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Proceedings of the Ashkelon Workshop on Complex Function Theory (May 1996)
Edited by: Lawrence Zalcman Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
A publication of Bar-Ilan University
Proceedings of the Ashkelon Workshop on Complex Function Theory (May 1996)
Softcover ISBN: 
Product Code:  IMCP/11
List Price: $59.00
AMS Member Price: $47.20
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Proceedings of the Ashkelon Workshop on Complex Function Theory (May 1996)
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Proceedings of the Ashkelon Workshop on Complex Function Theory (May 1996)
Edited by: Lawrence Zalcman Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel
A publication of Bar-Ilan University
Softcover ISBN: 
Product Code:  IMCP/11
List Price: $59.00
AMS Member Price: $47.20
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
  • Book Details
    Israel Mathematics Conference Proceedings
    Volume: 111997; 245 pp
    MSC: Primary 30; Secondary 31; 32; 34; 35; 44; 47; 58

    This volume comprises the scientific proceedings of the Spring Workshop in Complex Function Theory held in Ashkelon, Israel. The papers vary in form from brief and highly focused research announcements to detailed and relatively leisurely expositions of areas of current research. In content, the papers represent a wide variety of interests within complex analysis, ranging from approximation theory and the analytic theory of polynomials to quasiconformal mappings, complex dynamics, and spectral geometry. There are papers on spaces of analytic functions on the disc, on entire, subharmonic, and meromorphic functions, and on function theory on Riemann surfaces. More specialized topics discussed include the application of theta functions to partition identities, Fuchsian differential equations for matrix-valued analytic functions, and duality in one and several complex variables. Three papers deal with various aspects of mean-value conditions, a topic of particular interest to a number of Israeli analysts.

    This volume of proceedings presents a snapshot view of current Israeli activity in complex function and provides impressive evidence of the vigor, enthusiasm, and success with which classical complex analysis is cultivated in Israel today.

    A publication of the Bar-Ilan University. Distributed worldwide by the AMS.


    Graduate students and research mathematicians working in complex analysis and related fields.

  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 111997; 245 pp
MSC: Primary 30; Secondary 31; 32; 34; 35; 44; 47; 58

This volume comprises the scientific proceedings of the Spring Workshop in Complex Function Theory held in Ashkelon, Israel. The papers vary in form from brief and highly focused research announcements to detailed and relatively leisurely expositions of areas of current research. In content, the papers represent a wide variety of interests within complex analysis, ranging from approximation theory and the analytic theory of polynomials to quasiconformal mappings, complex dynamics, and spectral geometry. There are papers on spaces of analytic functions on the disc, on entire, subharmonic, and meromorphic functions, and on function theory on Riemann surfaces. More specialized topics discussed include the application of theta functions to partition identities, Fuchsian differential equations for matrix-valued analytic functions, and duality in one and several complex variables. Three papers deal with various aspects of mean-value conditions, a topic of particular interest to a number of Israeli analysts.

This volume of proceedings presents a snapshot view of current Israeli activity in complex function and provides impressive evidence of the vigor, enthusiasm, and success with which classical complex analysis is cultivated in Israel today.

A publication of the Bar-Ilan University. Distributed worldwide by the AMS.


Graduate students and research mathematicians working in complex analysis and related fields.

Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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