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Introduction to Riemann Surfaces: Second Edition
Introduction to Riemann Surfaces
AMS Chelsea Publishing: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-3156-4
Product Code:  CHEL/313.H
List Price: $69.00
MAA Member Price: $62.10
AMS Member Price: $62.10
Introduction to Riemann Surfaces
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Introduction to Riemann Surfaces: Second Edition
AMS Chelsea Publishing: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-3156-4
Product Code:  CHEL/313.H
List Price: $69.00
MAA Member Price: $62.10
AMS Member Price: $62.10
  • Book Details
    AMS Chelsea Publishing
    Volume: 3131981; 309 pp
    MSC: Primary 30

    This well-known book is a self-contained treatment of the classical theory of abstract Riemann surfaces. The first five chapters cover the requisite function theory and topology for Riemann surfaces. The second five chapters cover differentials and uniformization. For compact Riemann surfaces, there are clear treatments of divisors, Weierstrass points, the Riemann-Roch theorem and other important topics.

    Springer's book is an excellent text for an introductory course on Riemann surfaces. It includes exercises after each chapter and is illustrated with a beautiful set of figures.

  • Reviews
    • Written with unusual clearness. As in the Introduction, which outlines the whole book, similar [outlines] appear in each chapter ... a modern treatment in a self-contained manner with a minimum assumption of knowledge. He is most successful in this magnificent project ... It is highly recommended.

      American Mathematical Monthly
    • The book is written specifically with graduate (and advanced undergraduate) students in mind. There are no prerequisites beyond standard first courses in complex variables, real variables, and algebra. What is needed of topology and Hilbert space theory is derived from the beginning. Concepts and theorems are illuminated by examples and excellent figures, proofs are clarified by heuristic remarks, and the inventiveness of even the good student is challenged by a well chosen problem collection. The style, while very readable, never becomes "insultingly simple" and even the specialist can derive pleasure from reviewing basic material in a well-organized form.

      Mathematical Reviews
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 3131981; 309 pp
MSC: Primary 30

This well-known book is a self-contained treatment of the classical theory of abstract Riemann surfaces. The first five chapters cover the requisite function theory and topology for Riemann surfaces. The second five chapters cover differentials and uniformization. For compact Riemann surfaces, there are clear treatments of divisors, Weierstrass points, the Riemann-Roch theorem and other important topics.

Springer's book is an excellent text for an introductory course on Riemann surfaces. It includes exercises after each chapter and is illustrated with a beautiful set of figures.

  • Written with unusual clearness. As in the Introduction, which outlines the whole book, similar [outlines] appear in each chapter ... a modern treatment in a self-contained manner with a minimum assumption of knowledge. He is most successful in this magnificent project ... It is highly recommended.

    American Mathematical Monthly
  • The book is written specifically with graduate (and advanced undergraduate) students in mind. There are no prerequisites beyond standard first courses in complex variables, real variables, and algebra. What is needed of topology and Hilbert space theory is derived from the beginning. Concepts and theorems are illuminated by examples and excellent figures, proofs are clarified by heuristic remarks, and the inventiveness of even the good student is challenged by a well chosen problem collection. The style, while very readable, never becomes "insultingly simple" and even the specialist can derive pleasure from reviewing basic material in a well-organized form.

    Mathematical Reviews
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Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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