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Fitting Smooth Functions to Data
Charles Fefferman Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Arie Israel University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
A co-publication of the AMS and CBMS
Fitting Smooth Functions to Data
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-6130-0
Product Code:  CBMS/135
List Price: $59.00
MAA Member Price: $53.10
AMS Member Price: $47.20
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-6263-5
Product Code:  CBMS/135.E
List Price: $59.00
MAA Member Price: $53.10
AMS Member Price: $47.20
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-6130-0
eBook: ISBN:  978-1-4704-6263-5
Product Code:  CBMS/135.B
List Price: $118.00 $88.50
MAA Member Price: $106.20 $79.65
AMS Member Price: $94.40 $70.80
Fitting Smooth Functions to Data
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Fitting Smooth Functions to Data
Charles Fefferman Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Arie Israel University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX
A co-publication of the AMS and CBMS
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-6130-0
Product Code:  CBMS/135
List Price: $59.00
MAA Member Price: $53.10
AMS Member Price: $47.20
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-6263-5
Product Code:  CBMS/135.E
List Price: $59.00
MAA Member Price: $53.10
AMS Member Price: $47.20
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-6130-0
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-6263-5
Product Code:  CBMS/135.B
List Price: $118.00 $88.50
MAA Member Price: $106.20 $79.65
AMS Member Price: $94.40 $70.80
  • Book Details
    CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics
    Volume: 1352020; 160 pp
    MSC: Primary 41; 42; 52; 65

    This book is an introductory text that charts the recent developments in the area of Whitney-type extension problems and the mathematical aspects of interpolation of data. It provides a detailed tour of a new and active area of mathematical research. In each section, the authors focus on a different key insight in the theory. The book motivates the more technical aspects of the theory through a set of illustrative examples. The results include the solution of Whitney's problem, an efficient algorithm for a finite version, and analogues for Hölder and Sobolev spaces in place of \(C^{m}\).

    The target audience consists of graduate students and junior faculty in mathematics and computer science who are familiar with point set topology, as well as measure and integration theory. The book is based on lectures presented at the CBMS regional workshop held at the University of Texas at Austin in the summer of 2019.


    Graduate students and researchers interested in Whitney extension and interpolation problems.

  • Table of Contents
    • Chapters
    • Overview
    • Whitney’s Extension Theorem
    • $C^m$ Interpolation for Finite Data
    • The Classical Whitney Extension Problem
    • Extension and Interpolation in Sobolev Spaces
    • Vector-Valued Functions
    • Open Problems
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 1352020; 160 pp
MSC: Primary 41; 42; 52; 65

This book is an introductory text that charts the recent developments in the area of Whitney-type extension problems and the mathematical aspects of interpolation of data. It provides a detailed tour of a new and active area of mathematical research. In each section, the authors focus on a different key insight in the theory. The book motivates the more technical aspects of the theory through a set of illustrative examples. The results include the solution of Whitney's problem, an efficient algorithm for a finite version, and analogues for Hölder and Sobolev spaces in place of \(C^{m}\).

The target audience consists of graduate students and junior faculty in mathematics and computer science who are familiar with point set topology, as well as measure and integration theory. The book is based on lectures presented at the CBMS regional workshop held at the University of Texas at Austin in the summer of 2019.


Graduate students and researchers interested in Whitney extension and interpolation problems.

  • Chapters
  • Overview
  • Whitney’s Extension Theorem
  • $C^m$ Interpolation for Finite Data
  • The Classical Whitney Extension Problem
  • Extension and Interpolation in Sobolev Spaces
  • Vector-Valued Functions
  • Open Problems
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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