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Functional Analysis: Second Edition
S. Kesavan Institute of Mathematical Science, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
A publication of Hindustan Book Agency
Softcover ISBN:  978-81-95196-13-5
Product Code:  HIN/84
List Price: $56.00
AMS Member Price: $44.80
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
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Functional Analysis: Second Edition
S. Kesavan Institute of Mathematical Science, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
A publication of Hindustan Book Agency
Softcover ISBN:  978-81-95196-13-5
Product Code:  HIN/84
List Price: $56.00
AMS Member Price: $44.80
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
  • Book Details
    Hindustan Book Agency
    Volume: 842022; 300 pp
    MSC: Primary 46

    This book is suited for a first course on Functional Analysis at the masters level. Efforts have been made to illustrate the use of various results via examples taken from differential equations and the calculus of variations, either through brief sections or through exercises. So, this book will be particularly useful for students who aspire to a research career in the applications of mathematics.

    Special emphasis has been given to the treatment of weak topologies and their applications to notions like reflexivity, separability and uniform convexity. The chapter on Lebesgue spaces includes a section devoted to the simplest examples of Sobolev spaces. The chapter on compact operators includes the spectral theory of compact self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space.

    Each chapter concludes with a large selection of exercises of varying degrees of difficulty. They often provide examples or counter-examples to illustrate the optimality of the hypotheses of various theorems proved in the text or develop simple versions of theories not developed therein.

    In this (second) edition, the book has been completely overhauled without altering its original structure. Proofs of many results have been rewritten for greater clarity of exposition. Many examples have been added to make the text more user friendly. Several new exercises have been added.

    A publication of Hindustan Book Agency; distributed within the Americas by the American Mathematical Society. Maximum discount of 20% for all commercial channels.


    Graduate students interested in functional analysis.

  • Additional Material
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 842022; 300 pp
MSC: Primary 46

This book is suited for a first course on Functional Analysis at the masters level. Efforts have been made to illustrate the use of various results via examples taken from differential equations and the calculus of variations, either through brief sections or through exercises. So, this book will be particularly useful for students who aspire to a research career in the applications of mathematics.

Special emphasis has been given to the treatment of weak topologies and their applications to notions like reflexivity, separability and uniform convexity. The chapter on Lebesgue spaces includes a section devoted to the simplest examples of Sobolev spaces. The chapter on compact operators includes the spectral theory of compact self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space.

Each chapter concludes with a large selection of exercises of varying degrees of difficulty. They often provide examples or counter-examples to illustrate the optimality of the hypotheses of various theorems proved in the text or develop simple versions of theories not developed therein.

In this (second) edition, the book has been completely overhauled without altering its original structure. Proofs of many results have been rewritten for greater clarity of exposition. Many examples have been added to make the text more user friendly. Several new exercises have been added.

A publication of Hindustan Book Agency; distributed within the Americas by the American Mathematical Society. Maximum discount of 20% for all commercial channels.


Graduate students interested in functional analysis.

Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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