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Your Daily Epsilon of Math Wall Calendar 2025
Rebecca Rapoport Harvard University, Cambridge, MA and Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Dean Chung Harvard University, Cambridge, MA and University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Print ISBN:  978-1-4704-7800-1
Product Code:  MBK/151
List Price: $20.00
MAA Member Price: $18.00
AMS Member Price: $16.00
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Your Daily Epsilon of Math Wall Calendar 2025
Rebecca Rapoport Harvard University, Cambridge, MA and Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Dean Chung Harvard University, Cambridge, MA and University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Print ISBN:  978-1-4704-7800-1
Product Code:  MBK/151
List Price: $20.00
MAA Member Price: $18.00
AMS Member Price: $16.00
  • Product Details
    2024; 14 pp
    MSC: Primary 00

    Keep your mind sharp all year long with Your Daily Epsilon of Math Wall Calendar 2025 featuring a new math problem every day and 13 beautiful math images! Let mathematicians Rebecca Rapoport and Dean Chung tickle the left side of your brain by providing you with a math challenge for every day of the year. The solution is always the date, but the fun lies in figuring out how to arrive at the answer, and possibly discovering more than one method of arriving there.

    Problems run the gamut from arithmetic through graduate level math. Some of the most tricky problems require only middle school math applied cleverly. With word problems, math puns, and interesting math definitions added into the mix, this calendar will intrigue you for the whole year.

    End the year with more brains than you had when it began with Your Daily Epsilon of Math Wall Calendar 2025.

  • Additional Material
2024; 14 pp
MSC: Primary 00

Keep your mind sharp all year long with Your Daily Epsilon of Math Wall Calendar 2025 featuring a new math problem every day and 13 beautiful math images! Let mathematicians Rebecca Rapoport and Dean Chung tickle the left side of your brain by providing you with a math challenge for every day of the year. The solution is always the date, but the fun lies in figuring out how to arrive at the answer, and possibly discovering more than one method of arriving there.

Problems run the gamut from arithmetic through graduate level math. Some of the most tricky problems require only middle school math applied cleverly. With word problems, math puns, and interesting math definitions added into the mix, this calendar will intrigue you for the whole year.

End the year with more brains than you had when it began with Your Daily Epsilon of Math Wall Calendar 2025.

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