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Complex Geometric Analysis in Pohang
Edited by: Kang-Tae Kim Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea
Steven G. Krantz Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Complex Geometric Analysis in Pohang
eBook ISBN:  978-0-8218-7813-2
Product Code:  CONM/222.E
List Price: $125.00
MAA Member Price: $112.50
AMS Member Price: $100.00
Complex Geometric Analysis in Pohang
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Complex Geometric Analysis in Pohang
Edited by: Kang-Tae Kim Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea
Steven G. Krantz Washington University, St. Louis, MO
eBook ISBN:  978-0-8218-7813-2
Product Code:  CONM/222.E
List Price: $125.00
MAA Member Price: $112.50
AMS Member Price: $100.00
  • Book Details
    Contemporary Mathematics
    Volume: 2221999; 256 pp
    MSC: Primary 32

    This volume comprises the proceedings of a conference on the geometric analysis of several complex variables held at POSTECH in June 1997. The conference was attended by scientists and students from around the globe.

    Each of the five plenary speakers at the conference gave a short course on a topic of current interest in the field. The lecture write-ups contain cogent and accessible information intended for a broad audience. The volume also includes a tutorial in several complex variables given by Kim and Krantz at the conference. This tutorial is geared toward helping the novice to understand the rest of the material in the book.

    The bibliographies of the papers give students and young mathematicians a valuable resource for future learning on the topic. This book provides a substantial overview on areas of current activity. Required background for understanding the text is a solid undergraduate education in mathematics and familiarity with first-year graduate studies in real and complex analysis. Some exposure to geometry would be helpful. The book is also suitable for use as a supplemental course text.


    Graduate students, educators, experienced and novice research mathematicians interested in real and complex analysis.

  • Table of Contents
    • Survey [ MR 1653041 ]
    • Kang-Tae Kim and Steven G. Krantz — A crash course in the function theory of several complex variables [ MR 1653042 ]
    • Plenary Lectures [ MR 1653041 ]
    • Eric Bedford and John Smillie — External rays in the dynamics of polynomial automorphisms of ${\bf C}^2$ [ MR 1653043 ]
    • Ngaiming Mok — $G$-structures on irreducible Hermitian symmetric spaces of rank $\geq 2$ and deformation rigidity [ MR 1653044 ]
    • Junjiro Noguchi — Value distribution theory of holomorphic mappings [ MR 1653045 ]
    • Jean-Pierre Rosay — Automorphisms of ${\bf C}^n$, a survey of Andersén-Lempert theory and applications [ MR 1653046 ]
    • Short Talks [ MR 1653041 ]
    • Marco Abate and Giorgio Patrizio — Convex-like properties of the Teichmüller metric [ MR 1653047 ]
    • Marco Abate and Roberto Tauraso — The Julia-Wolff-Carathéodory theorem(s) [ MR 1653048 ]
    • Ulf Backlund and Anders Fällström — Maximal ideals in $A(\Omega )$ [ MR 1653049 ]
    • Zbigniew Błocki — On the regularity of the complex Monge-Ampère operator [ MR 1653050 ]
    • Hong Rae Cho — $L^p$ and $H^p$ extensions of holomorphic functions from subvarieties [ MR 1653051 ]
    • Harm Derksen and Frank Kutzschebauch — Global holomorphic linearization of actions of compact Lie groups on ${\bf C}^n$ [ MR 1653052 ]
    • Paul M. Gauthier — Covering properties of holomorphic mappings [ MR 1653053 ]
    • Atsushi Hayashimoto — On the relations between the holomorphic extendability theorems and the finiteness properties [ MR 1653054 ]
    • Kang-Tae Kim and Andrea F. Spiro — Moduli space of ramified holomorphic coverings of $B^2$ [ MR 1653055 ]
    • Sławomir Kołodziej — A sufficient condition for solvability of the Dirichlet problem for the complex Monge-Ampère operator [ MR 1653056 ]
    • Mario Landucci — $\Gamma $-invariant polynomials and proper maps [ MR 1653057 ]
    • Jean-Pierre Rosay — A simple proof of uniqueness for perturbations of the Mizohata operator [ MR 1653058 ]
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 2221999; 256 pp
MSC: Primary 32

This volume comprises the proceedings of a conference on the geometric analysis of several complex variables held at POSTECH in June 1997. The conference was attended by scientists and students from around the globe.

Each of the five plenary speakers at the conference gave a short course on a topic of current interest in the field. The lecture write-ups contain cogent and accessible information intended for a broad audience. The volume also includes a tutorial in several complex variables given by Kim and Krantz at the conference. This tutorial is geared toward helping the novice to understand the rest of the material in the book.

The bibliographies of the papers give students and young mathematicians a valuable resource for future learning on the topic. This book provides a substantial overview on areas of current activity. Required background for understanding the text is a solid undergraduate education in mathematics and familiarity with first-year graduate studies in real and complex analysis. Some exposure to geometry would be helpful. The book is also suitable for use as a supplemental course text.


Graduate students, educators, experienced and novice research mathematicians interested in real and complex analysis.

  • Survey [ MR 1653041 ]
  • Kang-Tae Kim and Steven G. Krantz — A crash course in the function theory of several complex variables [ MR 1653042 ]
  • Plenary Lectures [ MR 1653041 ]
  • Eric Bedford and John Smillie — External rays in the dynamics of polynomial automorphisms of ${\bf C}^2$ [ MR 1653043 ]
  • Ngaiming Mok — $G$-structures on irreducible Hermitian symmetric spaces of rank $\geq 2$ and deformation rigidity [ MR 1653044 ]
  • Junjiro Noguchi — Value distribution theory of holomorphic mappings [ MR 1653045 ]
  • Jean-Pierre Rosay — Automorphisms of ${\bf C}^n$, a survey of Andersén-Lempert theory and applications [ MR 1653046 ]
  • Short Talks [ MR 1653041 ]
  • Marco Abate and Giorgio Patrizio — Convex-like properties of the Teichmüller metric [ MR 1653047 ]
  • Marco Abate and Roberto Tauraso — The Julia-Wolff-Carathéodory theorem(s) [ MR 1653048 ]
  • Ulf Backlund and Anders Fällström — Maximal ideals in $A(\Omega )$ [ MR 1653049 ]
  • Zbigniew Błocki — On the regularity of the complex Monge-Ampère operator [ MR 1653050 ]
  • Hong Rae Cho — $L^p$ and $H^p$ extensions of holomorphic functions from subvarieties [ MR 1653051 ]
  • Harm Derksen and Frank Kutzschebauch — Global holomorphic linearization of actions of compact Lie groups on ${\bf C}^n$ [ MR 1653052 ]
  • Paul M. Gauthier — Covering properties of holomorphic mappings [ MR 1653053 ]
  • Atsushi Hayashimoto — On the relations between the holomorphic extendability theorems and the finiteness properties [ MR 1653054 ]
  • Kang-Tae Kim and Andrea F. Spiro — Moduli space of ramified holomorphic coverings of $B^2$ [ MR 1653055 ]
  • Sławomir Kołodziej — A sufficient condition for solvability of the Dirichlet problem for the complex Monge-Ampère operator [ MR 1653056 ]
  • Mario Landucci — $\Gamma $-invariant polynomials and proper maps [ MR 1653057 ]
  • Jean-Pierre Rosay — A simple proof of uniqueness for perturbations of the Mizohata operator [ MR 1653058 ]
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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