eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-1177-1 |
Product Code: | CONM/218.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |

eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-1177-1 |
Product Code: | CONM/218.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Book DetailsContemporary MathematicsVolume: 218; 1998; 554 ppMSC: Primary 65; Secondary 76
This volume contains the proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, which focused on the latest developments in realistic applications in structural mechanics, structural dynamics, computational fluid dynamics, and heat transfer. The proceedings of these conferences have become standard references in the field and contain seminal papers as well as the latest theoretical results and reports on practical applications.
This volume is divided into four parts: the first part contains invited papers (some of which survey developments over the past decade), and the other parts gather material from minisymposia and contributed presentations under three headings: Algorithms, Theory, and Applications.
ReadershipResearchers; graduate students; practitioners in scientific computing, particularly numerical solution of partial differential equations; engineers; computer scientists.
Table of Contents
Part 1. Invited Presentations [ MR 1649656 ]
Yves Achdou, Gassan Abdoulaev, Jean-Claude Hontand, Yuri A. Kuznetsov, Olivier Pironneau and Christophe Prud’homme — Nonmatching grids for fluids [ MR 1645841 ]
Timothy J. Barth, Tony F. Chan and Wei-Pai Tang — A parallel non-overlapping domain-decomposition algorithm for compressible fluid flow problems on triangulated domains [ MR 1645842 ]
Armel de La Bourdonnaye, Charbel Farhat, Antonini Macedo, Frédéric Magoulès and François-Xavier Roux — A non-overlapping domain decomposition method for the exterior Helmholtz problem [ MR 1645843 ]
Tony F. Chan, Jinchao Xu and Ludmil Zikatanov — An agglomeration multigrid method for unstructured grids [ MR 1645844 ]
Zdeněk Dostál, Ana Friedlander and Sandra A. Santos — Solution of coercive and semicoercive contact problems by FETI domain decomposition [ MR 1645845 ]
Maksymilian Dryja — An iterative substructuring method for elliptic mortar finite element problems with discontinuous coefficients [ MR 1645847 ]
Magne S. Espedal, Karl J. Hersvik and Brit G. Ersland — Domain decomposition methods for flow in heterogeneous porous media [ MR 1645848 ]
Roland Glowinski, Tsorng-Whay Pan, Todd I. Hesla, Daniel D. Joseph and Jacques Periaux — A fictitious domain method with distributed Lagrange multipliers for the numerical simulation of particulate flow [ MR 1645849 ]
Luca F. Pavarino — Domain decomposition algorithms for saddle point problems [ MR 1645850 ]
François-Xavier Roux and Charbel Farhat — Parallel implementation of direct solution strategies for the coarse grid solvers in $2$-level FETI method [ MR 1645851 ]
Yousef Saad, Maria Sosonkina and Jun Zhang — Domain decomposition and multi-level type techniques for general sparse linear systems [ MR 1645852 ]
Spencer J. Sherwin, Timothy C. E. Warburton and George Em Karniadakis — Spectral/$hp$ methods for elliptic problems on hybrid grids [ MR 1645853 ]
Mary F. Wheeler and Ivan Yotov — Physical and computational domain decompositions for modeling subsurface flows [ MR 1645854 ]
Part 2. Algorithms [ MR 1649656 ]
Ion Bică — Nonoverlapping domain decomposition algorithms for the $p$-version finite element method for elliptic problems [ MR 1645855 ]
David Dureisseix and Pierre Ladevèze — A $2$-level and mixed domain decomposition approach for structural analysis [ MR 1645856 ]
Shoichi Fujima — Iso-${\rm P}2\ {\rm P}1/{\rm P}1/{\rm P}1$ domain-decomposition/finite-element method for the Navier-Stokes equations [ MR 1645857 ]
Serge Goossens, Xiao-Chuan Cai and Dirk Roose — Overlapping nonmatching grids method: some preliminary studies [ MR 1645858 ]
Céline Grandmont and Yvon Maday — Nonconforming grids for the simulation of fluid-structure interaction [ MR 1645859 ]
Michael Griebel and Gerhard Zumbusch — Hash-storage techniques for adaptive multilevel solvers and their domain decomposition parallelization
Caroline Japhet, Frédéric Nataf and François-Xavier Roux — Extension of a coarse grid preconditioner to non-symmetric problems
Dinesh K. Kaushik, David E. Keyes and Barry F. Smith — On the interaction of architecture and algorithm in the domain-based parallelization of an unstructured-grid imcompressible flow code
