eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7726-5 |
Product Code: | CONM/135.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |

eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7726-5 |
Product Code: | CONM/135.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Book DetailsContemporary MathematicsVolume: 135; 1992; 452 ppMSC: Primary 28; 54; Secondary 58; 60
This volume contains the proceedings of the conference, Symbolic Dynamics and its Applications, held at Yale University in the summer of 1991 in honor of Roy L. Adler on his sixtieth birthday. The conference focused on symbolic dynamics and its applications to other fields, including ergodic theory, smooth dynamical systems, information theory, automata theory, and statistical mechanics. One hundred thirty-nine participants attended from thirteen countries, representing mathematics, applied mathematics, electrical engineering, and physics departments in universities and in industry. Featuring a range of contributions from some of the leaders in the field, this volume presents an excellent overview of the subject.
ReadershipErgodic theorists, topological dynamicists, and workers on data storage and transmission.
Table of Contents
Roy L. Adler — The torus and the disk [ MR 1185077 ]
Benjamin Weiss — On the work of Roy Adler in ergodic theory and dynamical systems [ MR 1185078 ]
Brian Marcus — The impact of Roy Adler’s work on symbolic dynamics and applications to data storage (or “The Roy Adler story, Part II”) [ MR 1185079 ]
Jonathan Ashley — LR conjugacies of shifts of finite type are uniquely so [ MR 1185080 ]
Chris Bernhardt and Ethan M. Coven — A polynomial-time algorithm for deciding the forcing relation on cyclic permutations [ MR 1185081 ]
F. Blanchard — Fully positive topological entropy and topological mixing [ MR 1185082 ]
Mike Boyle — The stochastic shift equivalence conjecture is false [ MR 1185083 ]
Annie Broglio and Pierre Liardet — Predictions with automata [ MR 1185084 ]
Doris Fiebig — Common closing extensions and finitary regular isomorphism for synchronized systems [ MR 1185085 ]
Doris Fiebig and Ulf-Rainer Fiebig — Covers for coded systems [ MR 1185086 ]
Leopold Flatto — $Z$-numbers and $\beta $-transformations [ MR 1185087 ]
M. Jakobson — Quasisymmetric conjugacies for some one-dimensional maps inducing expansion [ MR 1185088 ]
Jean-Marc Gambaudo and Charles Tresser — A monotonicity property in one-dimensional dynamics [ MR 1185089 ]
David Handelman — Finiteness of conjugacy classes of restricted block upper triangular matrices [ MR 1185090 ]
David Handelman — Polynomials with a positive power [ MR 1185091 ]
David Handelman — Spectral radii of primitive integral companion matrices and log concave polynomials [ MR 1185092 ]
Richard Kenyon — Self-replicating tilings [ MR 1185093 ]
Bruce Kitchens and Klaus Schmidt — Markov subgroups of $({\bf Z}/2{\bf Z})^{{\bf Z}^2}$ [ MR 1185094 ]
François Ledrappier — On the dimension of some graphs [ MR 1185095 ]
Dominique Perrin and Marcel-Paul Schützenberger — Synchronizing prefix codes and automata and the road coloring problem [ MR 1185096 ]
Shahar Mozes — A zero entropy, mixing of all orders tiling system [ MR 1185097 ]
William Parry — A cocycle equation for shifts [ MR 1185098 ]
William Parry — In general a degree two map is an automorphism [ MR 1185099 ]
Charles Radin — ${\bf Z}^n$ versus ${\bf Z}$ actions for systems of finite type [ MR 1185100 ]
Frank Rhodes — Principal vectors of commuting block maps [ MR 1185101 ]
Ibrahim A. Salama — On the recurrence of countable topological Markov chains [ MR 1185102 ]
Boris Solomyak — Substitutions, adic transformations, and beta-expansions [ MR 1185103 ]
Meir Smorodinsky — Finitary isomorphism of $m$-dependent processes [ MR 1185104 ]
Paul Trow — Constant-to-one factor maps and dimension groups [ MR 1185105 ]
Selim Tuncel — Faces of Markov chains and matrices of polynomials [ MR 1185106 ]
J. B. Wagoner — Classification of subshifts of finite type revisited [ MR 1185107 ]
R. F. Williams — Strong shift equivalence of matrices in ${\rm GL}(2,{\bf Z})$ [ MR 1185108 ]
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- Table of Contents
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This volume contains the proceedings of the conference, Symbolic Dynamics and its Applications, held at Yale University in the summer of 1991 in honor of Roy L. Adler on his sixtieth birthday. The conference focused on symbolic dynamics and its applications to other fields, including ergodic theory, smooth dynamical systems, information theory, automata theory, and statistical mechanics. One hundred thirty-nine participants attended from thirteen countries, representing mathematics, applied mathematics, electrical engineering, and physics departments in universities and in industry. Featuring a range of contributions from some of the leaders in the field, this volume presents an excellent overview of the subject.
