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Measure and Integration
Measure and Integration
AMS Chelsea Publishing: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-5328-3
Product Code:  CHEL/241.H
List Price: $69.00
MAA Member Price: $62.10
AMS Member Price: $62.10
Measure and Integration
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Measure and Integration
AMS Chelsea Publishing: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-5328-3
Product Code:  CHEL/241.H
List Price: $69.00
MAA Member Price: $62.10
AMS Member Price: $62.10
  • Book Details
    AMS Chelsea Publishing
    Volume: 2411965; 332 pp
    MSC: Primary 28

    This highly flexible text is organized into two parts: Part I is suitable for a one-semester course at the first-year graduate level, and the book as a whole is suitable for a full-year course.

    Part I treats the theory of measure and integration over abstract measure spaces. Prerequisites are a familiarity with epsilon-delta arguments and with the language of naive set theory (union, intersection, function). The fundamental theorems of the subject are derived from first principles, with details in full. Highlights include convergence theorems (monotone, dominated), completeness of classical function spaces (Riesz-Fischer theorem), product measures (Fubini's theorem), and signed measures (Radon-Nikodym theorem).

    Part II is more specialized; it includes regular measures on locally compact spaces, the Riesz-Markoff theorem on the measure-theoretic representation of positive linear forms, and Haar measure on a locally compact group. The group algebra of a locally compact group is constructed in the last chapter, by an especially transparent method that minimizes measure-theoretic difficulties. Prerequisites for Part II include Part I plus a course in general topology.

    To quote from the Preface:

    “Finally, I am under no illusions as to originality, for the subject of measure theory is an old one which has been worked over by many experts. My contribution can only be in selection, arrangement, and emphasis. I am deeply indebted to Paul R. Halmos, from whose textbook I first studied measure theory; I hope that these pages may reflect their debt to his book without seeming to be almost everywhere equal to it.”


    Graduate students interested in teaching and learning the theory of measure and integration.

  • Additional Material
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 2411965; 332 pp
MSC: Primary 28

This highly flexible text is organized into two parts: Part I is suitable for a one-semester course at the first-year graduate level, and the book as a whole is suitable for a full-year course.

Part I treats the theory of measure and integration over abstract measure spaces. Prerequisites are a familiarity with epsilon-delta arguments and with the language of naive set theory (union, intersection, function). The fundamental theorems of the subject are derived from first principles, with details in full. Highlights include convergence theorems (monotone, dominated), completeness of classical function spaces (Riesz-Fischer theorem), product measures (Fubini's theorem), and signed measures (Radon-Nikodym theorem).

Part II is more specialized; it includes regular measures on locally compact spaces, the Riesz-Markoff theorem on the measure-theoretic representation of positive linear forms, and Haar measure on a locally compact group. The group algebra of a locally compact group is constructed in the last chapter, by an especially transparent method that minimizes measure-theoretic difficulties. Prerequisites for Part II include Part I plus a course in general topology.

To quote from the Preface:

“Finally, I am under no illusions as to originality, for the subject of measure theory is an old one which has been worked over by many experts. My contribution can only be in selection, arrangement, and emphasis. I am deeply indebted to Paul R. Halmos, from whose textbook I first studied measure theory; I hope that these pages may reflect their debt to his book without seeming to be almost everywhere equal to it.”


Graduate students interested in teaching and learning the theory of measure and integration.

Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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