
9.4. Generation of Primes
9.5. Efficiency of RSA
9.6. Padded RSA
9.7. Factoring
9.8. Summary
Chapter 10. Key Establishment
10.1. Key Distribution
10.2. Key Exchange Protocols
10.3. Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
10.4. Diffie-Hellman using Subgroups of zz _{𝑝}*
10.5. Discrete Logarithm
10.6. Key Encapsulation
10.7. Hybrid Encryption
10.8. Summary
Chapter 11. Digital Signatures
11.1. Definitions and Security Requirements
11.2. Plain RSA Signature
11.3. Probabilistic Signature Scheme
11.4. Summary
Chapter 12. Elliptic Curve Cryptography
12.1. Weierstrass Equations and Elliptic Curves
12.2. Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman
12.3. Efficiency and Security of Elliptic Curve Cryptography
12.4. Elliptic Curve Factoring Method
12.5. Summary
Chapter 13. Quantum Computing
13.1. Quantum Bits
13.2. Multiple Qubit Systems
13.3. Quantum Algorithms
13.4. Quantum Fourier Transform
13.5. Shor’s Factoring Algorithm
13.6. Quantum Key Distribution
13.7. Summary
Chapter 14. Lattice-based Cryptography
14.1. Lattices
14.2. Lattice Algorithms
14.3. GGH Cryptosystem
14.4. NTRU
14.5. Learning with Errors
14.6. Summary
Chapter 15. Code-based Cryptography
15.1. Linear Codes
15.2. Bounds on Codes
15.3. Goppa Codes
15.4. McEliece Cryptosystem
15.5. Summary
Back cover
This book does an excellent job of introducing modern cryptographic schemes and assessing their security. The book is replete with over 100 references to the cryptographic literature and takes its readers to the forefront of the topics discussed. I think that it is especially well-suited to be a textbook in departments where there are a large number of mathematics/computer science double majors.
Benjamin Linowitz, Oberlin College