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Knot Theory
Knot Theory
MAA Press: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
eBook ISBN:  978-1-61444-023-9
Product Code:  CAR/24.E
List Price: $55.00
MAA Member Price: $41.25
AMS Member Price: $41.25
Knot Theory
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Knot Theory
MAA Press: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
eBook ISBN:  978-1-61444-023-9
Product Code:  CAR/24.E
List Price: $55.00
MAA Member Price: $41.25
AMS Member Price: $41.25
  • Book Details
    The Carus Mathematical Monographs
    Volume: 241993; 240 pp

    Knot Theory, a lively exposition of the mathematics of knotting, will appeal to a diverse audience from the undergraduate seeking experience outside the traditional range of studies to mathematicians wanting a leisurely introduction to the subject. Graduate students beginning a program of advanced study will find a worthwhile overview, and the reader will need no training beyond linear algebra to understand the mathematics presented. The interplay between topology and algebra, known as algebraic topology, arises early in the book when tools from linear algebra and from basic group theory are introduced to study the properties of knots.

    Livingston guides readers through a general survey of the topic showing how to use the techniques of linear algebra to address some sophisticated problems, including one of mathematics's most beautiful topics—symmetry. The book closes with a discussion of high-dimensional knot theory and a presentation of some of the recent advances in the subject—the Conway, Jones, and Kauffman polynomials. A supplementary section presents the fundamental group which is a centerpiece of algebraic topology.

  • Table of Contents
    • Chapters
    • Chapter 1. A century of knot theory
    • Chapter 2. What is a knot?
    • Chapter 3. Combinatorial techniques
    • Chapter 4. Geometric techniques
    • Chapter 5. Algebraic techniques
    • Chapter 6. Geometry, algebra, and the Alexander polynomial
    • Chapter 7. Numerical invariants
    • Chapter 8. Symmetries of knots
    • Chapter 9. High-dimensional knot theory
    • Chapter 10. New combinatorial techniques
  • Reviews
    • The author makes it clear that there are many unanswered questions still lying around. This may have the effect of attracting students into the field, but, more importantly, any student reading the book can see the interconnectedness and open-endedness of knot theory in very concrete terms and, hence, appreciate better the interconnectedness and open-endedness of mathematics as a whole.

      William Dunbar, Mathematical Reviews
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 241993; 240 pp

Knot Theory, a lively exposition of the mathematics of knotting, will appeal to a diverse audience from the undergraduate seeking experience outside the traditional range of studies to mathematicians wanting a leisurely introduction to the subject. Graduate students beginning a program of advanced study will find a worthwhile overview, and the reader will need no training beyond linear algebra to understand the mathematics presented. The interplay between topology and algebra, known as algebraic topology, arises early in the book when tools from linear algebra and from basic group theory are introduced to study the properties of knots.

Livingston guides readers through a general survey of the topic showing how to use the techniques of linear algebra to address some sophisticated problems, including one of mathematics's most beautiful topics—symmetry. The book closes with a discussion of high-dimensional knot theory and a presentation of some of the recent advances in the subject—the Conway, Jones, and Kauffman polynomials. A supplementary section presents the fundamental group which is a centerpiece of algebraic topology.

  • Chapters
  • Chapter 1. A century of knot theory
  • Chapter 2. What is a knot?
  • Chapter 3. Combinatorial techniques
  • Chapter 4. Geometric techniques
  • Chapter 5. Algebraic techniques
  • Chapter 6. Geometry, algebra, and the Alexander polynomial
  • Chapter 7. Numerical invariants
  • Chapter 8. Symmetries of knots
  • Chapter 9. High-dimensional knot theory
  • Chapter 10. New combinatorial techniques
  • The author makes it clear that there are many unanswered questions still lying around. This may have the effect of attracting students into the field, but, more importantly, any student reading the book can see the interconnectedness and open-endedness of knot theory in very concrete terms and, hence, appreciate better the interconnectedness and open-endedness of mathematics as a whole.

    William Dunbar, Mathematical Reviews
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Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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