Ergodic theorists, topological dynamicists, and workers on data storage and transmission.
Roy L. Adler — The torus and the disk [ MR 1185077 ]
Benjamin Weiss — On the work of Roy Adler in ergodic theory and dynamical systems [ MR 1185078 ]
Brian Marcus — The impact of Roy Adler’s work on symbolic dynamics and applications to data storage (or “The Roy Adler story, Part II”) [ MR 1185079 ]
Jonathan Ashley — LR conjugacies of shifts of finite type are uniquely so [ MR 1185080 ]
Chris Bernhardt and Ethan M. Coven — A polynomial-time algorithm for deciding the forcing relation on cyclic permutations [ MR 1185081 ]
F. Blanchard — Fully positive topological entropy and topological mixing [ MR 1185082 ]
Mike Boyle — The stochastic shift equivalence conjecture is false [ MR 1185083 ]
Annie Broglio and Pierre Liardet — Predictions with automata [ MR 1185084 ]
Doris Fiebig — Common closing extensions and finitary regular isomorphism for synchronized systems [ MR 1185085 ]
Doris Fiebig and Ulf-Rainer Fiebig — Covers for coded systems [ MR 1185086 ]
Leopold Flatto — $Z$-numbers and $\beta $-transformations [ MR 1185087 ]
M. Jakobson — Quasisymmetric conjugacies for some one-dimensional maps inducing expansion [ MR 1185088 ]
Jean-Marc Gambaudo and Charles Tresser — A monotonicity property in one-dimensional dynamics [ MR 1185089 ]
David Handelman — Finiteness of conjugacy classes of restricted block upper triangular matrices [ MR 1185090 ]
David Handelman — Polynomials with a positive power [ MR 1185091 ]
David Handelman — Spectral radii of primitive integral companion matrices and log concave polynomials [ MR 1185092 ]
Richard Kenyon — Self-replicating tilings [ MR 1185093 ]
Bruce Kitchens and Klaus Schmidt — Markov subgroups of $({\bf Z}/2{\bf Z})^{{\bf Z}^2}$ [ MR 1185094 ]
François Ledrappier — On the dimension of some graphs [ MR 1185095 ]
Dominique Perrin and Marcel-Paul Schützenberger — Synchronizing prefix codes and automata and the road coloring problem [ MR 1185096 ]
Shahar Mozes — A zero entropy, mixing of all orders tiling system [ MR 1185097 ]
William Parry — A cocycle equation for shifts [ MR 1185098 ]
William Parry — In general a degree two map is an automorphism [ MR 1185099 ]
Charles Radin — ${\bf Z}^n$ versus ${\bf Z}$ actions for systems of finite type [ MR 1185100 ]
Frank Rhodes — Principal vectors of commuting block maps [ MR 1185101 ]
Ibrahim A. Salama — On the recurrence of countable topological Markov chains [ MR 1185102 ]
Boris Solomyak — Substitutions, adic transformations, and beta-expansions [ MR 1185103 ]
Meir Smorodinsky — Finitary isomorphism of $m$-dependent processes [ MR 1185104 ]
Paul Trow — Constant-to-one factor maps and dimension groups [ MR 1185105 ]
Selim Tuncel — Faces of Markov chains and matrices of polynomials [ MR 1185106 ]
J. B. Wagoner — Classification of subshifts of finite type revisited [ MR 1185107 ]
R. F. Williams — Strong shift equivalence of matrices in ${\rm GL}(2,{\bf Z})$ [ MR 1185108 ]