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Selected Papers of Alberto P. Calderón with Commentary
Edited by: Alexandra Bellow Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Carlos E. Kenig University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Selected Papers of Alberto P. Calderon with Commentary
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-4297-3
Product Code:  CWORKS/21
List Price: $175.00
MAA Member Price: $157.50
AMS Member Price: $140.00
Selected Papers of Alberto P. Calderon with Commentary
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Selected Papers of Alberto P. Calderón with Commentary
Edited by: Alexandra Bellow Northwestern University, Evanston, IL
Carlos E. Kenig University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Hardcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-4297-3
Product Code:  CWORKS/21
List Price: $175.00
MAA Member Price: $157.50
AMS Member Price: $140.00
  • Book Details
    Collected Works
    Volume: 212008; 639 pp
    MSC: Primary 42; 37; 35; 58

    Alberto Calderón was one of the leading mathematicians of the twentieth century. His fundamental, pioneering work reshaped the landscape of mathematical analysis. This volume presents a wide selection from some of Calderón's most influential papers. They range from singular integrals to partial differential equations, from interpolation theory to Cauchy integrals on Lipschitz curves, from inverse problems to ergodic theory. The depth, originality, and historical impact of these works are vividly illustrated by the accompanying commentaries by some of today's leading figures in analysis. In addition, two biographical chapters preface the volume. They discuss Alberto Calderón's early life and his mathematical career.


    Research mathematicians interested in analysis, harmonic analysis, and singular integrals.

  • Reviews
    • This is delightful volume showcasing some of the seminal work of mathematician Alberto P. Calderón. ... In all, I am very pleased to have this volume on my self. It serves to remind me of my mathematical heritage, and of the bright future for analysis that we all envisage.

      Mathematical Reviews
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Volume: 212008; 639 pp
MSC: Primary 42; 37; 35; 58

Alberto Calderón was one of the leading mathematicians of the twentieth century. His fundamental, pioneering work reshaped the landscape of mathematical analysis. This volume presents a wide selection from some of Calderón's most influential papers. They range from singular integrals to partial differential equations, from interpolation theory to Cauchy integrals on Lipschitz curves, from inverse problems to ergodic theory. The depth, originality, and historical impact of these works are vividly illustrated by the accompanying commentaries by some of today's leading figures in analysis. In addition, two biographical chapters preface the volume. They discuss Alberto Calderón's early life and his mathematical career.


Research mathematicians interested in analysis, harmonic analysis, and singular integrals.

  • This is delightful volume showcasing some of the seminal work of mathematician Alberto P. Calderón. ... In all, I am very pleased to have this volume on my self. It serves to remind me of my mathematical heritage, and of the bright future for analysis that we all envisage.

    Mathematical Reviews
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