eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-8210-8 |
Product Code: | CONM/531.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |

eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-8210-8 |
Product Code: | CONM/531.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Book DetailsContemporary MathematicsVolume: 531; 2010; 264 ppMSC: Primary 05
This volume contains a collection of papers presented at the international conference IPM 20—Combinatorics 2009, which was held at the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences in Tehran, Iran, May 15–21, 2009.
The conference celebrated IPM's 20th anniversary and was dedicated to Reza Khosrovshahi, one of the founders of IPM and the director of its School of Mathematics from 1996 to 2007, on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
The conference attracted an international group of distinguished researchers from many different parts of combinatorics and graph theory, including permutations, designs, graph minors, graph coloring, graph eigenvalues, distance regular graphs and association schemes, hypergraphs, and arrangements.
ReadershipGraduate students interested in combinatorics.
Table of Contents
Andries E. Brouwer — The eigenvalues of oppositeness graphs in buildings of spherical type [ MR 2757785 ]
S. Akbari, M. Ghanbari and S. Jahanbekam — On the dynamic chromatic number of graphs [ MR 2757786 ]
Adam H. Berliner, Richard A. Brualdi, Louis Deaett, Kathleen P. Kiernan, Seth A. Meyer and Michael W. Schroeder — Signed domination of graphs and $(0,1)$-matrices [ MR 2757787 ]
A. S. Hedayat and Wei Zheng — Totally balanced test-control incomplete crossover designs and their statistical applications [ MR 2757788 ]
Eiichi Bannai and Etsuko Bannai — Euclidean designs and coherent configurations [ MR 2757789 ]
Jozef Širáň and Yan Wang — Maps with highest level of symmetry that are even more symmetric than other such maps: regular maps with largest exponent groups [ MR 2757790 ]
A. Rahnamai Barghi — A note on finite groups determined by a combinatorial property [ MR 2757791 ]
S. Akbari, S. Alikhani, M. R. Oboudi and Y. H. Peng — On the zeros of domination polynomial of a graph [ MR 2757792 ]
S. Akbari, A. Doni, M. Ghanbari, S. Jahanbekam and A. Saito — List coloring of graphs with cycles of length divisible by a given integer [ MR 2757793 ]
Qiang Wang — On generalized Lucas sequences [ MR 2757794 ]
Amin Sakzad and Mohammad-Reza Sadeghi — On cycle-free lattices [ MR 2757795 ]
Saieed Akbari, Mohammad Reza Oboudi and Sahar Qajar — On the rational independence roots [ MR 2757796 ]
Willem H. Haemers and Farzaneh Ramezani — Graphs cospectral with Kneser graphs [ MR 2757797 ]
Richard P. Stanley — A survey of alternating permutations [ MR 2757798 ]
A. Mohammadian and B. Tayfeh-Rezaie — The spectrum of the McKay-Miller-Širáň graphs [ MR 2757799 ]
Domingos Dellamonica, Jr., Peter Frankl and Vojtěch Rödl — A theorem on incidence matrices and quasirandom hypergraphs [ MR 2757800 ]
Mahdieh Hasheminezhad and Brendan D. McKay — Combinatorial estimates by the switching method [ MR 2757801 ]
Jacobus H. Koolen, Woo Sun Lee and William J. Martin — Characterizing completely regular codes from an algebraic viewpoint [ MR 2757802 ]
W. H. Holzmann, H. Kharaghani and W. Orrick — On the real unbiased Hadamard matrices [ MR 2757803 ]
Richard M. Wilson — The proportion of various graphs in graph-designs [ MR 2757804 ]
Farzad Didehvar, Ali D. Mehrabi and Fatemeh Raee B. — On unique independence weighted graphs [ MR 2757805 ]
Additional Material
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This volume contains a collection of papers presented at the international conference IPM 20—Combinatorics 2009, which was held at the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences in Tehran, Iran, May 15–21, 2009.
The conference celebrated IPM's 20th anniversary and was dedicated to Reza Khosrovshahi, one of the founders of IPM and the director of its School of Mathematics from 1996 to 2007, on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
The conference attracted an international group of distinguished researchers from many different parts of combinatorics and graph theory, including permutations, designs, graph minors, graph coloring, graph eigenvalues, distance regular graphs and association schemes, hypergraphs, and arrangements.
Graduate students interested in combinatorics.
Andries E. Brouwer — The eigenvalues of oppositeness graphs in buildings of spherical type [ MR 2757785 ]
S. Akbari, M. Ghanbari and S. Jahanbekam — On the dynamic chromatic number of graphs [ MR 2757786 ]
Adam H. Berliner, Richard A. Brualdi, Louis Deaett, Kathleen P. Kiernan, Seth A. Meyer and Michael W. Schroeder — Signed domination of graphs and $(0,1)$-matrices [ MR 2757787 ]
A. S. Hedayat and Wei Zheng — Totally balanced test-control incomplete crossover designs and their statistical applications [ MR 2757788 ]
Eiichi Bannai and Etsuko Bannai — Euclidean designs and coherent configurations [ MR 2757789 ]
Jozef Širáň and Yan Wang — Maps with highest level of symmetry that are even more symmetric than other such maps: regular maps with largest exponent groups [ MR 2757790 ]
A. Rahnamai Barghi — A note on finite groups determined by a combinatorial property [ MR 2757791 ]
S. Akbari, S. Alikhani, M. R. Oboudi and Y. H. Peng — On the zeros of domination polynomial of a graph [ MR 2757792 ]
S. Akbari, A. Doni, M. Ghanbari, S. Jahanbekam and A. Saito — List coloring of graphs with cycles of length divisible by a given integer [ MR 2757793 ]
Qiang Wang — On generalized Lucas sequences [ MR 2757794 ]
Amin Sakzad and Mohammad-Reza Sadeghi — On cycle-free lattices [ MR 2757795 ]
Saieed Akbari, Mohammad Reza Oboudi and Sahar Qajar — On the rational independence roots [ MR 2757796 ]
Willem H. Haemers and Farzaneh Ramezani — Graphs cospectral with Kneser graphs [ MR 2757797 ]
Richard P. Stanley — A survey of alternating permutations [ MR 2757798 ]
A. Mohammadian and B. Tayfeh-Rezaie — The spectrum of the McKay-Miller-Širáň graphs [ MR 2757799 ]
Domingos Dellamonica, Jr., Peter Frankl and Vojtěch Rödl — A theorem on incidence matrices and quasirandom hypergraphs [ MR 2757800 ]
Mahdieh Hasheminezhad and Brendan D. McKay — Combinatorial estimates by the switching method [ MR 2757801 ]
Jacobus H. Koolen, Woo Sun Lee and William J. Martin — Characterizing completely regular codes from an algebraic viewpoint [ MR 2757802 ]
W. H. Holzmann, H. Kharaghani and W. Orrick — On the real unbiased Hadamard matrices [ MR 2757803 ]
Richard M. Wilson — The proportion of various graphs in graph-designs [ MR 2757804 ]
Farzad Didehvar, Ali D. Mehrabi and Fatemeh Raee B. — On unique independence weighted graphs [ MR 2757805 ]