eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7782-1 |
Product Code: | CONM/191.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |

eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7782-1 |
Product Code: | CONM/191.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Book DetailsContemporary MathematicsVolume: 191; 1995; 254 ppMSC: Primary 22; 43
This volume is an outgrowth of the Special Session on Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis held in honor of Ray Kunze at the 889th meeting of the American Mathematical Society on January 12–15, 1994 (Cincinnati). The mathematicians who gathered together for the special session included many of Kunze's former Ph.D. students, research collaborators, and others whose work has been influenced either directly or indirectly through their associations with Kunze. As the session progressed, it became clear that the papers being presented spanned a wide spectrum of group representations and harmonic analysis and their applications that would be of interest to a more extensive audience.
ReadershipGraduate students and research mathematicians.
Table of Contents
Lawrence Corwin, Allen Moy and Paul J. Sally, Jr. — Supercuspidal character formulas for ${\rm GL}_l$ [ MR 1365530 ]
M. G. Davidson and R. C. Fabec — Geometric realizations for highest weight representations [ MR 1365531 ]
Hongming Ding — Hankel transforms and holomorphic discrete series [ MR 1365532 ]
Jacques Faraut — Fonctions sphériques sur un espace symétrique ordonné de type Cayley [ MR 1365533 ]
J. E. Gilbert, R. A. Kunze and C. Meaney — On derived intertwining norms for the Lorentz group [ MR 1365534 ]
Simon G. Gindikin — The holomorphic Cauchy-Szegő kernel for nonholomorphic discrete series representations of ${\rm SU}(2,1)$ [ MR 1365535 ]
Kenneth I. Gross — Invariant theory for boundary components [ MR 1365536 ]
Kenneth D. Johnson — Decomposition of exterior algebras [ MR 1365537 ]
Adam Korányi — On a mean value property for hyperbolic spaces [ MR 1365538 ]
John D. Lorch and Lisa A. Mantini — Inversion of an integral transform and ladder representations of ${\rm U}(1,q)$ [ MR 1365539 ]
Mark A. Pinsky — Fourier inversion in several variables—a new look at an old problem [ MR 1365540 ]
Donald St. P. Richards and Kenneth I. Gross — Total positivity, harmonic analysis and random walks on Weyl chambers [ MR 1365541 ]
Ronald J. Stanke — Covariant differential operators and derived functor modules [ MR 1365542 ]
Tuong Ton-That — Dual representations and invariant theory [ MR 1365543 ]
N. R. Wallach and M. Hunziker — On the Harish-Chandra homomorphism of invariant differential operators on a reductive Lie algebra [ MR 1365544 ]
Floyd L. Williams — Spectral zeta series of rank $1$ space forms [ MR 1365545 ]
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This volume is an outgrowth of the Special Session on Representation Theory and Harmonic Analysis held in honor of Ray Kunze at the 889th meeting of the American Mathematical Society on January 12–15, 1994 (Cincinnati). The mathematicians who gathered together for the special session included many of Kunze's former Ph.D. students, research collaborators, and others whose work has been influenced either directly or indirectly through their associations with Kunze. As the session progressed, it became clear that the papers being presented spanned a wide spectrum of group representations and harmonic analysis and their applications that would be of interest to a more extensive audience.
Graduate students and research mathematicians.
Lawrence Corwin, Allen Moy and Paul J. Sally, Jr. — Supercuspidal character formulas for ${\rm GL}_l$ [ MR 1365530 ]
M. G. Davidson and R. C. Fabec — Geometric realizations for highest weight representations [ MR 1365531 ]
Hongming Ding — Hankel transforms and holomorphic discrete series [ MR 1365532 ]
Jacques Faraut — Fonctions sphériques sur un espace symétrique ordonné de type Cayley [ MR 1365533 ]
J. E. Gilbert, R. A. Kunze and C. Meaney — On derived intertwining norms for the Lorentz group [ MR 1365534 ]
Simon G. Gindikin — The holomorphic Cauchy-Szegő kernel for nonholomorphic discrete series representations of ${\rm SU}(2,1)$ [ MR 1365535 ]
Kenneth I. Gross — Invariant theory for boundary components [ MR 1365536 ]
Kenneth D. Johnson — Decomposition of exterior algebras [ MR 1365537 ]
Adam Korányi — On a mean value property for hyperbolic spaces [ MR 1365538 ]
John D. Lorch and Lisa A. Mantini — Inversion of an integral transform and ladder representations of ${\rm U}(1,q)$ [ MR 1365539 ]
Mark A. Pinsky — Fourier inversion in several variables—a new look at an old problem [ MR 1365540 ]
Donald St. P. Richards and Kenneth I. Gross — Total positivity, harmonic analysis and random walks on Weyl chambers [ MR 1365541 ]
Ronald J. Stanke — Covariant differential operators and derived functor modules [ MR 1365542 ]
Tuong Ton-That — Dual representations and invariant theory [ MR 1365543 ]
N. R. Wallach and M. Hunziker — On the Harish-Chandra homomorphism of invariant differential operators on a reductive Lie algebra [ MR 1365544 ]
Floyd L. Williams — Spectral zeta series of rank $1$ space forms [ MR 1365545 ]