eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-8114-9 |
Product Code: | CONM/435.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |

eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-8114-9 |
Product Code: | CONM/435.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Book DetailsContemporary MathematicsVolume: 435; 2007; 394 ppMSC: Primary 30; 46; 47
This book consists of contributions by the participants of the Fifth Conference on Function Spaces, held at Southern Illinois University in May of 2006. The papers cover a broad range of topics, including spaces and algebras of analytic functions of one and of many variables (and operators on such spaces), \(L^{p}\)-spaces, spaces of Banach-valued functions, isometries of function spaces, geometry of Banach spaces, and other related subjects. The goal of the conference was to bring together mathematicians interested in various problems related to function spaces and to facilitate the exchange of ideas between people working on similar problems. Hence, the majority of papers in this book are accessible to non-experts. Some articles contain expositions of known results and discuss open problems; others contain new results.
ReadershipGraduate students and research mathematicians interested in functional analysis.
Table of Contents
Ya. I. Alber — Young-Fenchel transformation and some new characteristics of Banach spaces [ MR 2359414 ]
Nicola Arcozzi, Richard Rochberg and Eric Sawyer — The diameter space, a restriction of the Drury-Arveson-Hardy space [ MR 2359415 ]
Hugo Arizmendi, Angel Carrillo and Lourdes Palacios — An example concerning the boundary of topologically invertible elements [ MR 2359416 ]
R. M. Aron, J. A. Conejero, A. Peris and J. B. Seoane-Sepúlveda — Sums and products of bad functions [ MR 2359417 ]
Dragu Atanasiu — The disc algebra and a moment problem [ MR 2359418 ]
Ariel Blanco and Niels Grønbæk — Cohomology of Banach algebras of operators and geometry of Banach spaces [ MR 2359419 ]
Oscar Blasco — Operators from $H^p$ to $l^q$ for $0<p<1\leq q<\infty $ [ MR 2359420 ]
David P. Blecher and Louis E. Labuschagne — Von Neumann algebraic $H^p$ theory [ MR 2359421 ]
Gabriela Bulancea — On the stability of logmodularity for uniform algebras [ MR 2359422 ]
Peter G. Casazza and Dan Edidin — Equivalents of the Kadison-Singer problem [ MR 2359423 ]
S. Dutta and Darapaneni Narayana — Strongly proximinal subspaces in Banach spaces [ MR 2359424 ]
J. F. Feinstein — Countable linear combinations of characters on commutative Banach algebras [ MR 2359425 ]
J. F. Feinstein and M. J. Heath — Regularity and amenability conditions for uniform algebras [ MR 2359426 ]
Marcos González, Bünyamin Sarı and Marek Wójtowicz — Semi-homogeneous bases in Orlicz sequence spaces [ MR 2359427 ]
J. J. Grobler — Closed sums of marginal subspaces of Banach function spaces [ MR 2359428 ]
Marina Haralampidou — Strong semisimplicity and finite-dimensionality in Ambrose algebras [ MR 2359429 ]
Dai Honma — Surjections on the algebras of continuous functions which preserve peripheral spectrum [ MR 2359430 ]
Anna Kamińska and Yves Raynaud — Copies of $l_p$ and $c_0$ in general quasi-normed Orlicz-Lorentz sequence spaces [ MR 2359431 ]
Alexei Yu. Karlovich — Asymptotics of Toeplitz determinants generated by functions with Fourier coefficients in weighted Orlicz sequence classes [ MR 2359432 ]
Jukka Kauppi — Approximation properties for subalgebras of $C_0(X)$ [ MR 2359433 ]
Liaqat Ali Khan — The general strict topology on topological modules [ MR 2359434 ]
Scott Lambert, Aaron Luttman and Thomas Tonev — Weakly peripherally-multiplicative mappings between uniform algebras [ MR 2359435 ]
J. S. Manhas — Topological structures of the spaces of composition operators on spaces of analytic functions [ MR 2359436 ]
Martin Mathieu and Conal Ruddy — Spectral isometries. II [ MR 2359437 ]
T. L. Miller, V. G. Miller and M. M. Neumann — When do quasi-similar operators have the same essential spectrum? [ MR 2359438 ]
Takeshi Miura and Dai Honma — A survey of certain algebraic equations in commutative $C^*$-algebras [ MR 2359439 ]
Ryan Mullen — Examples of Banach spaces that are not Banach algebras [ MR 2359440 ]
Imre Patyi — On complex Banach submanifolds of a Banach space [ MR 2359441 ]
Andrzej Sołtysiak — Topological joint spectrum of generators and continuous characters [ MR 2359442 ]
Franciszek Hugon Szafraniec — Moments from their very truncations [ MR 2359443 ]
Keiichi Watanabe — A variation of Takesaki duality for ordered abelian groups and Arveson’s spectral subspaces [ MR 2359444 ]
Ngai-Ching Wong — Zero product preservers of $C^*$-algebras [ MR 2359445 ]
Andriy Zagorodnyuk — Spectra of algebras of analytic functions and polynomials on Banach spaces [ MR 2359446 ]
Additional Material
Surveying or presenting new results in various areas of analyis related to function spaces, the present volume appeals to a larger audience, first of all people working in the domain, but also researchers in related areas who want to be informed about results and methods in this field.
