Softcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-5088-6 |
Product Code: | CONM/78 |
List Price: | $130.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $117.00 |
AMS Member Price: | $104.00 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7666-4 |
Product Code: | CONM/78.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Softcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-5088-6 |
eBook: ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7666-4 |
Product Code: | CONM/78.B |
List Price: | $255.00 $192.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $229.50 $173.25 |
AMS Member Price: | $204.00 $154.00 |

Softcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-5088-6 |
Product Code: | CONM/78 |
List Price: | $130.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $117.00 |
AMS Member Price: | $104.00 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7666-4 |
Product Code: | CONM/78.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Softcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-5088-6 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7666-4 |
Product Code: | CONM/78.B |
List Price: | $255.00 $192.50 |
MAA Member Price: | $229.50 $173.25 |
AMS Member Price: | $204.00 $154.00 |
Book DetailsContemporary MathematicsVolume: 78; 1988; 730 ppMSC: Primary 20; Secondary 32; 57
Artin introduced braid groups into mathematical literature in 1925. In the years since, and particularly in the last five to ten years, braid groups have played diverse and unexpected roles in widely different areas of mathematics, including knot theory, homotopy theory, singularity theory, and dynamical systems. Most recently, the area of operator algebras has brought striking new applications to knots and links.
This volume contains the proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Artin's Braid Group, held at the University of California, Santa Cruz, in July 1986. This interdisciplinary conference brought together leading specialists in diverse areas of mathematics to discuss their discoveries and to exchange ideas and problems concerning this important and fundamental group. Because the proceedings present a mix of expository articles and new research, this volume will be of interest to graduate students and researchers who wish to learn more about braids, as well as more experienced workers in this area. The required background includes the basics of knot theory, group theory, and low-dimensional topology.
Table of Contents
K. Aomoto — A construction of integrable differential system associated with braid groups [ MR 975075 ]
Joan S. Birman — Mapping class groups of surfaces [ MR 975076 ]
E. Brieskorn — Automorphic sets and braids and singularities [ MR 975077 ]
Alan L. Carey and David E. Evans — The operator algebras of the two-dimensional Ising model [ MR 975078 ]
F. R. Cohen — Artin’s braid groups, classical homotopy theory, and sundry other curiosities [ MR 975079 ]
William D. Dunbar — Classification of solvorbifolds in dimension three. I [ MR 975080 ]
Michael Falk and Richard Randell — Pure braid groups and products of free groups [ MR 975081 ]
Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen — Polynomial covering maps [ MR 975082 ]
Yasutaka Ihara — Arithmetic analogues of braid groups and Galois representations [ MR 975083 ]
Bo Ju Jiang — Application of braids to fixed points of surface maps [ MR 975084 ]
Louis H. Kauffman — Statistical mechanics and the Jones polynomial [ MR 975085 ]
Paul Kluitmann — Hurwitz action and finite quotients of braid groups [ MR 975086 ]
Tsuyoshi Kobayashi — Heights of simple loops and pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms [ MR 975087 ]
Toshitake Kohno — Linear representations of braid groups and classical Yang-Baxter equations [ MR 975088 ]
G. I. Lehrer — A survey of Hecke algebras and the Artin braid groups [ MR 975089 ]
A. Libgober — On divisibility properties of braids associated with algebraic curves [ MR 975090 ]
W. B. R. Lickorish — The panorama of polynomials for knots, links and skeins [ MR 975091 ]
R. James Milgram and Peter Löffler — The structure of deleted symmetric products [ MR 975092 ]
B. Moishezon and M. Teicher — Braid group technique in complex geometry. I. Line arrangements in ${\bf C}{\rm P}^2$ [ MR 975093 ]
H. R. Morton — Problems [ MR 975094 ]
H. R. Morton — Polynomials from braids [ MR 975095 ]
H. R. Morton and P. Traczyk — The Jones polynomial of satellite links around mutants [ MR 975096 ]
Mutsuo Oka — On the deformation of certain type of algebraic varieties [ MR 975097 ]
Peter Orlik and Louis Solomon — Braids and discriminants [ MR 975098 ]
Józef H. Przytycki — $t_k$ moves on links [ MR 975099 ]
Lee Rudolph — Mutually braided open books and new invariants of fibered links [ MR 975100 ]
Mario Salvetti — Generalized braid groups and self-energy Feynman integrals [ MR 975101 ]
Bronislaw Wajnryb — Markov classes in certain finite symplectic representations of braid groups [ MR 975102 ]
R. F. Williams — The braid index of an algebraic link [ MR 975103 ]
David N. Yetter — Markov algebras [ MR 975104 ]
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Artin introduced braid groups into mathematical literature in 1925. In the years since, and particularly in the last five to ten years, braid groups have played diverse and unexpected roles in widely different areas of mathematics, including knot theory, homotopy theory, singularity theory, and dynamical systems. Most recently, the area of operator algebras has brought striking new applications to knots and links.
