eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7966-5 |
Product Code: | CONM/376.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |

eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7966-5 |
Product Code: | CONM/376.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Book DetailsContemporary MathematicsVolume: 376; 2005; 436 ppMSC: Primary 13; 16; 94
The Latin-American conference on algebra, the XV Coloquio Latinoamericano de Álgebra (Cocoyoc, México), consisted of plenary sessions of general interest and special sessions on algebraic combinatorics, associative rings, cohomology of rings and algebras, commutative algebra, group representations, Hopf algebras, number theory, quantum groups, and representation theory of algebras.
This proceedings volume contains original research papers related to talks at the colloquium. In addition, there are several surveys presenting important topics to a broad mathematical audience. There are also two invited papers by Raymundo Bautista and Roberto Martínez, founders of the Mexican school of representation theory of algebras.
The book is suitable for graduate students and researchers interested in algebra.
ReadershipGraduate students and research mathematicians interested in algebra.
Table of Contents
Ricardo Alfaro and Andrei Kelarev — Recent results on ring constructions for error-correcting codes [ MR 2147012 ]
Ibrahim Assem, Flávio U. Coelho, Marcelo Lanzilotta, David Smith and Sonia Trepode — Algebras determined by their left and right parts [ MR 2147013 ]
Edward L. Green — The work of Roberto Martínez-Villa [ MR 2147014 ]
Elena Guardo — A survey on fat points on a smooth quadric [ MR 2147015 ]
Claus Michael Ringel — Bautista and the development of the representation theory of Artin algebras [ MR 2147016 ]
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi — A survey on Nichols algebras [ MR 2147017 ]
Yuji Yoshino — Approximations by modules of $G$-dimension zero [ MR 2147018 ]
Marcelo Aguiar and Nicolás Andruskiewitsch — Representations of matched pairs of groupoids and applications to weak Hopf algebras [ MR 2147019 ]
Vyacheslav A. Artamonov — On symmetries of quasicrystals [ MR 2147020 ]
M. J. Asiain — Frattini-type and Fitting-type subgroups [ MR 2147021 ]
N. M. Atakishiyev and A. U. Klimyk — Representations of the quantum algebra ${\rm su}_q(1,1)$ and duality of $q$-orthogonal polynomials [ MR 2147022 ]
Gabriella Böhm — Internal bialgebroids, entwining structures and corings [ MR 2147023 ]
R. Coquereaux — The $A_2$ Ocneanu quantum groupoïd [ MR 2147024 ]
Wagner Cortes — Skew Armendariz rings and annihilator ideals of skew polynomial rings [ MR 2147025 ]
Delia Flores de Chela — Quantum symmetric algebras as braided Hopf algebras [ MR 2147026 ]
Isidoro Gitler, Enrique Reyes and Rafael H. Villarreal — Blowup algebras of ideals of vertex covers of bipartite graphs [ MR 2147027 ]
Dieter Happel and Luise Unger — Minimal elements in the poset of tilting modules [ MR 2147028 ]
E. Karolinsky, A. Stolin and V. Tarasov — Dynamical twists and quantization [ MR 2147029 ]
V. K. Kharchenko and A. Andrade Álvarez — On the combinatorial rank of Hopf algebras [ MR 2147030 ]
I. Lizasoain — A tensor product of projective $G$-groups [ MR 2147031 ]
Lucia Marino — The minimum degree of a surface that passes through all the points of a 0-dimensional scheme but a point $P$ [ MR 2147032 ]
S. Montgomery — Primitive ideals and Jacobson radicals in Hopf Galois extensions [ MR 2147033 ]
Rosa C. Orellana — On the algebraic decomposition of a centralizer algebra of the hyperoctahedral group [ MR 2147034 ]
Suemi Rodríguez-Romo — Quantum group global symmetries of quantum chains. States for linear chains with left end open and right end closed [ MR 2147035 ]
Suemi Rodríguez-Romo and Earl J. Taft — One-sided Hopf algebras [ MR 2147036 ]
Floyd L. Williams — BTZ black hole and Jacobi inversion for fundamental domains of infinite volume [ MR 2147037 ]
Tadashi Yanai — Galois correspondence theorem for Hopf algebra actions [ MR 2147038 ]
Alexander G. Zavadskij — On two-point differentiation and its generalization [ MR 2147039 ]
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The Latin-American conference on algebra, the XV Coloquio Latinoamericano de Álgebra (Cocoyoc, México), consisted of plenary sessions of general interest and special sessions on algebraic combinatorics, associative rings, cohomology of rings and algebras, commutative algebra, group representations, Hopf algebras, number theory, quantum groups, and representation theory of algebras.