Axel Klawonn — Additive domain decomposition algorithms for a class of mixed finite element methods
Catherine Lacour — Non-conforming domain decomposition method for plate and shell problems [ MR 1645863 ]
Choi-Hong Lai and Ke Chen — Solutions of boundary element equations by a flexible elimination process [ MR 1645864 ]
Michel Lesoinne and Kendall Pierson — An efficient FETI implementation on distributed shared memory machines with independent numbers of subdomains and processors
Lois C. McInnes, Romeo F. Susan-Resiga, David E. Keyes and Hafiz M. Atassi — Additive Schwarz methods with nonreflecting boundary conditions for the parallel computation of Helmholtz problems [ MR 1645865 ]
Franck Risler and Christian Rey — On the reuse of Ritz vectors for the solution to nonlinear elasticity problems by domain decomposition methods [ MR 1645866 ]
Daniel J. Rixen — Dual Schur complement method for semi-definite problems [ MR 1649629 ]
Petr Vaněk, Jan Mandel and Marian Brezina — Two-level algebraic multigrid for the Helmholtz problem
Arnt H. Veenstra, Hai Xiang Lin and Edwin A. H. Vollebregt — A comparison of scalability of different parallel iterative methods for shallow water equations [ MR 1649631 ]
Daoqi Yang — A nonoverlapping subdomain algorithm with Lagrange multipliers and its object oriented implementation for interface problems [ MR 1649632 ]
Part 3. Theory [ MR 1649656 ]
Yves Achdou and Frédéric Nataf — A Robin-Robin preconditioner for an advection-diffusion problem [ MR 1649633 ]
Frédéric Bourquin and Rabah Namar — A semi-dual mode synthesis method for plate bending vibrations [ MR 1649634 ]
Xiao-Chuan Cai, Mario A. Casarin, Frank W. Elliott, Jr. and Olof B. Widlund — Overlapping Schwarz algorithms for solving Helmholtz’s equation [ MR 1649635 ]
Philippe Chevalier and Frédéric Nataf — Symmetrized method with optimized second-order conditions for the Helmholtz equation [ MR 1649636 ]
Sébastien Clerc — Non-overlapping Schwarz method for systems of first order equations [ MR 1649637 ]
Xiaobing Feng — Interface conditions and non-overlapping domain decomposition methods for a fluid-solid interaction problem [ MR 1649638 ]
Martin J. Gander — Overlapping Schwarz waveform relaxation for parabolic problems [ MR 1649639 ]
Karl Gustafson — Domain decomposition, operator trigonometry, Robin condition
Gary Man-Kwong Hui and Howard Swann — On orthogonal polynomial bases for triangles and tetrahedra invariant under the symmetric group
Shiu Hong Lui — On Schwarz alternating methods for nonlinear elliptic problems
Padmanabhan Seshaiyer and Manil Suri — Convergence results for non-conforming $hp$ methods: The mortar finite element method
Zhongci Shi and Zhenghui Xie — Intergrid transfer operators for biharmonic problems using nonconforming plate elements on nonnested meshes [ MR 1649644 ]
Yunhai Wu, Xiao-Chuan Cai and David E. Keyes — Additive Schwarz methods for hyperbolic equations [ MR 1649645 ]
Part 4. Applications [ MR 1649656 ]
Xiao-Chuan Cai, Charbel Farhat and Marcus Sarkis — A minimum overlap restricted additive Schwarz preconditioner and applications in $3$D flow simulations [ MR 1649646 ]
Diane Crann, Alan J. Davies, Choi-Hong Lai and Swee H. Leong — Time domain decomposition for European options in financial modelling [ MR 1649647 ]
Jean-Michel Cros — Parallel modal synthesis methods in structural dynamics [ MR 1649648 ]
Georgi S. Djambazov, Choi-Hong Lai and Koulis A. Pericleous — Efficient computation of aerodynamic noise [ MR 1649649 ]
Frank-Christian Otto and Gert Lube — Non-overlapping domain decomposition applied to incompressible flow problems [ MR 1649650 ]
Charaka J. Palansuriya, Choi-Hong Lai, Constantinos S. Ierotheou and Koulis A. Pericleous — A domain decomposition based algorithm for non-linear $2$D inverse heat conduction problems [ MR 1649651 ]
Xue-Cheng Tai, Johnny Frøyen, Magne S. Espedal and Tony F. Chan — Overlapping domain decomposition and multigrid methods for inverse problems [ MR 1649652 ]
Andrea Toselli — Some results on Schwarz methods for a low-frequency approximation of time-dependent Maxwell’s equations in conductive media [ MR 1649653 ]
Robbert L. Verweij, Aris Twerda and Tim W. J. Peeters — Parallel computing for reacting flows using adaptive grid refinement [ MR 1649654 ]
Christian Wieners and Barbara I. Wohlmuth — The coupling of mixed and conforming finite element discretizations [ MR 1649655 ]
Experienced researchers would find these proceedings very useful. In particular, various new applications and new algorithms can be found here.
