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Analysis II: Fourth Edition
Terence Tao University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
A publication of Hindustan Book Agency
Analysis II
Hardcover ISBN:  978-81-95196-12-8
Product Code:  HIN/83
List Price: $52.00
AMS Member Price: $41.60
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
Analysis II
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Analysis II: Fourth Edition
Terence Tao University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
A publication of Hindustan Book Agency
Hardcover ISBN:  978-81-95196-12-8
Product Code:  HIN/83
List Price: $52.00
AMS Member Price: $41.60
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
  • Book Details
    Hindustan Book Agency
    Volume: 832022; 242 pp
    MSC: Primary 26; 28; 40

    This is part two of a two-volume introduction to real analysis and is intended for honours undergraduates who have already been exposed to calculus. The emphasis is on rigour and on foundations. The material starts at the very beginning—the construction of the number systems and set theory—then goes on to the basics of analysis (limits, series, continuity, differentiation, Riemann integration), through to power series, several variable calculus and Fourier analysis, and finally to the Lebesgue integral. These are almost entirely set in the concrete setting of the real line and Euclidean spaces, although there is some material on abstract metric and topological spaces. There are also appendices on mathematical logic and the decimal system. The entire text (omitting some less central topics) can be taught in two quarters of 25 to 30 lectures each.

    The course material is deeply intertwined with the exercises, as it is intended that the student actively learn the material (and practice thinking and writing rigorously) by proving several of the key results in the theory.

    The fourth edition incorporates a large number of corrections reported since the release of the third edition, as well as some new exercises.

    A publication of Hindustan Book Agency; distributed within the Americas by the American Mathematical Society. Maximum discount of 20% for all commercial channels.


    Undergraduate and graduate students interested in analysis.

  • Additional Material
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 832022; 242 pp
MSC: Primary 26; 28; 40

This is part two of a two-volume introduction to real analysis and is intended for honours undergraduates who have already been exposed to calculus. The emphasis is on rigour and on foundations. The material starts at the very beginning—the construction of the number systems and set theory—then goes on to the basics of analysis (limits, series, continuity, differentiation, Riemann integration), through to power series, several variable calculus and Fourier analysis, and finally to the Lebesgue integral. These are almost entirely set in the concrete setting of the real line and Euclidean spaces, although there is some material on abstract metric and topological spaces. There are also appendices on mathematical logic and the decimal system. The entire text (omitting some less central topics) can be taught in two quarters of 25 to 30 lectures each.

The course material is deeply intertwined with the exercises, as it is intended that the student actively learn the material (and practice thinking and writing rigorously) by proving several of the key results in the theory.

The fourth edition incorporates a large number of corrections reported since the release of the third edition, as well as some new exercises.

A publication of Hindustan Book Agency; distributed within the Americas by the American Mathematical Society. Maximum discount of 20% for all commercial channels.


Undergraduate and graduate students interested in analysis.

Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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