This proceedings volume contains original research papers related to talks at the colloquium. In addition, there are several surveys presenting important topics to a broad mathematical audience. There are also two invited papers by Raymundo Bautista and Roberto Martínez, founders of the Mexican school of representation theory of algebras.
The book is suitable for graduate students and researchers interested in algebra.
Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in algebra.
Ricardo Alfaro and Andrei Kelarev — Recent results on ring constructions for error-correcting codes [ MR 2147012 ]
Ibrahim Assem, Flávio U. Coelho, Marcelo Lanzilotta, David Smith and Sonia Trepode — Algebras determined by their left and right parts [ MR 2147013 ]
Edward L. Green — The work of Roberto Martínez-Villa [ MR 2147014 ]
Elena Guardo — A survey on fat points on a smooth quadric [ MR 2147015 ]
Claus Michael Ringel — Bautista and the development of the representation theory of Artin algebras [ MR 2147016 ]
Mitsuhiro Takeuchi — A survey on Nichols algebras [ MR 2147017 ]
Yuji Yoshino — Approximations by modules of $G$-dimension zero [ MR 2147018 ]
Marcelo Aguiar and Nicolás Andruskiewitsch — Representations of matched pairs of groupoids and applications to weak Hopf algebras [ MR 2147019 ]
Vyacheslav A. Artamonov — On symmetries of quasicrystals [ MR 2147020 ]
M. J. Asiain — Frattini-type and Fitting-type subgroups [ MR 2147021 ]
N. M. Atakishiyev and A. U. Klimyk — Representations of the quantum algebra ${\rm su}_q(1,1)$ and duality of $q$-orthogonal polynomials [ MR 2147022 ]
Gabriella Böhm — Internal bialgebroids, entwining structures and corings [ MR 2147023 ]
R. Coquereaux — The $A_2$ Ocneanu quantum groupoïd [ MR 2147024 ]
Wagner Cortes — Skew Armendariz rings and annihilator ideals of skew polynomial rings [ MR 2147025 ]
Delia Flores de Chela — Quantum symmetric algebras as braided Hopf algebras [ MR 2147026 ]
Isidoro Gitler, Enrique Reyes and Rafael H. Villarreal — Blowup algebras of ideals of vertex covers of bipartite graphs [ MR 2147027 ]
Dieter Happel and Luise Unger — Minimal elements in the poset of tilting modules [ MR 2147028 ]
E. Karolinsky, A. Stolin and V. Tarasov — Dynamical twists and quantization [ MR 2147029 ]
V. K. Kharchenko and A. Andrade Álvarez — On the combinatorial rank of Hopf algebras [ MR 2147030 ]
I. Lizasoain — A tensor product of projective $G$-groups [ MR 2147031 ]
Lucia Marino — The minimum degree of a surface that passes through all the points of a 0-dimensional scheme but a point $P$ [ MR 2147032 ]
S. Montgomery — Primitive ideals and Jacobson radicals in Hopf Galois extensions [ MR 2147033 ]
Rosa C. Orellana — On the algebraic decomposition of a centralizer algebra of the hyperoctahedral group [ MR 2147034 ]
Suemi Rodríguez-Romo — Quantum group global symmetries of quantum chains. States for linear chains with left end open and right end closed [ MR 2147035 ]
Suemi Rodríguez-Romo and Earl J. Taft — One-sided Hopf algebras [ MR 2147036 ]
Floyd L. Williams — BTZ black hole and Jacobi inversion for fundamental domains of infinite volume [ MR 2147037 ]
Tadashi Yanai — Galois correspondence theorem for Hopf algebra actions [ MR 2147038 ]
Alexander G. Zavadskij — On two-point differentiation and its generalization [ MR 2147039 ]