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Lecture Notes on Diophantine Analysis: Second Edition
Umberto Zannier Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy

With an Appendix by Francesco Amoroso.

A publication of European Mathematical Society
Softcover ISBN:  978-3-98547-077-8
Product Code:  EMSSERLEC/36
List Price: $55.00
AMS Member Price: $44.00
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
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Lecture Notes on Diophantine Analysis: Second Edition
Umberto Zannier Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy

With an Appendix by Francesco Amoroso.

A publication of European Mathematical Society
Softcover ISBN:  978-3-98547-077-8
Product Code:  EMSSERLEC/36
List Price: $55.00
AMS Member Price: $44.00
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
  • Book Details
    EMS Series of Lectures in Mathematics
    Volume: 362024; 411 pp
    MSC: Primary 01; Secondary 11

    The present book is a new, substantially enlarged, version of a previous set of lecture notes on diophantine analysis, published first in 2008 and then in revised form a few years later by the Edizioni della Scuola Normale.

    The content mixes a number of rather classical results on diophantine equations and diophantine approximation the basic theory of heights and a few more recent results and applications.

    The exposition has been generally kept at an elementary and essentially self-contained level, focusing on some main ideas rather than finer technical results, which can be obtained by similar methods. In fact, the book is also addressed to readers outside the relevant fields with the hope that more expert readers also might find something relevant.

    The second edition contains substantial new material in the form of new sections, supplements, remarks, and exercises. The arguments for the exercises are developed in full by means of 'hints' which, in fact, are much more than scattered suggestions and practically contain complete details. Occasionally, the remarks and the exercises contain miscellaneous results which have not been explicitly published elsewhere.

    A publication of the European Mathematical Society (EMS). Distributed within the Americas by the American Mathematical Society.

  • Additional Material
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 362024; 411 pp
MSC: Primary 01; Secondary 11

The present book is a new, substantially enlarged, version of a previous set of lecture notes on diophantine analysis, published first in 2008 and then in revised form a few years later by the Edizioni della Scuola Normale.

The content mixes a number of rather classical results on diophantine equations and diophantine approximation the basic theory of heights and a few more recent results and applications.

The exposition has been generally kept at an elementary and essentially self-contained level, focusing on some main ideas rather than finer technical results, which can be obtained by similar methods. In fact, the book is also addressed to readers outside the relevant fields with the hope that more expert readers also might find something relevant.

The second edition contains substantial new material in the form of new sections, supplements, remarks, and exercises. The arguments for the exercises are developed in full by means of 'hints' which, in fact, are much more than scattered suggestions and practically contain complete details. Occasionally, the remarks and the exercises contain miscellaneous results which have not been explicitly published elsewhere.

A publication of the European Mathematical Society (EMS). Distributed within the Americas by the American Mathematical Society.

Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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