This volume contains the proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Artin's Braid Group, held at the University of California, Santa Cruz, in July 1986. This interdisciplinary conference brought together leading specialists in diverse areas of mathematics to discuss their discoveries and to exchange ideas and problems concerning this important and fundamental group. Because the proceedings present a mix of expository articles and new research, this volume will be of interest to graduate students and researchers who wish to learn more about braids, as well as more experienced workers in this area. The required background includes the basics of knot theory, group theory, and low-dimensional topology.
K. Aomoto — A construction of integrable differential system associated with braid groups [ MR 975075 ]
Joan S. Birman — Mapping class groups of surfaces [ MR 975076 ]
E. Brieskorn — Automorphic sets and braids and singularities [ MR 975077 ]
Alan L. Carey and David E. Evans — The operator algebras of the two-dimensional Ising model [ MR 975078 ]
F. R. Cohen — Artin’s braid groups, classical homotopy theory, and sundry other curiosities [ MR 975079 ]
William D. Dunbar — Classification of solvorbifolds in dimension three. I [ MR 975080 ]
Michael Falk and Richard Randell — Pure braid groups and products of free groups [ MR 975081 ]
Vagn Lundsgaard Hansen — Polynomial covering maps [ MR 975082 ]
Yasutaka Ihara — Arithmetic analogues of braid groups and Galois representations [ MR 975083 ]
Bo Ju Jiang — Application of braids to fixed points of surface maps [ MR 975084 ]
Louis H. Kauffman — Statistical mechanics and the Jones polynomial [ MR 975085 ]
Paul Kluitmann — Hurwitz action and finite quotients of braid groups [ MR 975086 ]
Tsuyoshi Kobayashi — Heights of simple loops and pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms [ MR 975087 ]
Toshitake Kohno — Linear representations of braid groups and classical Yang-Baxter equations [ MR 975088 ]
G. I. Lehrer — A survey of Hecke algebras and the Artin braid groups [ MR 975089 ]
A. Libgober — On divisibility properties of braids associated with algebraic curves [ MR 975090 ]
W. B. R. Lickorish — The panorama of polynomials for knots, links and skeins [ MR 975091 ]
R. James Milgram and Peter Löffler — The structure of deleted symmetric products [ MR 975092 ]
B. Moishezon and M. Teicher — Braid group technique in complex geometry. I. Line arrangements in ${\bf C}{\rm P}^2$ [ MR 975093 ]
H. R. Morton — Problems [ MR 975094 ]
H. R. Morton — Polynomials from braids [ MR 975095 ]
H. R. Morton and P. Traczyk — The Jones polynomial of satellite links around mutants [ MR 975096 ]
Mutsuo Oka — On the deformation of certain type of algebraic varieties [ MR 975097 ]
Peter Orlik and Louis Solomon — Braids and discriminants [ MR 975098 ]
Józef H. Przytycki — $t_k$ moves on links [ MR 975099 ]
Lee Rudolph — Mutually braided open books and new invariants of fibered links [ MR 975100 ]
Mario Salvetti — Generalized braid groups and self-energy Feynman integrals [ MR 975101 ]
Bronislaw Wajnryb — Markov classes in certain finite symplectic representations of braid groups [ MR 975102 ]
R. F. Williams — The braid index of an algebraic link [ MR 975103 ]
David N. Yetter — Markov algebras [ MR 975104 ]