eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-3984-2 |
Product Code: | DIMACS/26.E |
List Price: | $138.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $124.20 |
AMS Member Price: | $110.40 |

eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-3984-2 |
Product Code: | DIMACS/26.E |
List Price: | $138.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $124.20 |
AMS Member Price: | $110.40 |
Book DetailsDIMACS - Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer ScienceVolume: 26; 1996; 657 ppMSC: Primary 68; 90
The purpose of a DIMACS Challenge is to encourage and coordinate research in the experimental analysis of algorithms. The First DIMACS Challenge encouraged experimental work in the area of network flow and matchings. The Second DIMACS Challenge, on which this volume is based, took place in conjunction with the DIMACS Special Year on Combinatorial Optimization. Addressed here are three difficult combinatorial optimization problems: finding cliques in a graph, coloring the vertices of a graph, and solving instances of the satisfiability problem. These problems were chosen both for their practical interest and because of their theoretical intractability.
Co-published with the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science beginning with Volume 8. Volumes 1–7 were co-published with the Association for Computer Machinery (ACM).
ReadershipGraduate students and research mathematicians interested in graph theory and combinatorial optimization.
Table of Contents
Introduction to the Second DIMACS Challenge: Cliques, coloring, and satisfiability
Polyhedral methods for the maximum clique problem
Finding large cliques in arbitrary graphs by bipartite matching
An exact quadratic 0-1 algorithm for the stable set problem
Camouflaging independent sets in quasi-random graphs
Constructing cliques using restricted backtracking
A continuous based heuristic for the maximum clique problem
Applying the INN model to the maximum clique problem
Experiments with polynomial-time CLIQUE approximation algorithms on very large graphs
Approximately solving maximum clique using neural network and related heuristics
Edge projection and the maximum cardinality stable set problem
Tabu search algorithms for the maximum clique problem
Exploring the k-colorable landscape with iterated greedy
Coloring by Tabu branch and bound
Experiments with parallel graph coloring heuristics and applications of graph coloring
Distributed coloration neighborhood search
An improved algorithm for exact graph coloring
Random generation of test instances with controlled attributes
A linear programming and rounding approach to max 2-SAT
SAT versus UNSAT
Large plateaus and plateau search in Boolean satisfiability problems: When to give up searching and start again
Tabu search and a quadratic relaxation for the satisfiability problem
Efficiency and stability of hypergraph SAT algorithms
A GRASP for satisfiability
Local search strategies for satisfiability testing
Simulated annealing for hard satisfiability problems
Satisfiability testing with more reasoning and less guessing
Comparative studies of constraint satisfaction and Davis-Putnam algorithms for maximum satisfiability problems
Object-oriented implementation of heuristic search methods for graph coloring, maximum clique, and satisfiability
Appendix. Second DIMACS challenge test problems
RequestsReview Copy – for publishers of book reviewsAccessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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- Table of Contents
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The purpose of a DIMACS Challenge is to encourage and coordinate research in the experimental analysis of algorithms. The First DIMACS Challenge encouraged experimental work in the area of network flow and matchings. The Second DIMACS Challenge, on which this volume is based, took place in conjunction with the DIMACS Special Year on Combinatorial Optimization. Addressed here are three difficult combinatorial optimization problems: finding cliques in a graph, coloring the vertices of a graph, and solving instances of the satisfiability problem. These problems were chosen both for their practical interest and because of their theoretical intractability.
Co-published with the Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science beginning with Volume 8. Volumes 1–7 were co-published with the Association for Computer Machinery (ACM).
Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in graph theory and combinatorial optimization.
Introduction to the Second DIMACS Challenge: Cliques, coloring, and satisfiability
Polyhedral methods for the maximum clique problem
Finding large cliques in arbitrary graphs by bipartite matching
An exact quadratic 0-1 algorithm for the stable set problem
Camouflaging independent sets in quasi-random graphs
Constructing cliques using restricted backtracking
A continuous based heuristic for the maximum clique problem
Applying the INN model to the maximum clique problem
Experiments with polynomial-time CLIQUE approximation algorithms on very large graphs
Approximately solving maximum clique using neural network and related heuristics
Edge projection and the maximum cardinality stable set problem
Tabu search algorithms for the maximum clique problem
Exploring the k-colorable landscape with iterated greedy
Coloring by Tabu branch and bound
Experiments with parallel graph coloring heuristics and applications of graph coloring
Distributed coloration neighborhood search
An improved algorithm for exact graph coloring
Random generation of test instances with controlled attributes
A linear programming and rounding approach to max 2-SAT
SAT versus UNSAT
Large plateaus and plateau search in Boolean satisfiability problems: When to give up searching and start again
Tabu search and a quadratic relaxation for the satisfiability problem
Efficiency and stability of hypergraph SAT algorithms
A GRASP for satisfiability
Local search strategies for satisfiability testing
Simulated annealing for hard satisfiability problems
Satisfiability testing with more reasoning and less guessing
Comparative studies of constraint satisfaction and Davis-Putnam algorithms for maximum satisfiability problems
Object-oriented implementation of heuristic search methods for graph coloring, maximum clique, and satisfiability
Appendix. Second DIMACS challenge test problems