SIAM Review
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This volume contains the proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, which focused on the latest developments in realistic applications in structural mechanics, structural dynamics, computational fluid dynamics, and heat transfer. The proceedings of these conferences have become standard references in the field and contain seminal papers as well as the latest theoretical results and reports on practical applications.
This volume is divided into four parts: the first part contains invited papers (some of which survey developments over the past decade), and the other parts gather material from minisymposia and contributed presentations under three headings: Algorithms, Theory, and Applications.
Researchers; graduate students; practitioners in scientific computing, particularly numerical solution of partial differential equations; engineers; computer scientists.
Part 1. Invited Presentations [ MR 1649656 ]
Yves Achdou, Gassan Abdoulaev, Jean-Claude Hontand, Yuri A. Kuznetsov, Olivier Pironneau and Christophe Prud’homme — Nonmatching grids for fluids [ MR 1645841 ]
Timothy J. Barth, Tony F. Chan and Wei-Pai Tang — A parallel non-overlapping domain-decomposition algorithm for compressible fluid flow problems on triangulated domains [ MR 1645842 ]
Armel de La Bourdonnaye, Charbel Farhat, Antonini Macedo, Frédéric Magoulès and François-Xavier Roux — A non-overlapping domain decomposition method for the exterior Helmholtz problem [ MR 1645843 ]
Tony F. Chan, Jinchao Xu and Ludmil Zikatanov — An agglomeration multigrid method for unstructured grids [ MR 1645844 ]
Zdeněk Dostál, Ana Friedlander and Sandra A. Santos — Solution of coercive and semicoercive contact problems by FETI domain decomposition [ MR 1645845 ]
Maksymilian Dryja — An iterative substructuring method for elliptic mortar finite element problems with discontinuous coefficients [ MR 1645847 ]
Magne S. Espedal, Karl J. Hersvik and Brit G. Ersland — Domain decomposition methods for flow in heterogeneous porous media [ MR 1645848 ]
Roland Glowinski, Tsorng-Whay Pan, Todd I. Hesla, Daniel D. Joseph and Jacques Periaux — A fictitious domain method with distributed Lagrange multipliers for the numerical simulation of particulate flow [ MR 1645849 ]
Luca F. Pavarino — Domain decomposition algorithms for saddle point problems [ MR 1645850 ]
François-Xavier Roux and Charbel Farhat — Parallel implementation of direct solution strategies for the coarse grid solvers in $2$-level FETI method [ MR 1645851 ]
Yousef Saad, Maria Sosonkina and Jun Zhang — Domain decomposition and multi-level type techniques for general sparse linear systems [ MR 1645852 ]
Spencer J. Sherwin, Timothy C. E. Warburton and George Em Karniadakis — Spectral/$hp$ methods for elliptic problems on hybrid grids [ MR 1645853 ]
Mary F. Wheeler and Ivan Yotov — Physical and computational domain decompositions for modeling subsurface flows [ MR 1645854 ]
Part 2. Algorithms [ MR 1649656 ]
Ion Bică — Nonoverlapping domain decomposition algorithms for the $p$-version finite element method for elliptic problems [ MR 1645855 ]
David Dureisseix and Pierre Ladevèze — A $2$-level and mixed domain decomposition approach for structural analysis [ MR 1645856 ]
Shoichi Fujima — Iso-${\rm P}2\ {\rm P}1/{\rm P}1/{\rm P}1$ domain-decomposition/finite-element method for the Navier-Stokes equations [ MR 1645857 ]
Serge Goossens, Xiao-Chuan Cai and Dirk Roose — Overlapping nonmatching grids method: some preliminary studies [ MR 1645858 ]
Céline Grandmont and Yvon Maday — Nonconforming grids for the simulation of fluid-structure interaction [ MR 1645859 ]
Michael Griebel and Gerhard Zumbusch — Hash-storage techniques for adaptive multilevel solvers and their domain decomposition parallelization
Caroline Japhet, Frédéric Nataf and François-Xavier Roux — Extension of a coarse grid preconditioner to non-symmetric problems
Dinesh K. Kaushik, David E. Keyes and Barry F. Smith — On the interaction of architecture and algorithm in the domain-based parallelization of an unstructured-grid imcompressible flow code
Axel Klawonn — Additive domain decomposition algorithms for a class of mixed finite element methods
Catherine Lacour — Non-conforming domain decomposition method for plate and shell problems [ MR 1645863 ]
