Softcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-5147-0 |
Product Code: | CONM/137 |
List Price: | $130.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $117.00 |
AMS Member Price: | $104.00 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7728-9 |
Product Code: | CONM/137.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Softcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-5147-0 |
eBook: ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7728-9 |
Product Code: | CONM/137.B |
List Price: | $255.00 $192.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $229.50 $173.25 |
AMS Member Price: | $204.00 $154.00 |

Softcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-5147-0 |
Product Code: | CONM/137 |
List Price: | $130.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $117.00 |
AMS Member Price: | $104.00 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7728-9 |
Product Code: | CONM/137.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Softcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-5147-0 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7728-9 |
Product Code: | CONM/137.B |
List Price: | $255.00 $192.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $229.50 $173.25 |
AMS Member Price: | $204.00 $154.00 |
Book DetailsContemporary MathematicsVolume: 137; 1992; 478 ppMSC: Primary 30; 32; Secondary 42; 47
This volume contains the proceedings of a Symposium on Complex Analysis, held at the University of Wisconsin at Madison in June 1991 on the occasion of the retirement of Walter Rudin. During the week of the conference, a group of about 200 mathematicians from many nations gathered to discuss recent developments in complex analysis and to celebrate Rudin's long and productive career. Among the main subjects covered are applications of complex analysis to operator theory, polynomial convexity, holomorphic mappings, boundary behavior of holomorphic functions, function theory on the unit disk and ball, and some aspects of the theory of partial differential equations related to complex analysis. Containing papers by some of the world's leading experts in these subjects, this book reports on current directions in complex analysis and presents an excellent mixture of the analytic and geometric aspects of the theory.
ReadershipAdvanced graduate students and researchers in complex analysis and related subjects.
Table of Contents
Patrick Ahern and Walter Rudin — Hulls of $3$-spheres in ${\bf C}^3$ [ MR 1190966 ]
H. Alexander — On the totally real spheres of Ahern and Rudin and Weinstein [ MR 1190967 ]
É. Amar — Dominant sets on the unit sphere of ${\bf C}^n$ [ MR 1190968 ]
S. Bell — The Cauchy transform, the Szegő projection, the Dirichlet problem, and the Ahlfors map [ MR 1190969 ]
Carlos Berenstein, Der-Chen Chang, Daniel Pascuas and Lawrence Zalcman — Variations on the theorem of Morera [ MR 1190970 ]
François Berteloot — A remark on local continuous extension of proper holomorphic mappings [ MR 1190971 ]
Thomas Bloom — A multivariable version of the Müntz-Szász theorem [ MR 1190972 ]
Joaquim Bruna and Joaquim M. Ortega — On $A^\infty $ interpolating sets lying on curves [ MR 1190973 ]
Lutz Bungart — Vanishing cup products on pseudoconvex CR manifolds [ MR 1190974 ]
Jon F. Carlson and Douglas N. Clark — Ext for Hilbert modules [ MR 1190975 ]
Der-Chen Chang, Steven G. Krantz and Elias M. Stein — Hardy spaces and elliptic boundary value problems [ MR 1190976 ]
Jacques Chaumat and Anne-Marie Chollet — Représentation intégrale de certaines classes de jets de Whitney [ MR 1190977 ]
Michael Christ — A class of hypoelliptic PDE admitting nonanalytic solutions [ MR 1190978 ]
W. C. Connett and A. L. Schwartz — Fourier analysis off groups [ MR 1190979 ]
Bernard Coupet — Uniform extendibility of automorphisms [ MR 1190980 ]
