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Ordered fields and real algebraic geometry
Edited by:
Donald W Dubois

eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7594-0 |
Product Code: | CONM/8.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |

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Ordered fields and real algebraic geometry
Edited by:
Donald W Dubois
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7594-0 |
Product Code: | CONM/8.E |
List Price: | $125.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $112.50 |
AMS Member Price: | $100.00 |
Book DetailsContemporary MathematicsVolume: 8; 1982; 360 ppMSC: Primary 12; Secondary 11; 14
Table of Contents
C. Andradas — Normal decompositions of semialgebraic sets [ MR 653172 ]
G. Brumfiel — Some open problems
Michel Coste and Marie-Françoise Roy — La topologie du spectre réel [ MR 653174 ]
Hans Delfs and Manfred Knebusch — Semialgebraic topology over a real closed field [ MR 653175 ]
Charles N. Delzell — A finiteness theorem for open semi-algebraic sets, with applications to Hilbert’s 17th problem [ MR 653176 ]
Ludwig Bröcker, Andreas Dress and Rudolf Scharlau — An (almost trivial) local-global principle for the representation of $-1$ as a sum of squares in an arbitrary commutative ring [ MR 653177 ]
Gustave A. Efroymson — The Nash ring of a real surface [ MR 653178 ]
Robert Gilmer — Extension of an order to a simple transcendental extension [ MR 653179 ]
Danielle Gondard — Théorie des modèles et fonctions définies positives sur les variétés algébriques réelles [ MR 653180 ]
Jonathan Harman — Chains of higher level orderings [ MR 653181 ]
Melvin Henriksen and F. A. Smith — Some properties of positive derivations on $f$-rings [ MR 653182 ]
Jonathan Lee Merzel — Quadratic forms over fields with finitely many orderings [ MR 653183 ]
Bruce Glastad and Joe L. Mott — Finitely generated groups of divisibility [ MR 653184 ]
Albrecht Pfister — On quadratic forms and abelian varieties over function fields [ MR 653185 ]
D. W. Dubois and T. Récio — Order extensions and real algebraic geometry [ MR 653186 ]
Heinz-Werner Schülting — Real points and real places [ MR 653187 ]
Niels Schwartz — The strong topology on real algebraic varieties [ MR 653188 ]
Daniel B. Shapiro and T. Y. Lam — The square class invariant for Pythagorean fields [ MR 653189 ]
Alberto Tognoli — Coherent algebraic sheaves in real algebraic geometry [ MR 653190 ]
Antonio J. Engler and T. M. Viswanathan — Digging holes in algebraic closures à la Artin. II [ MR 653191 ]
“The book's most significant contribution is its breadth. It encompasses the entire spectrum of present research in ordered fields and real algebraic geometry. The field is very active, and this is the first attempt at such a comprehensive coverage.”
W. Vogel, (Halle) Periodica Mathematica Hungarica
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- Book Details
- Table of Contents
- Reviews
- Requests
C. Andradas — Normal decompositions of semialgebraic sets [ MR 653172 ]
G. Brumfiel — Some open problems
Michel Coste and Marie-Françoise Roy — La topologie du spectre réel [ MR 653174 ]
Hans Delfs and Manfred Knebusch — Semialgebraic topology over a real closed field [ MR 653175 ]
Charles N. Delzell — A finiteness theorem for open semi-algebraic sets, with applications to Hilbert’s 17th problem [ MR 653176 ]
Ludwig Bröcker, Andreas Dress and Rudolf Scharlau — An (almost trivial) local-global principle for the representation of $-1$ as a sum of squares in an arbitrary commutative ring [ MR 653177 ]
Gustave A. Efroymson — The Nash ring of a real surface [ MR 653178 ]
Robert Gilmer — Extension of an order to a simple transcendental extension [ MR 653179 ]
Danielle Gondard — Théorie des modèles et fonctions définies positives sur les variétés algébriques réelles [ MR 653180 ]
Jonathan Harman — Chains of higher level orderings [ MR 653181 ]
Melvin Henriksen and F. A. Smith — Some properties of positive derivations on $f$-rings [ MR 653182 ]
Jonathan Lee Merzel — Quadratic forms over fields with finitely many orderings [ MR 653183 ]
Bruce Glastad and Joe L. Mott — Finitely generated groups of divisibility [ MR 653184 ]
Albrecht Pfister — On quadratic forms and abelian varieties over function fields [ MR 653185 ]
D. W. Dubois and T. Récio — Order extensions and real algebraic geometry [ MR 653186 ]
Heinz-Werner Schülting — Real points and real places [ MR 653187 ]
Niels Schwartz — The strong topology on real algebraic varieties [ MR 653188 ]
Daniel B. Shapiro and T. Y. Lam — The square class invariant for Pythagorean fields [ MR 653189 ]
Alberto Tognoli — Coherent algebraic sheaves in real algebraic geometry [ MR 653190 ]
Antonio J. Engler and T. M. Viswanathan — Digging holes in algebraic closures à la Artin. II [ MR 653191 ]
“The book's most significant contribution is its breadth. It encompasses the entire spectrum of present research in ordered fields and real algebraic geometry. The field is very active, and this is the first attempt at such a comprehensive coverage.”
W. Vogel, (Halle) Periodica Mathematica Hungarica
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