Choi-Hong Lai and Ke Chen — Solutions of boundary element equations by a flexible elimination process [ MR 1645864 ]
Michel Lesoinne and Kendall Pierson — An efficient FETI implementation on distributed shared memory machines with independent numbers of subdomains and processors
Lois C. McInnes, Romeo F. Susan-Resiga, David E. Keyes and Hafiz M. Atassi — Additive Schwarz methods with nonreflecting boundary conditions for the parallel computation of Helmholtz problems [ MR 1645865 ]
Franck Risler and Christian Rey — On the reuse of Ritz vectors for the solution to nonlinear elasticity problems by domain decomposition methods [ MR 1645866 ]
Daniel J. Rixen — Dual Schur complement method for semi-definite problems [ MR 1649629 ]
Petr Vaněk, Jan Mandel and Marian Brezina — Two-level algebraic multigrid for the Helmholtz problem
Arnt H. Veenstra, Hai Xiang Lin and Edwin A. H. Vollebregt — A comparison of scalability of different parallel iterative methods for shallow water equations [ MR 1649631 ]
Daoqi Yang — A nonoverlapping subdomain algorithm with Lagrange multipliers and its object oriented implementation for interface problems [ MR 1649632 ]
Part 3. Theory [ MR 1649656 ]
Yves Achdou and Frédéric Nataf — A Robin-Robin preconditioner for an advection-diffusion problem [ MR 1649633 ]
Frédéric Bourquin and Rabah Namar — A semi-dual mode synthesis method for plate bending vibrations [ MR 1649634 ]
Xiao-Chuan Cai, Mario A. Casarin, Frank W. Elliott, Jr. and Olof B. Widlund — Overlapping Schwarz algorithms for solving Helmholtz’s equation [ MR 1649635 ]
Philippe Chevalier and Frédéric Nataf — Symmetrized method with optimized second-order conditions for the Helmholtz equation [ MR 1649636 ]
Sébastien Clerc — Non-overlapping Schwarz method for systems of first order equations [ MR 1649637 ]
Xiaobing Feng — Interface conditions and non-overlapping domain decomposition methods for a fluid-solid interaction problem [ MR 1649638 ]
Martin J. Gander — Overlapping Schwarz waveform relaxation for parabolic problems [ MR 1649639 ]
Karl Gustafson — Domain decomposition, operator trigonometry, Robin condition
Gary Man-Kwong Hui and Howard Swann — On orthogonal polynomial bases for triangles and tetrahedra invariant under the symmetric group
Shiu Hong Lui — On Schwarz alternating methods for nonlinear elliptic problems
Padmanabhan Seshaiyer and Manil Suri — Convergence results for non-conforming $hp$ methods: The mortar finite element method
Zhongci Shi and Zhenghui Xie — Intergrid transfer operators for biharmonic problems using nonconforming plate elements on nonnested meshes [ MR 1649644 ]
Yunhai Wu, Xiao-Chuan Cai and David E. Keyes — Additive Schwarz methods for hyperbolic equations [ MR 1649645 ]
Part 4. Applications [ MR 1649656 ]
Xiao-Chuan Cai, Charbel Farhat and Marcus Sarkis — A minimum overlap restricted additive Schwarz preconditioner and applications in $3$D flow simulations [ MR 1649646 ]
Diane Crann, Alan J. Davies, Choi-Hong Lai and Swee H. Leong — Time domain decomposition for European options in financial modelling [ MR 1649647 ]
Jean-Michel Cros — Parallel modal synthesis methods in structural dynamics [ MR 1649648 ]
Georgi S. Djambazov, Choi-Hong Lai and Koulis A. Pericleous — Efficient computation of aerodynamic noise [ MR 1649649 ]
Frank-Christian Otto and Gert Lube — Non-overlapping domain decomposition applied to incompressible flow problems [ MR 1649650 ]
Charaka J. Palansuriya, Choi-Hong Lai, Constantinos S. Ierotheou and Koulis A. Pericleous — A domain decomposition based algorithm for non-linear $2$D inverse heat conduction problems [ MR 1649651 ]
Xue-Cheng Tai, Johnny Frøyen, Magne S. Espedal and Tony F. Chan — Overlapping domain decomposition and multigrid methods for inverse problems [ MR 1649652 ]
Andrea Toselli — Some results on Schwarz methods for a low-frequency approximation of time-dependent Maxwell’s equations in conductive media [ MR 1649653 ]
Robbert L. Verweij, Aris Twerda and Tim W. J. Peeters — Parallel computing for reacting flows using adaptive grid refinement [ MR 1649654 ]
Christian Wieners and Barbara I. Wohlmuth — The coupling of mixed and conforming finite element discretizations [ MR 1649655 ]
Experienced researchers would find these proceedings very useful. In particular, various new applications and new algorithms can be found here.
SIAM Review