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Life on the Infinite Farm
Richard Evan Schwartz Brown University, Providence, RI
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-4736-6
Product Code:  MBK/115
List Price: $25.00
MAA Member Price: $22.50
AMS Member Price: $20.00
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-4891-2
Product Code:  MBK/115.E
List Price: $19.00
MAA Member Price: $17.10
AMS Member Price: $15.20
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-4736-6
eBook: ISBN:  978-1-4704-4891-2
Product Code:  MBK/115.B
List Price: $44.00 $34.50
MAA Member Price: $39.60 $31.05
AMS Member Price: $35.20 $27.60
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Life on the Infinite Farm
Richard Evan Schwartz Brown University, Providence, RI
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-4736-6
Product Code:  MBK/115
List Price: $25.00
MAA Member Price: $22.50
AMS Member Price: $20.00
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-4891-2
Product Code:  MBK/115.E
List Price: $19.00
MAA Member Price: $17.10
AMS Member Price: $15.20
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-4736-6
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-4891-2
Product Code:  MBK/115.B
List Price: $44.00 $34.50
MAA Member Price: $39.60 $31.05
AMS Member Price: $35.20 $27.60
  • Book Details
    2018; 176 pp
    MSC: Primary 97

    Pay a visit to the Infinite Farm!

    In Life on the Infinite Farm, mathematician and award-winning children's book author Richard Schwartz teaches about infinity and curved space through stories of whimsical farm animals. Join Gracie, the shoe-loving cow with infinitely many feet, Hammerwood, the gum-loving crocodile with an endless mouth, and their friends as they navigate the challenges that come with being infinitely large.

    Children as young as 5 will enjoy the lighthearted illustrations and the fanciful approach to infinity. Older students (and even adult professional mathematicians) will also appreciate the more advanced ideas and geometric references. The two approaches are woven together to appeal to a wide audience, from budding mathematicians to hardcore geometers.



    For children ages 5 and up interested in new ways to think of space and geometry.

  • Table of Contents
    • mbk-schwartz7-cover1
    • mbk-schwartz7-115-9781470448912
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  • Additional Material
  • Reviews
    • The simple notion of infinity as 'going on forever' is communicated quite thoroughly in this book, which interleaves mathematically simple and more complex material so that a reader may explore infinity and the notion of curved space as deeply as he or she may wish...[it] has something to offer readers at all levels.

      Mark Bollman, Mathematical Reviews
    • As with all of Schwartz's picture books, the illustrations are engaging, very boldly colored, cute, and silly...The pictures are fun enough to amuse my kids, and the mathematics deep enough to entertain me but illustrated and narrated well enough to make sense to my older kids...I am happy they have a place on our family bookshelf. The infinite farm is a very welcome addition to that collection.

      Geoffrey Dietz, MAA Reviews
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
2018; 176 pp
MSC: Primary 97

Pay a visit to the Infinite Farm!

In Life on the Infinite Farm, mathematician and award-winning children's book author Richard Schwartz teaches about infinity and curved space through stories of whimsical farm animals. Join Gracie, the shoe-loving cow with infinitely many feet, Hammerwood, the gum-loving crocodile with an endless mouth, and their friends as they navigate the challenges that come with being infinitely large.

Children as young as 5 will enjoy the lighthearted illustrations and the fanciful approach to infinity. Older students (and even adult professional mathematicians) will also appreciate the more advanced ideas and geometric references. The two approaches are woven together to appeal to a wide audience, from budding mathematicians to hardcore geometers.



For children ages 5 and up interested in new ways to think of space and geometry.

  • mbk-schwartz7-cover1
  • mbk-schwartz7-115-9781470448912
  • mbk-schwartz7-cover4
  • The simple notion of infinity as 'going on forever' is communicated quite thoroughly in this book, which interleaves mathematically simple and more complex material so that a reader may explore infinity and the notion of curved space as deeply as he or she may wish...[it] has something to offer readers at all levels.

    Mark Bollman, Mathematical Reviews
  • As with all of Schwartz's picture books, the illustrations are engaging, very boldly colored, cute, and silly...The pictures are fun enough to amuse my kids, and the mathematics deep enough to entertain me but illustrated and narrated well enough to make sense to my older kids...I am happy they have a place on our family bookshelf. The infinite farm is a very welcome addition to that collection.

    Geoffrey Dietz, MAA Reviews
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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