Book DetailsGraduate Studies in MathematicsVolume: 148; 2013; 277 ppMSC: Primary 37
Now available in Second Edition: GSM/231
This book is the first comprehensive introduction to smooth ergodic theory. It consists of two parts: the first introduces the core of the theory and the second discusses more advanced topics. In particular, the book describes the general theory of Lyapunov exponents and its applications to the stability theory of differential equations, the concept of nonuniform hyperbolicity, stable manifold theory (with emphasis on the absolute continuity of invariant foliations), and the ergodic theory of dynamical systems with nonzero Lyapunov exponents. The authors also present a detailed description of all basic examples of conservative systems with nonzero Lyapunov exponents, including the geodesic flows on compact surfaces of nonpositive curvature.
This book is a revised and considerably expanded version of the previous book by the same authors Lyapunov Exponents and Smooth Ergodic Theory (University Lecture Series, Vol. 23, AMS, 2002). It is aimed at graduate students specializing in dynamical systems and ergodic theory as well as anyone who wants to acquire a working knowledge of smooth ergodic theory and to learn how to use its tools. With more than 80 exercises, the book can be used as a primary textbook for an advanced course in smooth ergodic theory. The book is self-contained and only a basic knowledge of real analysis, measure theory, differential equations, and topology is required and, even so, the authors provide the reader with the necessary background definitions and results.
ReadershipGraduate students interested in dynamical systems and ergodic theory and research mathematicians interested in smooth ergodic theory.
Table of Contents
Part 1. The core of the theory
Chapter 1. Examples of hyperbolic dynamical systems
Chapter 2. General theory of Lyapunov exponents
Chapter 3. Lyapunov stability theory of nonautonomous equations
Chapter 4. Elements of the nonuniform hyperbolicity theory
Chapter 5. Cocycles over dynamical systems
Chapter 6. The Multiplicative Ergodic Theorem
Chapter 7. Local manifold theory
Chapter 8. Absolute continuity of local manifolds
Chapter 9. Ergodic properties of smooth hyperbolic measures
Chapter 10. Geodesic flows on surfaces of nonpositive curvature
Part 2. Selected advanced topics
Chapter 11. Cone technics
Chapter 12. Partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with nonzero exponents
Chapter 13. More examples of dynamical systems with nonzero Lyapunov exponents
Chapter 14. Anosov rigidity
Chapter 15. $C^1$ pathological behavior: Pugh’s example
Additional Material
- Book Details
- Table of Contents
- Additional Material
Now available in Second Edition: GSM/231
This book is the first comprehensive introduction to smooth ergodic theory. It consists of two parts: the first introduces the core of the theory and the second discusses more advanced topics. In particular, the book describes the general theory of Lyapunov exponents and its applications to the stability theory of differential equations, the concept of nonuniform hyperbolicity, stable manifold theory (with emphasis on the absolute continuity of invariant foliations), and the ergodic theory of dynamical systems with nonzero Lyapunov exponents. The authors also present a detailed description of all basic examples of conservative systems with nonzero Lyapunov exponents, including the geodesic flows on compact surfaces of nonpositive curvature.
This book is a revised and considerably expanded version of the previous book by the same authors Lyapunov Exponents and Smooth Ergodic Theory (University Lecture Series, Vol. 23, AMS, 2002). It is aimed at graduate students specializing in dynamical systems and ergodic theory as well as anyone who wants to acquire a working knowledge of smooth ergodic theory and to learn how to use its tools. With more than 80 exercises, the book can be used as a primary textbook for an advanced course in smooth ergodic theory. The book is self-contained and only a basic knowledge of real analysis, measure theory, differential equations, and topology is required and, even so, the authors provide the reader with the necessary background definitions and results.
Graduate students interested in dynamical systems and ergodic theory and research mathematicians interested in smooth ergodic theory.
Part 1. The core of the theory
Chapter 1. Examples of hyperbolic dynamical systems
Chapter 2. General theory of Lyapunov exponents
Chapter 3. Lyapunov stability theory of nonautonomous equations
Chapter 4. Elements of the nonuniform hyperbolicity theory
Chapter 5. Cocycles over dynamical systems
Chapter 6. The Multiplicative Ergodic Theorem
Chapter 7. Local manifold theory
Chapter 8. Absolute continuity of local manifolds
Chapter 9. Ergodic properties of smooth hyperbolic measures
Chapter 10. Geodesic flows on surfaces of nonpositive curvature
Part 2. Selected advanced topics
Chapter 11. Cone technics
Chapter 12. Partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with nonzero exponents
Chapter 13. More examples of dynamical systems with nonzero Lyapunov exponents
Chapter 14. Anosov rigidity
Chapter 15. $C^1$ pathological behavior: Pugh’s example