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Great Moments in Mathematics: After 1650
Great Moments in Mathematics
MAA Press: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
eBook ISBN:  978-1-61444-215-8
Product Code:  DOL/7.E
List Price: $35.00
MAA Member Price: $26.25
AMS Member Price: $26.25
Great Moments in Mathematics
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Great Moments in Mathematics: After 1650
MAA Press: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
eBook ISBN:  978-1-61444-215-8
Product Code:  DOL/7.E
List Price: $35.00
MAA Member Price: $26.25
AMS Member Price: $26.25
  • Book Details
    Dolciani Mathematical Expositions
    Volume: 71983; 263 pp
    MSC: Primary 00; Secondary 01

    What a splendid addition this is to the Dolciani Mathematical Exposition series! This second set of lectures on great moments in mathematics (after 1650) is a fascinating collection of pivotal points in the historical development of mathematics...The four lectures devoted to the liberation of geometry and algebra are of particular interest. The lectures should be required reading for all teachers of mathematics.

    Herbert Fremont, The Mathematics Teacher

    Eves is never less than tantalizing and usually inspiring...each 'great moment' has detailed exercises following it, as these have been carefully chosen to illustrate the depth of the ideas in question.

    C. W. Kilmister, The London Times, Higher Education Supplement

    As is usual with Eves' work, the books are well written and entertaining. They give an historical background to many of the best known mathematical results, and, in addition, provide interesting pieces of information about the mathematicians involved. Eves includes relevant exercises at the end of each chapter. These are a good source of different, interesting problems, and when combined with the material in the chapter, could form the basis for a mathematical project...Eves' book provides an interesting, well-written, and enjoyable account. You won't be disappointed.

    David Parrott, The Australian Mathematics Teacher

  • Table of Contents
    • Chapters
    • LECTURE TWENTY-ONE. Order within disorder
    • LECTURE TWENTY-TWO. Moving pictures versus still pictures
    • LECTURE TWENTY-THREE. Like opening and closing a door
    • LECTURE TWENTY-FOUR. Power(ful) series
    • LECTURE TWENTY-FTVE. Yea + Yea + Yea + Yea
    • LECTURE TWENTY-SIX. The liberation of geometry, I
    • LECTURE TWENTY-SEVEN. The liberation of geometry, II
    • LECTURE TWENTY-EIGHT. The liberation of algebra, I
    • LECTURE TWENTY-NINE. The liberation of algebra, II
    • LECTURE THIRTY. An important atomic structure
    • LECTURE THIRTY. A remarkable codification
    • LECTURE THIRTY-TWO. Pythagoras justified
    • LECTURE THIRTY-THREE. Digging deeper
    • LECTURE THIRTY-FOUR. Beyond the finite
    • LECTURE THIRTY-FIVE. Some remarkable definitions
    • LECTURE THIRTY-SIX. Some clarifying examples
    • LECTURE THIRTY-SEVEN. The third level
    • LECTURE THTRTY-EIGHT. Mathematics as a branch of theology
    • LECTURE THIRTY-NINE. The dream that came true
    • LECTURE FORTY. Apology and regrets
  • Reviews
    • What a splendid addition this is to the Dolciani Mathematical Exposition series! This second set of lectures on great moments in mathematics (after 1650) is fascinating collection of pivotal points in the historical development of mathematics. The four lectures devoted to the liberation of geometry and algebra are of particular interest. The lectures should be required reading for all teachers of mathematics.

      Herbert Fremont in The Mathematics Teacher
    • As usual with Eves' work, the books are well written and entertainging. They give an historical background to many of the best known mathematical results, and in addition provide interesting pieces of information about the mathe mathematicians involved. Eves includes relevent exercises at the end of each chapte. These are a good source of different, interesting problems, and when combined with the matieral in the chapter could form the basis for a mathematical project...Eves' book provides an ineresting well-written, and enjoyable account. You won't be disappointed!

      David Parrott The Australian Mathematics Teacher
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 71983; 263 pp
MSC: Primary 00; Secondary 01

What a splendid addition this is to the Dolciani Mathematical Exposition series! This second set of lectures on great moments in mathematics (after 1650) is a fascinating collection of pivotal points in the historical development of mathematics...The four lectures devoted to the liberation of geometry and algebra are of particular interest. The lectures should be required reading for all teachers of mathematics.

Herbert Fremont, The Mathematics Teacher

Eves is never less than tantalizing and usually inspiring...each 'great moment' has detailed exercises following it, as these have been carefully chosen to illustrate the depth of the ideas in question.

C. W. Kilmister, The London Times, Higher Education Supplement

As is usual with Eves' work, the books are well written and entertaining. They give an historical background to many of the best known mathematical results, and, in addition, provide interesting pieces of information about the mathematicians involved. Eves includes relevant exercises at the end of each chapter. These are a good source of different, interesting problems, and when combined with the material in the chapter, could form the basis for a mathematical project...Eves' book provides an interesting, well-written, and enjoyable account. You won't be disappointed.

David Parrott, The Australian Mathematics Teacher

  • Chapters
  • LECTURE TWENTY-ONE. Order within disorder
  • LECTURE TWENTY-TWO. Moving pictures versus still pictures
  • LECTURE TWENTY-THREE. Like opening and closing a door
  • LECTURE TWENTY-FOUR. Power(ful) series
  • LECTURE TWENTY-FTVE. Yea + Yea + Yea + Yea
  • LECTURE TWENTY-SIX. The liberation of geometry, I
  • LECTURE TWENTY-SEVEN. The liberation of geometry, II
  • LECTURE TWENTY-EIGHT. The liberation of algebra, I
  • LECTURE TWENTY-NINE. The liberation of algebra, II
  • LECTURE THIRTY. An important atomic structure
  • LECTURE THIRTY. A remarkable codification
  • LECTURE THIRTY-TWO. Pythagoras justified
  • LECTURE THIRTY-THREE. Digging deeper
  • LECTURE THIRTY-FOUR. Beyond the finite
  • LECTURE THIRTY-FIVE. Some remarkable definitions
  • LECTURE THIRTY-SIX. Some clarifying examples
  • LECTURE THIRTY-SEVEN. The third level
  • LECTURE THTRTY-EIGHT. Mathematics as a branch of theology
  • LECTURE THIRTY-NINE. The dream that came true
  • LECTURE FORTY. Apology and regrets
  • What a splendid addition this is to the Dolciani Mathematical Exposition series! This second set of lectures on great moments in mathematics (after 1650) is fascinating collection of pivotal points in the historical development of mathematics. The four lectures devoted to the liberation of geometry and algebra are of particular interest. The lectures should be required reading for all teachers of mathematics.

    Herbert Fremont in The Mathematics Teacher
  • As usual with Eves' work, the books are well written and entertainging. They give an historical background to many of the best known mathematical results, and in addition provide interesting pieces of information about the mathe mathematicians involved. Eves includes relevent exercises at the end of each chapte. These are a good source of different, interesting problems, and when combined with the matieral in the chapter could form the basis for a mathematical project...Eves' book provides an ineresting well-written, and enjoyable account. You won't be disappointed!

    David Parrott The Australian Mathematics Teacher
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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