Stefan Cobzas, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Mathematica
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- Book Details
- Table of Contents
- Additional Material
- Reviews
- Requests
This book consists of contributions by the participants of the Fifth Conference on Function Spaces, held at Southern Illinois University in May of 2006. The papers cover a broad range of topics, including spaces and algebras of analytic functions of one and of many variables (and operators on such spaces), \(L^{p}\)-spaces, spaces of Banach-valued functions, isometries of function spaces, geometry of Banach spaces, and other related subjects. The goal of the conference was to bring together mathematicians interested in various problems related to function spaces and to facilitate the exchange of ideas between people working on similar problems. Hence, the majority of papers in this book are accessible to non-experts. Some articles contain expositions of known results and discuss open problems; others contain new results.
Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in functional analysis.
Ya. I. Alber — Young-Fenchel transformation and some new characteristics of Banach spaces [ MR 2359414 ]
Nicola Arcozzi, Richard Rochberg and Eric Sawyer — The diameter space, a restriction of the Drury-Arveson-Hardy space [ MR 2359415 ]
Hugo Arizmendi, Angel Carrillo and Lourdes Palacios — An example concerning the boundary of topologically invertible elements [ MR 2359416 ]
R. M. Aron, J. A. Conejero, A. Peris and J. B. Seoane-Sepúlveda — Sums and products of bad functions [ MR 2359417 ]
Dragu Atanasiu — The disc algebra and a moment problem [ MR 2359418 ]
Ariel Blanco and Niels Grønbæk — Cohomology of Banach algebras of operators and geometry of Banach spaces [ MR 2359419 ]
Oscar Blasco — Operators from $H^p$ to $l^q$ for $0<p<1\leq q<\infty $ [ MR 2359420 ]
David P. Blecher and Louis E. Labuschagne — Von Neumann algebraic $H^p$ theory [ MR 2359421 ]
Gabriela Bulancea — On the stability of logmodularity for uniform algebras [ MR 2359422 ]
Peter G. Casazza and Dan Edidin — Equivalents of the Kadison-Singer problem [ MR 2359423 ]
S. Dutta and Darapaneni Narayana — Strongly proximinal subspaces in Banach spaces [ MR 2359424 ]
J. F. Feinstein — Countable linear combinations of characters on commutative Banach algebras [ MR 2359425 ]
J. F. Feinstein and M. J. Heath — Regularity and amenability conditions for uniform algebras [ MR 2359426 ]
Marcos González, Bünyamin Sarı and Marek Wójtowicz — Semi-homogeneous bases in Orlicz sequence spaces [ MR 2359427 ]
J. J. Grobler — Closed sums of marginal subspaces of Banach function spaces [ MR 2359428 ]
Marina Haralampidou — Strong semisimplicity and finite-dimensionality in Ambrose algebras [ MR 2359429 ]
Dai Honma — Surjections on the algebras of continuous functions which preserve peripheral spectrum [ MR 2359430 ]
Anna Kamińska and Yves Raynaud — Copies of $l_p$ and $c_0$ in general quasi-normed Orlicz-Lorentz sequence spaces [ MR 2359431 ]
Alexei Yu. Karlovich — Asymptotics of Toeplitz determinants generated by functions with Fourier coefficients in weighted Orlicz sequence classes [ MR 2359432 ]
Jukka Kauppi — Approximation properties for subalgebras of $C_0(X)$ [ MR 2359433 ]
Liaqat Ali Khan — The general strict topology on topological modules [ MR 2359434 ]
Scott Lambert, Aaron Luttman and Thomas Tonev — Weakly peripherally-multiplicative mappings between uniform algebras [ MR 2359435 ]
J. S. Manhas — Topological structures of the spaces of composition operators on spaces of analytic functions [ MR 2359436 ]
Martin Mathieu and Conal Ruddy — Spectral isometries. II [ MR 2359437 ]
T. L. Miller, V. G. Miller and M. M. Neumann — When do quasi-similar operators have the same essential spectrum? [ MR 2359438 ]
Takeshi Miura and Dai Honma — A survey of certain algebraic equations in commutative $C^*$-algebras [ MR 2359439 ]
Ryan Mullen — Examples of Banach spaces that are not Banach algebras [ MR 2359440 ]
Imre Patyi — On complex Banach submanifolds of a Banach space [ MR 2359441 ]
Andrzej Sołtysiak — Topological joint spectrum of generators and continuous characters [ MR 2359442 ]
Franciszek Hugon Szafraniec — Moments from their very truncations [ MR 2359443 ]
Keiichi Watanabe — A variation of Takesaki duality for ordered abelian groups and Arveson’s spectral subspaces [ MR 2359444 ]
Ngai-Ching Wong — Zero product preservers of $C^*$-algebras [ MR 2359445 ]
Andriy Zagorodnyuk — Spectra of algebras of analytic functions and polynomials on Banach spaces [ MR 2359446 ]
Surveying or presenting new results in various areas of analyis related to function spaces, the present volume appeals to a larger audience, first of all people working in the domain, but also researchers in related areas who want to be informed about results and methods in this field.
Stefan Cobzas, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Mathematica