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Development Of Iwasawa Theory: The Centennial of K. Iwasawa’s Birth
Edited by: Masato Kurihara Keio University, Japan
Kenichi Bannai Keio University, Japan
Tadashi Ochiai Osaka University, Japan
Takeshi Tsuji University of Tokyo, Japan
A publication of Mathematical Society of Japan
Development Of Iwasawa Theory
Hardcover ISBN:  978-4-86497-092-1
Product Code:  ASPM/86
List Price: $95.00
AMS Member Price: $76.00
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
Development Of Iwasawa Theory
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Development Of Iwasawa Theory: The Centennial of K. Iwasawa’s Birth
Edited by: Masato Kurihara Keio University, Japan
Kenichi Bannai Keio University, Japan
Tadashi Ochiai Osaka University, Japan
Takeshi Tsuji University of Tokyo, Japan
A publication of Mathematical Society of Japan
Hardcover ISBN:  978-4-86497-092-1
Product Code:  ASPM/86
List Price: $95.00
AMS Member Price: $76.00
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
  • Book Details
    Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics
    Volume: 862020; 687 pp
    MSC: Primary 11

    This volume contains the proceedings of the international conference “Iwasawa 2017”, which was held at the University of Tokyo from July 19–July 28, 2017, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Kenkichi Iwasawa's birth. In total, 236 participants attended the conference, including 98 participants from 15 countries outside Japan, and enjoyed the talks and the discussions on several themes flourishing in Iwasawa theory.

    This volume consists of three survey papers and 15 research papers submitted from the speakers and the organizers of the conference. The edtiors also included four essays on memories of Iwasawa to celebrate the centennial of Iwasawa's birth. The volume is recommended to researchers and graduate students interested in Iwasawa theory, number theory, and related fields.

    Published for the Mathematical Society of Japan by Kinokuniya, Tokyo, and distributed worldwide, except in Japan, by the AMS.

    Volumes in this series are freely available electronically 5 years post-publication.


    Graduate students and research mathematicians.

  • Additional Material
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 862020; 687 pp
MSC: Primary 11

This volume contains the proceedings of the international conference “Iwasawa 2017”, which was held at the University of Tokyo from July 19–July 28, 2017, to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Kenkichi Iwasawa's birth. In total, 236 participants attended the conference, including 98 participants from 15 countries outside Japan, and enjoyed the talks and the discussions on several themes flourishing in Iwasawa theory.

This volume consists of three survey papers and 15 research papers submitted from the speakers and the organizers of the conference. The edtiors also included four essays on memories of Iwasawa to celebrate the centennial of Iwasawa's birth. The volume is recommended to researchers and graduate students interested in Iwasawa theory, number theory, and related fields.

Published for the Mathematical Society of Japan by Kinokuniya, Tokyo, and distributed worldwide, except in Japan, by the AMS.

Volumes in this series are freely available electronically 5 years post-publication.


Graduate students and research mathematicians.

Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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