eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7620-6 |
Product Code: | CONM/35.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |

eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7620-6 |
Product Code: | CONM/35.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Book DetailsContemporary MathematicsVolume: 35; 1985; 528 ppMSC: Primary 57
These are the proceedings of the Summer Research Conference on 4-manifolds held at Durham, New Hampshire, July 1982, under the auspices of the American Mathematical Society and National Science Foundation.
The conference was highlighted by the breakthroughs of Michael Freedman and S. K. Donaldson and by Frank Quinn's completion at the conference of the proof of the annulus conjecture. (We commend the AMS committee, particularly Julius Shaneson, who had the foresight in Spring 1981 to choose the subject, 4-manifolds, in which such remarkable activity was imminent.) Freedman and several others spoke on his work; some of their talks are represented by papers in this volume. Donaldson and Clifford H. Taubes gave surveys of their work on gauge theory and 4-manifolds and their papers are also included herein. There were a variety of other lectures, including Quinn's surprise, and a couple of problem sessions which led to the problem list.
A background of basic differential topology is adequate for potential readers.
Table of Contents
I. R. Aitchison and J. H. Rubinstein — Fibered knots and involutions on homotopy spheres [ MR 780575 ]
Selman Akbulut — A fake $4$-manifold [ MR 780576 ]
Fredric D. Ancel — Approximating cell-like maps of $S^4$ by homeomorphisms [ MR 780577 ]
Sylvain E. Cappell and Julius L. Shaneson — Linking numbers in branched covers [ MR 780578 ]
Andrew Casson and Michael Freedman — Atomic surgery problems [ MR 780579 ]
S. K. Donaldson — Smooth $4$-manifolds with definite intersection form [ MR 780580 ]
Robert D. Edwards — The solution of the $4$-dimensional annulus conjecture (after Frank Quinn) [ MR 780581 ]
Ronald Fintushel and Ronald J. Stern — A $\mu $-invariant one homology $3$-sphere that bounds an orientable rational ball [ MR 780582 ]
Ronald Fintushel and Ronald J. Stern — Another construction of an exotic $S^1 \stackrel {\times }{\sim } S^3\# S^2\times S^2$ [ MR 780583 ]
Robert E. Gompf and Sukhjit Singh — On Freedman reimbedding theorems [ MR 780584 ]
John Harer — The homology of the mapping class group and its connection to surface bundles over surfaces [ MR 780585 ]
Akio Kawauchi — Rochlin invariant and $\alpha $-invariant [ MR 780586 ]
R. A. Litherland — Cobordism of satellite knots [ MR 780587 ]
Richard Mandelbaum — Complex structures on $4$-manifolds [ MR 780588 ]
Yukio Matsumoto — Good torus fibrations [ MR 780589 ]
Paul Melvin — $4$-dimensional oriented bordism [ MR 780590 ]
Richard T. Miller — A new proof of the homotopy torus and annulus theorem [ MR 780591 ]
Steven P. Plotnick — Fibered knots in $S^4$—twisting, spinning, rolling, surgery, and branching [ MR 780592 ]
Frank Quinn — The embedding theorem for towers [ MR 780593 ]
Frank Quinn — Smooth structures on $4$-manifolds [ MR 780594 ]
Daniel Ruberman — Concordance of links in $S^4$ [ MR 780595 ]
Lee Rudolph — Constructions of quasipositive knots and links. II [ MR 780596 ]
Clifford Henry Taubes — An introduction to self-dual connections [ MR 780597 ]
Edited by Rob Kirby — $4$-manifold problems [ MR 780598 ]
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- Book Details
- Table of Contents
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These are the proceedings of the Summer Research Conference on 4-manifolds held at Durham, New Hampshire, July 1982, under the auspices of the American Mathematical Society and National Science Foundation.
The conference was highlighted by the breakthroughs of Michael Freedman and S. K. Donaldson and by Frank Quinn's completion at the conference of the proof of the annulus conjecture. (We commend the AMS committee, particularly Julius Shaneson, who had the foresight in Spring 1981 to choose the subject, 4-manifolds, in which such remarkable activity was imminent.) Freedman and several others spoke on his work; some of their talks are represented by papers in this volume. Donaldson and Clifford H. Taubes gave surveys of their work on gauge theory and 4-manifolds and their papers are also included herein. There were a variety of other lectures, including Quinn's surprise, and a couple of problem sessions which led to the problem list.
A background of basic differential topology is adequate for potential readers.
I. R. Aitchison and J. H. Rubinstein — Fibered knots and involutions on homotopy spheres [ MR 780575 ]
Selman Akbulut — A fake $4$-manifold [ MR 780576 ]
Fredric D. Ancel — Approximating cell-like maps of $S^4$ by homeomorphisms [ MR 780577 ]
Sylvain E. Cappell and Julius L. Shaneson — Linking numbers in branched covers [ MR 780578 ]
Andrew Casson and Michael Freedman — Atomic surgery problems [ MR 780579 ]
S. K. Donaldson — Smooth $4$-manifolds with definite intersection form [ MR 780580 ]
Robert D. Edwards — The solution of the $4$-dimensional annulus conjecture (after Frank Quinn) [ MR 780581 ]
Ronald Fintushel and Ronald J. Stern — A $\mu $-invariant one homology $3$-sphere that bounds an orientable rational ball [ MR 780582 ]
Ronald Fintushel and Ronald J. Stern — Another construction of an exotic $S^1 \stackrel {\times }{\sim } S^3\# S^2\times S^2$ [ MR 780583 ]
Robert E. Gompf and Sukhjit Singh — On Freedman reimbedding theorems [ MR 780584 ]
John Harer — The homology of the mapping class group and its connection to surface bundles over surfaces [ MR 780585 ]
Akio Kawauchi — Rochlin invariant and $\alpha $-invariant [ MR 780586 ]
R. A. Litherland — Cobordism of satellite knots [ MR 780587 ]
Richard Mandelbaum — Complex structures on $4$-manifolds [ MR 780588 ]
Yukio Matsumoto — Good torus fibrations [ MR 780589 ]
Paul Melvin — $4$-dimensional oriented bordism [ MR 780590 ]
Richard T. Miller — A new proof of the homotopy torus and annulus theorem [ MR 780591 ]
Steven P. Plotnick — Fibered knots in $S^4$—twisting, spinning, rolling, surgery, and branching [ MR 780592 ]
Frank Quinn — The embedding theorem for towers [ MR 780593 ]
Frank Quinn — Smooth structures on $4$-manifolds [ MR 780594 ]
Daniel Ruberman — Concordance of links in $S^4$ [ MR 780595 ]
Lee Rudolph — Constructions of quasipositive knots and links. II [ MR 780596 ]
Clifford Henry Taubes — An introduction to self-dual connections [ MR 780597 ]
Edited by Rob Kirby — $4$-manifold problems [ MR 780598 ]