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Einführung in die Determinantentheorie: einschliesslich der Fredholmschen Determinanten
Einfuhrung in die Determinantentheorie: einschliesslich der Fredholmschen Determinanten
AMS Chelsea Publishing: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8284-0039-8
Product Code:  CHEL/39
List Price: $69.00
MAA Member Price: $62.10
AMS Member Price: $62.10
Einfuhrung in die Determinantentheorie: einschliesslich der Fredholmschen Determinanten
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Einführung in die Determinantentheorie: einschliesslich der Fredholmschen Determinanten
AMS Chelsea Publishing: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8284-0039-8
Product Code:  CHEL/39
List Price: $69.00
MAA Member Price: $62.10
AMS Member Price: $62.10
  • Book Details
    AMS Chelsea Publishing
    Volume: 391945; 320 pp
    MSC: Primary 15; Secondary 11

    This is the third edition of Kowalewski's classic treatise on determinants. The majority of the book concerns properties of determinants of matrices, including special families of matrices, such as symmetric or orthogonal matrices. A main chapter covers the applications to linear and quadratic forms. Kowalewski then turns his attention to matrices associated to one or more functions. An example of such is the Wronskian of a collection of \(n\) functions of one variable, which is connected with the theory of \(n\)th-order ordinary differential equations. Another key example is that of the Fredholm determinant and the associated minors, which are important in Hilbert's approach to the solution of linear integral equations. The third edition finishes with a newly added chapter on elementary divisor theory.

  • Reviews
    • [A] classic in its field ... excellent treatise ... remarkably elegant and lucid ... Open the book where you will and you will find yourself in the midst of a live question having vital connections with other live branches of mathematics ... The choice of subjects ... has been guided by a true sense of values, not by a mere love of formal developments ... The detailed exposition of the proof is always good and frequently a model of clearness and conciseness; it is evident that we have to deal with a writer whose expositionary powers are of the first order.

      Bulletin of the AMS
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 391945; 320 pp
MSC: Primary 15; Secondary 11

This is the third edition of Kowalewski's classic treatise on determinants. The majority of the book concerns properties of determinants of matrices, including special families of matrices, such as symmetric or orthogonal matrices. A main chapter covers the applications to linear and quadratic forms. Kowalewski then turns his attention to matrices associated to one or more functions. An example of such is the Wronskian of a collection of \(n\) functions of one variable, which is connected with the theory of \(n\)th-order ordinary differential equations. Another key example is that of the Fredholm determinant and the associated minors, which are important in Hilbert's approach to the solution of linear integral equations. The third edition finishes with a newly added chapter on elementary divisor theory.

  • [A] classic in its field ... excellent treatise ... remarkably elegant and lucid ... Open the book where you will and you will find yourself in the midst of a live question having vital connections with other live branches of mathematics ... The choice of subjects ... has been guided by a true sense of values, not by a mere love of formal developments ... The detailed exposition of the proof is always good and frequently a model of clearness and conciseness; it is evident that we have to deal with a writer whose expositionary powers are of the first order.

    Bulletin of the AMS
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