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Exploring Math: Nine Hands-on, Eye-opening Lab Projects
Edited by: Marco Abrate Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
Francesca Ceragioli Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
Marco Morandotti Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
Maria Luisa Spreafico University of Milan, Milan, Italy
MAA Press: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-7703-5
Product Code:  CLRM/75
List Price: $59.00
MAA Member Price: $44.25
AMS Member Price: $44.25
Not yet published - Preorder Now!
Expected availability date: May 04, 2025
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-8023-3
Product Code:  CLRM/75.E
List Price: $59.00
MAA Member Price: $44.25
AMS Member Price: $44.25
Not yet published - Preorder Now!
Expected availability date: May 04, 2025
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-7703-5
eBook: ISBN:  978-1-4704-8023-3
Product Code:  CLRM/75.B
List Price: $118.00 $88.50
MAA Member Price: $88.50 $66.38
AMS Member Price: $88.50 $66.38
Not yet published - Preorder Now!
Expected availability date: May 04, 2025
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Exploring Math: Nine Hands-on, Eye-opening Lab Projects
Edited by: Marco Abrate Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
Francesca Ceragioli Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
Marco Morandotti Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
Maria Luisa Spreafico University of Milan, Milan, Italy
MAA Press: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-7703-5
Product Code:  CLRM/75
List Price: $59.00
MAA Member Price: $44.25
AMS Member Price: $44.25
Not yet published - Preorder Now!
Expected availability date: May 04, 2025
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-8023-3
Product Code:  CLRM/75.E
List Price: $59.00
MAA Member Price: $44.25
AMS Member Price: $44.25
Not yet published - Preorder Now!
Expected availability date: May 04, 2025
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-7703-5
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-8023-3
Product Code:  CLRM/75.B
List Price: $118.00 $88.50
MAA Member Price: $88.50 $66.38
AMS Member Price: $88.50 $66.38
Not yet published - Preorder Now!
Expected availability date: May 04, 2025
  • Book Details
    Classroom Resource Materials
    Volume: 752025; Estimated: 158 pp
    MSC: Primary 97

    This book provides an engaging collection of classroom projects which promote active-learning opportunities for high school and university students. Each of the nine labs is connected to a real-world problem and is designed to facilitate group work. The topics covered are varied, ranging from origami and geographic maps to the shape of bridges and algorithms used on internet searches.

    Each module begins with a brief account of the underlying mathematics as well as an outline of the activity. A detailed description of the lab is then provided, as well as helpful educational considerations which add further information and context to the activity. As they participate in the modules, students are introduced to mathematical concepts from areas such as elementary logic, calculus, linear algebra, and geometry.

    The material is versatile enough that it can be adapted to different groups of students, depending on their backgrounds. The experimental, hands-on nature of the activities makes them suitable not just for mathematics students, but also those majoring in subjects such as physics and engineering. Though each lab is designed to be standalone, this volume could also be used as the basis of a course in experimental mathematics.


    Undergraduate students and their instructors interested in introducing active learning into their courses.

  • Table of Contents
    • M. L. Spreafico and F. Ceragioli — Reflecting on mathematical language through paper folding
    • M. Abrate — Logarithmic scales and the slide rule
    • L. Lussardi — Minimum and maximum problems in nature
    • F. Ceragioli, A. Falocchi, and F. Marcon — Bridges and derivatives
    • L. Damonte and L. Massai — Matrix, at the core of the web
    • M. Morandotti — Billiards, dynamical systems, and fractals
    • M. Abrate and M. L. Spreafico — Plane curves and how to trace them
    • M. L. Spreafico and F. Ceragioli — A quick look at surfaces
    • A. Boralevi — Math & maps: The role of mathematics in drawing and coloring maps
    • Index
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 752025; Estimated: 158 pp
MSC: Primary 97

This book provides an engaging collection of classroom projects which promote active-learning opportunities for high school and university students. Each of the nine labs is connected to a real-world problem and is designed to facilitate group work. The topics covered are varied, ranging from origami and geographic maps to the shape of bridges and algorithms used on internet searches.

Each module begins with a brief account of the underlying mathematics as well as an outline of the activity. A detailed description of the lab is then provided, as well as helpful educational considerations which add further information and context to the activity. As they participate in the modules, students are introduced to mathematical concepts from areas such as elementary logic, calculus, linear algebra, and geometry.

The material is versatile enough that it can be adapted to different groups of students, depending on their backgrounds. The experimental, hands-on nature of the activities makes them suitable not just for mathematics students, but also those majoring in subjects such as physics and engineering. Though each lab is designed to be standalone, this volume could also be used as the basis of a course in experimental mathematics.


Undergraduate students and their instructors interested in introducing active learning into their courses.

  • M. L. Spreafico and F. Ceragioli — Reflecting on mathematical language through paper folding
  • M. Abrate — Logarithmic scales and the slide rule
  • L. Lussardi — Minimum and maximum problems in nature
  • F. Ceragioli, A. Falocchi, and F. Marcon — Bridges and derivatives
  • L. Damonte and L. Massai — Matrix, at the core of the web
  • M. Morandotti — Billiards, dynamical systems, and fractals
  • M. Abrate and M. L. Spreafico — Plane curves and how to trace them
  • M. L. Spreafico and F. Ceragioli — A quick look at surfaces
  • A. Boralevi — Math & maps: The role of mathematics in drawing and coloring maps
  • Index
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