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Noncommutative Geometry and Representation Theory in Mathematical Physics
Edited by: Jürgen Fuchs Karlstads Universitet, Karlstad, Sweden
Jouko Mickelsson KTH, AlbaNova–SCFAB, Stockholm, Sweden
Grigori Rozenblioum Göteborgs Universitet, Göteborg, Sweden
Alexander Stolin Göteborgs Universitet, Göteborg, Sweden
Anders Westerberg Karlstads Universitet, Karlstad, Sweden
Noncommutative Geometry and Representation Theory in Mathematical Physics
eBook ISBN:  978-0-8218-7981-8
Product Code:  CONM/391.E
List Price: $125.00
MAA Member Price: $112.50
AMS Member Price: $100.00
Noncommutative Geometry and Representation Theory in Mathematical Physics
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Noncommutative Geometry and Representation Theory in Mathematical Physics
Edited by: Jürgen Fuchs Karlstads Universitet, Karlstad, Sweden
Jouko Mickelsson KTH, AlbaNova–SCFAB, Stockholm, Sweden
Grigori Rozenblioum Göteborgs Universitet, Göteborg, Sweden
Alexander Stolin Göteborgs Universitet, Göteborg, Sweden
Anders Westerberg Karlstads Universitet, Karlstad, Sweden
eBook ISBN:  978-0-8218-7981-8
Product Code:  CONM/391.E
List Price: $125.00
MAA Member Price: $112.50
AMS Member Price: $100.00
  • Book Details
    Contemporary Mathematics
    Volume: 3912005; 384 pp
    MSC: Primary 16; 17; 18; 32; 53; 81

    Mathematics provides a language in which to formulate the laws that govern nature. It is a language proven to be both powerful and effective. In the quest for a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws of physics, one is led to theories that are increasingly difficult to put to the test.

    In recent years, many novel questions have emerged in mathematical physics, particularly in quantum field theory. Indeed, several areas of mathematics have lately become increasingly influential in physics and, in turn, have become influenced by developments in physics. Over the last two decades, interactions between mathematicians and physicists have increased enormously and have resulted in a fruitful cross-fertilization of the two communities.

    This volume contains the plenary talks from the international symposium on Noncommutative Geometry and Representation Theory in Mathematical Physics held at Karlstad University (Sweden) as a satellite conference to the Fourth European Congress of Mathematics.

    The scope of the volume is large and its content is relevant to various scientific communities interested in noncommutative geometry and representation theory. It offers a comprehensive view of the state of affairs for these two branches of mathematical physics. The book is suitable for graduate students and researchers interested in mathematical physics.


    Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in mathematical physics.

