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1980 Seminar on Harmonic Analysis
Edited by:
Carl Herz
A co-publication of the AMS and Canadian Mathematical Society

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1980 Seminar on Harmonic Analysis
Edited by:
Carl Herz
A co-publication of the AMS and Canadian Mathematical Society
This title is not currently available
Book DetailsConference Proceedings, Canadian Mathematical SocietyVolume: 1; 1981; 313 ppMSC: Primary 43; Secondary 22; 42
Titles in this series are copublished with the Canadian Mathematical Society. Members of the Canadian Mathematical Society may order at the AMS member price.
- Book Details
Volume: 1; 1981; 313 pp
MSC: Primary 43; Secondary 22; 42
Titles in this series are copublished with the Canadian Mathematical Society. Members of the Canadian Mathematical Society may order at the AMS member price.
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