David Cruz-Uribe — The class $L\log L$ with weights [ MR 1190981 ]
John P. D’Angelo — The geometry of proper holomorphic maps between balls [ MR 1190982 ]
Peter Duren, Dmitry Khavinson, Harold S. Shapiro and Carl Sundberg — Contractive zero-divisors in Bergman spaces [ MR 1190983 ]
Frank Forelli — The theorem of F. and M. Riesz for unbounded measures [ MR 1190984 ]
Franc Forstnerič — Intersections of analytic and smooth discs [ MR 1190985 ]
John Erik Fornæss and Nessim Sibony — Critically finite rational maps on ${\bf P}^2$ [ MR 1190986 ]
Josip Globevnik — A disc in the ball approaching the boundary non-nontangentially [ MR 1190987 ]
A. Alexandrou Himonas — On hypoellipticity for sums of squares of vector fields [ MR 1190988 ]
F. Jafari — Composition operators in Bergman spaces on bounded symmetric domains [ MR 1190989 ]
Shulim Kaliman — Isotopic embeddings of affine algebraic varieties into ${\bf C}^n$ [ MR 1190990 ]
Wiesław Królikowski and Enrique Ramírez de Arellano — Polynomial solutions of the Fueter-Hurwitz equation [ MR 1190991 ]
Song-Ying Li — Corona problem of several complex variables [ MR 1190992 ]
Daowei Ma — Sharp estimates of the Kobayashi metric near strongly pseudoconvex points [ MR 1190993 ]
Peter R. Mercer — Proper maps, complex geodesics and iterates of holomorphic maps on convex domains in ${\bf C}^n$ [ MR 1190994 ]
Carl Mueller — On the polynomial hull of two balls [ MR 1190995 ]
Yasuichiro Nishimura — Analytic automorphisms of ${\bf C}^2$ which preserve the coordinate axes [ MR 1190996 ]
Mihai Putinar and Norberto Salinas — Analytic transversality and Nullstellensatz in Bergman space [ MR 1190997 ]
Jean-Pierre Rosay — On the radial maximal function and the Hardy Littlewood maximal function in wedges [ MR 1190998 ]
Mei-Chi Shaw — Local and semi-global existence theorems for $\overline \partial _b$ on CR manifolds [ MR 1190999 ]
Donald Sarason — Making an outer function from two inner functions [ MR 1191000 ]
Alexander Stanoyevitch — Arclength formulas in conformal mapping [ MR 1191001 ]
David A. Stegenga and Kenneth Stephenson — Sharp geometric estimates of the distance to VMOA [ MR 1191002 ]
Edgar Lee Stout — On the one-dimensional extension property [ MR 1191003 ]
Toma V. Tonev — Analytic $\Gamma $-almost-periodic structures in algebra spectra [ MR 1191004 ]
David C. Ullrich — Recurrence for lacunary cosine series [ MR 1191005 ]
John Wermer — Maximum modulus algebras [ MR 1191006 ]
Among the authors are some of the world's leading experts. Therefore this volume is an excellent report on current directions in complex analysis. It is a tribute to Walter Rudin in so far as much of the work contained in this book makes contact with work that he has done over the last forty years.
Monatshefte für Mathematik
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This volume contains the proceedings of a Symposium on Complex Analysis, held at the University of Wisconsin at Madison in June 1991 on the occasion of the retirement of Walter Rudin. During the week of the conference, a group of about 200 mathematicians from many nations gathered to discuss recent developments in complex analysis and to celebrate Rudin's long and productive career. Among the main subjects covered are applications of complex analysis to operator theory, polynomial convexity, holomorphic mappings, boundary behavior of holomorphic functions, function theory on the unit disk and ball, and some aspects of the theory of partial differential equations related to complex analysis. Containing papers by some of the world's leading experts in these subjects, this book reports on current directions in complex analysis and presents an excellent mixture of the analytic and geometric aspects of the theory.
Advanced graduate students and researchers in complex analysis and related subjects.