  • Table of Contents
    • Articles
    • Nadezda Bazunova — Construction of graded differential algebra with ternary differential [ MR 2184005 ]
    • Christian Blohmann — Calculation of the universal Drinfeld twist for quantum $\rm su(2)$ [ MR 2184006 ]
    • Martin Cederwall — Thoughts on membranes, matrices and non-commutativity [ MR 2184007 ]
    • Chryssomalis Chryssomalakos and Elias Okon — Stable quantum relativistic kinematics [ MR 2184008 ]
    • Alexei Davydov — Cohomology of crossed algebras [ MR 2184009 ]
    • Torsten Ekedahl — Kac-Moody algebras and the cde-triangle [ MR 2184010 ]
    • Ludwig D. Faddeev — Discretized Virasoro algebra [ MR 2184011 ]
    • Giovanni Felder and Alexander Varchenko — Multiplication formulae for the elliptic gamma function [ MR 2184012 ]
    • Gaetano Fiore — New approach to Hermitian $q$-differential operators on ${\Bbb R}^N_q$ [ MR 2184013 ]
    • Jürg Fröhlich, Jürgen Fuchs, Ingo Runkel and Christoph Schweigert — Picard groups in rational conformal field theory [ MR 2184014 ]
    • Anton Gerasimov, Sergey Kharchev, Dmitry Lebedev and Sergey Oblezin — On a class of representations of quantum groups [ MR 2184015 ]
    • Maria Gorelik and Vera Serganova — Shapovalov forms for Poisson Lie superalgebras [ MR 2184016 ]
    • Timothy J. Hodges and Milen Yakimov — Triangular Poisson structures on Lie groups and symplectic reduction [ MR 2184017 ]
    • Yi-Zhi Huang — Vertex operator algebras, fusion rules and modular transformations [ MR 2184018 ]
    • Lars Kadison — Depth two and the Galois coring [ MR 2184019 ]
    • Noriaki Kamiya — Examples of Peirce decomposition of generalized Jordan triple system of second order—balanced cases [ MR 2184020 ]
    • Issai Kantor and Gregory Shpiz — Graded representations of graded Lie algebras and generalized representations of Jordan algebras [ MR 2184021 ]
    • Eugene Karolinsky, Alexander Stolin and Vitaly Tarasov — Dynamical Yang-Baxter equation and quantization of certain Poisson brackets [ MR 2184022 ]
    • Rinat Kashaev and Nicolai Reshetikhin — Braiding for quantum ${\rm gl}_2$ at roots of unity [ MR 2184023 ]
    • Christian Korff — Solving Baxter’s $TQ$-equation via representation theory [ MR 2184024 ]
    • Petr P. Kulish — Noncommutative geometry and quantum field theory [ MR 2184025 ]
    • Edwin Langmann — Conformal field theory and the solution of the (quantum) elliptic Calogero-Sutherland system [ MR 2184026 ]
    • Daniel Larsson and Sergei D. Silvestrov — Quasi-Lie algebras [ MR 2184027 ]
    • Olav Arnfinn Laudal — Time-space and space-times [ MR 2184028 ]
    • Jerzy Lukierski and Vladimir D. Lyakhovsky — Two-parameter extensions of the $\kappa $-Poincaré quantum deformation [ MR 2184029 ]
    • Vladimir E. Nazaikinskii, Anton Yu. Savin, Bert-Wolfgang Schulze and Boris Yu. Sternin — The index problem on manifolds with edges [ MR 2184030 ]
    • Daniil Proskurin, Yuriĭ Savchuk and Lyudmila Turowska — On $C^*$-algebras generated by some deformations of CAR relations [ MR 2184031 ]
    • Oleg K. Sheinman — Krichever-Novikov algebras and their representations [ MR 2184032 ]
    • Sergey D. Sinel′shchikov and Leonid Vaksman — Quantum groups and bounded symmetric domains [ MR 2184033 ]
    • Daniel Sternheimer — Quantization is deformation [ MR 2184034 ]
    • Kornél Szlachányi — Monoidal Morita equivalence [ MR 2184035 ]
    • Valeriy N. Tolstoy — Fortieth anniversary of extremal projector method for Lie symmetries [ MR 2184036 ]
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 3912005; 384 pp
MSC: Primary 16; 17; 18; 32; 53; 81

Mathematics provides a language in which to formulate the laws that govern nature. It is a language proven to be both powerful and effective. In the quest for a deeper understanding of the fundamental laws of physics, one is led to theories that are increasingly difficult to put to the test.

In recent years, many novel questions have emerged in mathematical physics, particularly in quantum field theory. Indeed, several areas of mathematics have lately become increasingly influential in physics and, in turn, have become influenced by developments in physics. Over the last two decades, interactions between mathematicians and physicists have increased enormously and have resulted in a fruitful cross-fertilization of the two communities.

This volume contains the plenary talks from the international symposium on Noncommutative Geometry and Representation Theory in Mathematical Physics held at Karlstad University (Sweden) as a satellite conference to the Fourth European Congress of Mathematics.

The scope of the volume is large and its content is relevant to various scientific communities interested in noncommutative geometry and representation theory. It offers a comprehensive view of the state of affairs for these two branches of mathematical physics. The book is suitable for graduate students and researchers interested in mathematical physics.


Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in mathematical physics.

