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Spectral Theory of Dynamical Systems
M. G. Nadkarni University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India
A publication of Hindustan Book Agency
Spectral Theory of Dynamical Systems
Softcover ISBN:  978-93-80250-21-2
Product Code:  HIN/54
List Price: $44.00
AMS Member Price: $35.20
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
Spectral Theory of Dynamical Systems
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Spectral Theory of Dynamical Systems
M. G. Nadkarni University of Mumbai, Mumbai, India
A publication of Hindustan Book Agency
Softcover ISBN:  978-93-80250-21-2
Product Code:  HIN/54
List Price: $44.00
AMS Member Price: $35.20
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
  • Book Details
    Hindustan Book Agency
    Volume: 542011; 226 pp
    MSC: Primary 28; 60

    This book treats some basic topics in the spectral theory of dynamical systems. The treatment is at a general level, but two more advanced theorems, one by H. Helson and W. Parry and the other by B. Host, are presented. Moreover, Ornstein's family of mixing rank one automorphisms is described with construction and proof. Systems of imprimitivity and their relevance to ergodic theory are discussed, and Baire category theorems of ergodic theory, scattered in the literature, are derived in a unified way. Riesz products are considered and they are used to describe the spectral types and eigenvalues of rank one automorphisms.

    A publication of Hindustan Book Agency; distributed within the Americas by the American Mathematical Society. Maximum discount of 20% for all commercial channels.


    General audience interested in analysis.

  • Reviews
    • ... compile and communicate in a unique way a lot of mathematics that is of current interest but is not otherwise so readily at hand.

      Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 542011; 226 pp
MSC: Primary 28; 60

This book treats some basic topics in the spectral theory of dynamical systems. The treatment is at a general level, but two more advanced theorems, one by H. Helson and W. Parry and the other by B. Host, are presented. Moreover, Ornstein's family of mixing rank one automorphisms is described with construction and proof. Systems of imprimitivity and their relevance to ergodic theory are discussed, and Baire category theorems of ergodic theory, scattered in the literature, are derived in a unified way. Riesz products are considered and they are used to describe the spectral types and eigenvalues of rank one automorphisms.

A publication of Hindustan Book Agency; distributed within the Americas by the American Mathematical Society. Maximum discount of 20% for all commercial channels.


General audience interested in analysis.

  • ... compile and communicate in a unique way a lot of mathematics that is of current interest but is not otherwise so readily at hand.

    Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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