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Quantum Ergodicity and Delocalization of Schrödinger Eigenfunctions
Nalini Anantharaman Université de Strasbourg and CNRS, France
A publication of European Mathematical Society
Quantum Ergodicity and Delocalization of Schrodinger Eigenfunctions
Softcover ISBN:  978-3-98547-015-0
Product Code:  EMSZLEC/27
List Price: $39.00
AMS Member Price: $31.20
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
Quantum Ergodicity and Delocalization of Schrodinger Eigenfunctions
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Quantum Ergodicity and Delocalization of Schrödinger Eigenfunctions
Nalini Anantharaman Université de Strasbourg and CNRS, France
A publication of European Mathematical Society
Softcover ISBN:  978-3-98547-015-0
Product Code:  EMSZLEC/27
List Price: $39.00
AMS Member Price: $31.20
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
  • Book Details
    EMS Zurich Lectures in Advanced Mathematics
    Volume: 272022; 134 pp
    MSC: Primary 58; Secondary 37; 81

    This book deals with various topics in quantum chaos, starting with a historical introduction and then focusing on the delocalisation of eigenfunctions of Schrödinger operators for chaotic Hamiltonian systems. It contains a short introduction to microlocal analysis, necessary for proving the Shnirelman theorem and giving an account of the author's work on entropy of eigenfunctions on negatively curved manifolds. In addition, further work by the author on quantum ergodicity of eigenfunctions on large graphs is presented, along with a survey of results on eigenfunctions on the round sphere, as well as a rather detailed exposition of the result by Backhausz and Szegedy on the Gaussian distribution of eigenfunctions on random regular graphs.

    Like the lecture series it is based on, the text is aimed at all mathematicians, from the graduate level onwards, who want to learn some of the important ideas in the field.

    A publication of the European Mathematical Society (EMS). Distributed within the Americas by the American Mathematical Society.


    Graduate students and researchers interested in mathematical physics and dynamical systems.

  • Additional Material
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 272022; 134 pp
MSC: Primary 58; Secondary 37; 81

This book deals with various topics in quantum chaos, starting with a historical introduction and then focusing on the delocalisation of eigenfunctions of Schrödinger operators for chaotic Hamiltonian systems. It contains a short introduction to microlocal analysis, necessary for proving the Shnirelman theorem and giving an account of the author's work on entropy of eigenfunctions on negatively curved manifolds. In addition, further work by the author on quantum ergodicity of eigenfunctions on large graphs is presented, along with a survey of results on eigenfunctions on the round sphere, as well as a rather detailed exposition of the result by Backhausz and Szegedy on the Gaussian distribution of eigenfunctions on random regular graphs.

Like the lecture series it is based on, the text is aimed at all mathematicians, from the graduate level onwards, who want to learn some of the important ideas in the field.

A publication of the European Mathematical Society (EMS). Distributed within the Americas by the American Mathematical Society.


Graduate students and researchers interested in mathematical physics and dynamical systems.

Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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