Patrick Ahern and Walter Rudin — Hulls of $3$-spheres in ${\bf C}^3$ [ MR 1190966 ]
H. Alexander — On the totally real spheres of Ahern and Rudin and Weinstein [ MR 1190967 ]
É. Amar — Dominant sets on the unit sphere of ${\bf C}^n$ [ MR 1190968 ]
S. Bell — The Cauchy transform, the Szegő projection, the Dirichlet problem, and the Ahlfors map [ MR 1190969 ]
Carlos Berenstein, Der-Chen Chang, Daniel Pascuas and Lawrence Zalcman — Variations on the theorem of Morera [ MR 1190970 ]
François Berteloot — A remark on local continuous extension of proper holomorphic mappings [ MR 1190971 ]
Thomas Bloom — A multivariable version of the Müntz-Szász theorem [ MR 1190972 ]
Joaquim Bruna and Joaquim M. Ortega — On $A^\infty $ interpolating sets lying on curves [ MR 1190973 ]
Lutz Bungart — Vanishing cup products on pseudoconvex CR manifolds [ MR 1190974 ]
Jon F. Carlson and Douglas N. Clark — Ext for Hilbert modules [ MR 1190975 ]
Der-Chen Chang, Steven G. Krantz and Elias M. Stein — Hardy spaces and elliptic boundary value problems [ MR 1190976 ]
Jacques Chaumat and Anne-Marie Chollet — Représentation intégrale de certaines classes de jets de Whitney [ MR 1190977 ]
Michael Christ — A class of hypoelliptic PDE admitting nonanalytic solutions [ MR 1190978 ]
W. C. Connett and A. L. Schwartz — Fourier analysis off groups [ MR 1190979 ]
Bernard Coupet — Uniform extendibility of automorphisms [ MR 1190980 ]
David Cruz-Uribe — The class $L\log L$ with weights [ MR 1190981 ]
John P. D’Angelo — The geometry of proper holomorphic maps between balls [ MR 1190982 ]
Peter Duren, Dmitry Khavinson, Harold S. Shapiro and Carl Sundberg — Contractive zero-divisors in Bergman spaces [ MR 1190983 ]
Frank Forelli — The theorem of F. and M. Riesz for unbounded measures [ MR 1190984 ]
Franc Forstnerič — Intersections of analytic and smooth discs [ MR 1190985 ]
John Erik Fornæss and Nessim Sibony — Critically finite rational maps on ${\bf P}^2$ [ MR 1190986 ]
Josip Globevnik — A disc in the ball approaching the boundary non-nontangentially [ MR 1190987 ]
A. Alexandrou Himonas — On hypoellipticity for sums of squares of vector fields [ MR 1190988 ]
F. Jafari — Composition operators in Bergman spaces on bounded symmetric domains [ MR 1190989 ]
Shulim Kaliman — Isotopic embeddings of affine algebraic varieties into ${\bf C}^n$ [ MR 1190990 ]
Wiesław Królikowski and Enrique Ramírez de Arellano — Polynomial solutions of the Fueter-Hurwitz equation [ MR 1190991 ]
Song-Ying Li — Corona problem of several complex variables [ MR 1190992 ]
Daowei Ma — Sharp estimates of the Kobayashi metric near strongly pseudoconvex points [ MR 1190993 ]
Peter R. Mercer — Proper maps, complex geodesics and iterates of holomorphic maps on convex domains in ${\bf C}^n$ [ MR 1190994 ]
Carl Mueller — On the polynomial hull of two balls [ MR 1190995 ]
Yasuichiro Nishimura — Analytic automorphisms of ${\bf C}^2$ which preserve the coordinate axes [ MR 1190996 ]
Mihai Putinar and Norberto Salinas — Analytic transversality and Nullstellensatz in Bergman space [ MR 1190997 ]
Jean-Pierre Rosay — On the radial maximal function and the Hardy Littlewood maximal function in wedges [ MR 1190998 ]
Mei-Chi Shaw — Local and semi-global existence theorems for $\overline \partial _b$ on CR manifolds [ MR 1190999 ]
Donald Sarason — Making an outer function from two inner functions [ MR 1191000 ]
Alexander Stanoyevitch — Arclength formulas in conformal mapping [ MR 1191001 ]
David A. Stegenga and Kenneth Stephenson — Sharp geometric estimates of the distance to VMOA [ MR 1191002 ]
Edgar Lee Stout — On the one-dimensional extension property [ MR 1191003 ]
Toma V. Tonev — Analytic $\Gamma $-almost-periodic structures in algebra spectra [ MR 1191004 ]
David C. Ullrich — Recurrence for lacunary cosine series [ MR 1191005 ]
John Wermer — Maximum modulus algebras [ MR 1191006 ]
Among the authors are some of the world's leading experts. Therefore this volume is an excellent report on current directions in complex analysis. It is a tribute to Walter Rudin in so far as much of the work contained in this book makes contact with work that he has done over the last forty years.
Monatshefte für Mathematik