Softcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7283-3 |
Product Code: | CRMP/54 |
List Price: | $132.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $118.80 |
AMS Member Price: | $105.60 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-1588-4 |
Product Code: | CRMP/54.E |
List Price: | $132.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $118.80 |
AMS Member Price: | $105.60 |
Softcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7283-3 |
eBook: ISBN: | 978-1-4704-1588-4 |
Product Code: | CRMP/54.B |
List Price: | $264.00 $198.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $237.60 $178.20 |
AMS Member Price: | $211.20 $158.40 |

Softcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7283-3 |
Product Code: | CRMP/54 |
List Price: | $132.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $118.80 |
AMS Member Price: | $105.60 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-1588-4 |
Product Code: | CRMP/54.E |
List Price: | $132.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $118.80 |
AMS Member Price: | $105.60 |
Softcover ISBN: | 978-0-8218-7283-3 |
eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-1588-4 |
Product Code: | CRMP/54.B |
List Price: | $264.00 $198.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $237.60 $178.20 |
AMS Member Price: | $211.20 $158.40 |
Book DetailsCRM Proceedings & Lecture NotesVolume: 54; 2011; 334 ppMSC: Primary 14; 13
This volume grew out of an international conference which was held in June 2009 at McGill University, in honour of Professor Peter Russell, on the occasion of his 70th birthday and his retirement from McGill. It contains 19 refereed articles, essentially all in the area of affine algebraic geometry and, more specifically, in the following subjects: automorphisms and group actions, surfaces, embeddings of certain rational curves in the affine plane, and problems in positive characteristic geometry. These are also some of the themes running through the very substantial body of work done by Professor Russell in this relatively young branch of algebraic geometry. The volume also includes a foreword, in which Professor Russell shares some personal reminiscences on the development of affine algebraic geometry, a field he describes as “loosely speaking, the study of affine spaces and algebraic varieties closely resembling them.”
Titles in this series are co-published with the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques.
ReadershipGraduate students and research mathematicians interested in affine algebraic geometry.
Table of Contents
Newton trees at infinity of algebraic curves
Polynomials $f(X,Y,Z)$ of low LND-degree
Corrigendum to our paper "Birational transformations of weighted graphs”
Bivariate analogues of Chebyshev polynomials with application to embeddings of affine spaces
The pencil of translates of a line in the plane
A geometric proof of Boutot’s result on singularities of quotients
On the present state of the Andersén–Lempert theory
Group actions on affine cones
$\mathbb {C}^*$ in $\mathbb {C}^2$ is birationally equivalent to a line
Initial algebras and the Jung–van der Kulk theorem
Holomorphic curves on irregular varieties of general type starting from surfaces
Locally nilpotent derivations of affine domains
Equivariant derivations and additive group actions
Frobenius sandwiches of affine algebraic surfaces
Automorphism groups of Koras–Russell threefolds of the first kind
Recent progress in the geometry of $\mathbb {Q}$-acyclic surfaces
On the Makar-Limanov, Derksen invariants, and finite automorphism groups of algebraic varieties
Embeddings of hyperbolas
Groups of Russell type and tango structures
Additional Material
RequestsReview Copy – for publishers of book reviewsAccessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
- Book Details
- Table of Contents
- Additional Material
- Requests
This volume grew out of an international conference which was held in June 2009 at McGill University, in honour of Professor Peter Russell, on the occasion of his 70th birthday and his retirement from McGill. It contains 19 refereed articles, essentially all in the area of affine algebraic geometry and, more specifically, in the following subjects: automorphisms and group actions, surfaces, embeddings of certain rational curves in the affine plane, and problems in positive characteristic geometry. These are also some of the themes running through the very substantial body of work done by Professor Russell in this relatively young branch of algebraic geometry. The volume also includes a foreword, in which Professor Russell shares some personal reminiscences on the development of affine algebraic geometry, a field he describes as “loosely speaking, the study of affine spaces and algebraic varieties closely resembling them.”
Titles in this series are co-published with the Centre de Recherches Mathématiques.
Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in affine algebraic geometry.
Newton trees at infinity of algebraic curves
Polynomials $f(X,Y,Z)$ of low LND-degree
Corrigendum to our paper "Birational transformations of weighted graphs”
Bivariate analogues of Chebyshev polynomials with application to embeddings of affine spaces
The pencil of translates of a line in the plane
A geometric proof of Boutot’s result on singularities of quotients
On the present state of the Andersén–Lempert theory
Group actions on affine cones
$\mathbb {C}^*$ in $\mathbb {C}^2$ is birationally equivalent to a line
Initial algebras and the Jung–van der Kulk theorem
Holomorphic curves on irregular varieties of general type starting from surfaces
Locally nilpotent derivations of affine domains
Equivariant derivations and additive group actions
Frobenius sandwiches of affine algebraic surfaces
Automorphism groups of Koras–Russell threefolds of the first kind
Recent progress in the geometry of $\mathbb {Q}$-acyclic surfaces
On the Makar-Limanov, Derksen invariants, and finite automorphism groups of algebraic varieties
Embeddings of hyperbolas
Groups of Russell type and tango structures