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Figuring Fibers: Triply Periodic Polyhedra in Euclidean Three-Dimensional Space (Chapter 7)
Figuring Fibers: Triply Periodic Polyhedra in Euclidean Three-Dimensional Space (Chapter 7)
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-5012-0
Product Code:  MBK/119.7.E
List Price: $10.00
Figuring Fibers: Triply Periodic Polyhedra in Euclidean Three-Dimensional Space (Chapter 7)
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Figuring Fibers: Triply Periodic Polyhedra in Euclidean Three-Dimensional Space (Chapter 7)
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-5012-0
Product Code:  MBK/119.7.E
List Price: $10.00
  • Book Details

    This is Chapter 7 of Figuring Fibers, edited by Carolyn Yackel and sarah-marie belcastro.

    This self-contained chapter contains directions for a complete project in a downloadable PDF file. You may also purchase the entire volume or see a list of all chapters available for individual purchase.

    Background for crafters:

    Cloth models of geometric objects are sturdy and attractive to people of all ages. The Platonic solids—the regular tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron—are familiar to many people, but there are other families of objects that are equally intriguing. This chapter describes how to make other models of polyhedral surfaces that inhabit Euclidean 3-space that can withstand years of hands-on exploration. The chapter includes descriptions of tools and techniques used in the construction.

    About Figuring Fibers:

    Pick up this book and dive into one of eight chapters relating mathematics to fiber arts! Amazing exposition transports any interested person on a mathematical exploration that is rigorous enough to capture the hearts of mathematicians. The zenith of creativity is achieved as readers are led to knit, crochet, quilt, or sew a project specifically designed to illuminate the mathematics through its physical realization. The beautiful finished pieces provide a visual understanding of the mathematics that can be shared with those who view them. If you love mathematics or fiber arts, this book is for you!


    Undergraduate and graduate students and researchers interested in mathematical themes in needlework and fiber arts (e.g. crocheting, knitting, quilting).

  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title

This is Chapter 7 of Figuring Fibers, edited by Carolyn Yackel and sarah-marie belcastro.

This self-contained chapter contains directions for a complete project in a downloadable PDF file. You may also purchase the entire volume or see a list of all chapters available for individual purchase.

Background for crafters:

Cloth models of geometric objects are sturdy and attractive to people of all ages. The Platonic solids—the regular tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron—are familiar to many people, but there are other families of objects that are equally intriguing. This chapter describes how to make other models of polyhedral surfaces that inhabit Euclidean 3-space that can withstand years of hands-on exploration. The chapter includes descriptions of tools and techniques used in the construction.

About Figuring Fibers:

Pick up this book and dive into one of eight chapters relating mathematics to fiber arts! Amazing exposition transports any interested person on a mathematical exploration that is rigorous enough to capture the hearts of mathematicians. The zenith of creativity is achieved as readers are led to knit, crochet, quilt, or sew a project specifically designed to illuminate the mathematics through its physical realization. The beautiful finished pieces provide a visual understanding of the mathematics that can be shared with those who view them. If you love mathematics or fiber arts, this book is for you!


Undergraduate and graduate students and researchers interested in mathematical themes in needlework and fiber arts (e.g. crocheting, knitting, quilting).

Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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