  • Articles
  • Nadezda Bazunova — Construction of graded differential algebra with ternary differential [ MR 2184005 ]
  • Christian Blohmann — Calculation of the universal Drinfeld twist for quantum $\rm su(2)$ [ MR 2184006 ]
  • Martin Cederwall — Thoughts on membranes, matrices and non-commutativity [ MR 2184007 ]
  • Chryssomalis Chryssomalakos and Elias Okon — Stable quantum relativistic kinematics [ MR 2184008 ]
  • Alexei Davydov — Cohomology of crossed algebras [ MR 2184009 ]
  • Torsten Ekedahl — Kac-Moody algebras and the cde-triangle [ MR 2184010 ]
  • Ludwig D. Faddeev — Discretized Virasoro algebra [ MR 2184011 ]
  • Giovanni Felder and Alexander Varchenko — Multiplication formulae for the elliptic gamma function [ MR 2184012 ]
  • Gaetano Fiore — New approach to Hermitian $q$-differential operators on ${\Bbb R}^N_q$ [ MR 2184013 ]
  • Jürg Fröhlich, Jürgen Fuchs, Ingo Runkel and Christoph Schweigert — Picard groups in rational conformal field theory [ MR 2184014 ]
  • Anton Gerasimov, Sergey Kharchev, Dmitry Lebedev and Sergey Oblezin — On a class of representations of quantum groups [ MR 2184015 ]
  • Maria Gorelik and Vera Serganova — Shapovalov forms for Poisson Lie superalgebras [ MR 2184016 ]
  • Timothy J. Hodges and Milen Yakimov — Triangular Poisson structures on Lie groups and symplectic reduction [ MR 2184017 ]
  • Yi-Zhi Huang — Vertex operator algebras, fusion rules and modular transformations [ MR 2184018 ]
  • Lars Kadison — Depth two and the Galois coring [ MR 2184019 ]
  • Noriaki Kamiya — Examples of Peirce decomposition of generalized Jordan triple system of second order—balanced cases [ MR 2184020 ]
  • Issai Kantor and Gregory Shpiz — Graded representations of graded Lie algebras and generalized representations of Jordan algebras [ MR 2184021 ]
  • Eugene Karolinsky, Alexander Stolin and Vitaly Tarasov — Dynamical Yang-Baxter equation and quantization of certain Poisson brackets [ MR 2184022 ]
  • Rinat Kashaev and Nicolai Reshetikhin — Braiding for quantum ${\rm gl}_2$ at roots of unity [ MR 2184023 ]
  • Christian Korff — Solving Baxter’s $TQ$-equation via representation theory [ MR 2184024 ]
  • Petr P. Kulish — Noncommutative geometry and quantum field theory [ MR 2184025 ]
  • Edwin Langmann — Conformal field theory and the solution of the (quantum) elliptic Calogero-Sutherland system [ MR 2184026 ]
  • Daniel Larsson and Sergei D. Silvestrov — Quasi-Lie algebras [ MR 2184027 ]
  • Olav Arnfinn Laudal — Time-space and space-times [ MR 2184028 ]
  • Jerzy Lukierski and Vladimir D. Lyakhovsky — Two-parameter extensions of the $\kappa $-Poincaré quantum deformation [ MR 2184029 ]
  • Vladimir E. Nazaikinskii, Anton Yu. Savin, Bert-Wolfgang Schulze and Boris Yu. Sternin — The index problem on manifolds with edges [ MR 2184030 ]
  • Daniil Proskurin, Yuriĭ Savchuk and Lyudmila Turowska — On $C^*$-algebras generated by some deformations of CAR relations [ MR 2184031 ]
  • Oleg K. Sheinman — Krichever-Novikov algebras and their representations [ MR 2184032 ]
  • Sergey D. Sinel′shchikov and Leonid Vaksman — Quantum groups and bounded symmetric domains [ MR 2184033 ]
  • Daniel Sternheimer — Quantization is deformation [ MR 2184034 ]
  • Kornél Szlachányi — Monoidal Morita equivalence [ MR 2184035 ]
  • Valeriy N. Tolstoy — Fortieth anniversary of extremal projector method for Lie symmetries [ MR 2184036 ]
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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