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Singularities in Generic Geometry
Edited by: Shyuichi Izumiya Hokkaido University, Japan
Goo Ishikawa Hokkaido University, Japan
Minoru Yamamoto Hirosaki University, Japan
Kentaro Saji Kobe University, Japan
Takahiro Yamamoto Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan
Masatomo Takahashi Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan
A publication of Mathematical Society of Japan
Singularities in Generic Geometry
Hardcover ISBN:  978-4-86497-055-6
Product Code:  ASPM/78
List Price: $97.00
AMS Member Price: $77.60
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Singularities in Generic Geometry
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Singularities in Generic Geometry
Edited by: Shyuichi Izumiya Hokkaido University, Japan
Goo Ishikawa Hokkaido University, Japan
Minoru Yamamoto Hirosaki University, Japan
Kentaro Saji Kobe University, Japan
Takahiro Yamamoto Tokyo Gakugei University, Japan
Masatomo Takahashi Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan
A publication of Mathematical Society of Japan
Hardcover ISBN:  978-4-86497-055-6
Product Code:  ASPM/78
List Price: $97.00
AMS Member Price: $77.60
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
  • Book Details
    Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics
    Volume: 782018; 486 pp
    MSC: Primary 58; Secondary 53

    This volume contains the proceedings of the workshop Singularities in Generic Geometry and Applications—Kobe–Kyoto 2015 (Valencia IV), which was held at Kobe University from June 3–6, and the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS), Kyoto University, from June 8–10, 2015. The workshop was the fourth in a series of biennial workshops. The first workshop was in Valencia, Spain, in 2009.

    The volume consists of fifteen original research articles and three survey articles by specialists in singularity theory and its applications to differential topology and differential geometry. It is highly recommended for researchers and graduate students who are interested in these areas.

    Published for the Mathematical Society of Japan by Kinokuniya, Tokyo, and distributed worldwide, except in Japan, by the AMS.

    Volumes in this series are freely available electronically 5 years post-publication.


    Graduate students and researchers interested in singularity theory.

  • Additional Material
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 782018; 486 pp
MSC: Primary 58; Secondary 53

This volume contains the proceedings of the workshop Singularities in Generic Geometry and Applications—Kobe–Kyoto 2015 (Valencia IV), which was held at Kobe University from June 3–6, and the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS), Kyoto University, from June 8–10, 2015. The workshop was the fourth in a series of biennial workshops. The first workshop was in Valencia, Spain, in 2009.

The volume consists of fifteen original research articles and three survey articles by specialists in singularity theory and its applications to differential topology and differential geometry. It is highly recommended for researchers and graduate students who are interested in these areas.

Published for the Mathematical Society of Japan by Kinokuniya, Tokyo, and distributed worldwide, except in Japan, by the AMS.

Volumes in this series are freely available electronically 5 years post-publication.


Graduate students and researchers interested in singularity theory.

Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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