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Mathematics Everywhere
Edited by: Martin Aigner Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Ehrhard Behrends Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Translated by Philip G. Spain

Mathematics Everywhere
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-4349-9
Product Code:  MBK/72
List Price: $59.00
MAA Member Price: $53.10
AMS Member Price: $47.20
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-1605-8
Product Code:  MBK/72.E
List Price: $55.00
MAA Member Price: $49.50
AMS Member Price: $44.00
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-4349-9
eBook: ISBN:  978-1-4704-1605-8
Product Code:  MBK/72.B
List Price: $114.00 $86.50
MAA Member Price: $102.60 $77.85
AMS Member Price: $91.20 $69.20
Mathematics Everywhere
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Mathematics Everywhere
Edited by: Martin Aigner Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Ehrhard Behrends Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Translated by Philip G. Spain

Softcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-4349-9
Product Code:  MBK/72
List Price: $59.00
MAA Member Price: $53.10
AMS Member Price: $47.20
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-1605-8
Product Code:  MBK/72.E
List Price: $55.00
MAA Member Price: $49.50
AMS Member Price: $44.00
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-4349-9
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-1605-8
Product Code:  MBK/72.B
List Price: $114.00 $86.50
MAA Member Price: $102.60 $77.85
AMS Member Price: $91.20 $69.20
  • Book Details
    2010; 330 pp
    MSC: Primary 00

    Mathematics is all around us. Often we do not realize it, though. Mathematics Everywhere is a collection of presentations on the role of mathematics in everyday life, through science, technology, and culture. The common theme is the unique position of mathematics as the art of pure thought and at the same time as a universally applicable science. The authors are renowned mathematicians; their presentations cover a wide range of topics. From compact discs to the stock exchange, from computer tomography to traffic routing, from electronic money to climate change, they make the “math inside” understandable and enjoyable. An additional attractive feature is the leisurely treatment of some hot topics that have gained prominence in recent years, such as Fermat's Theorem, Kepler's packing problem, and the solution of the Poincaré Conjecture. Or maybe you have heard about the Nash equilibrium (of “A Beautiful Mind” fame), or the strange future of quantum computers, and want to know what it is all about? Well, open the book and take an up-to-date trip into the fascinating world of the mathematics all around us.


    Undergraduates, graduate students, and research mathematicians interested in mathematical trends and topics in the world around us.

  • Table of Contents
    • Part 1. Prologue
    • Chapter 1. Math becomes a cult—description of a hope
    • Part 2. Case studies
    • Chapter 2. The mathematics of the compact disc
    • Chapter 3. Image processing and imaging for operation planning in liver surgery
    • Chapter 4. The quickest path to the goal
    • Chapter 5. Romeo and Juliet, spontaneous pattern formation, and Turing’s instability
    • Chapter 6. Mathematics and intelligent materials
    • Chapter 7. Discrete tomography: from battleship to nanotechnology
    • Chapter 8. Reflections on reflections
    • Part 3. Current topics
    • Chapter 9. The role of mathematics in the financial markets
    • Chapter 10. Electronic money: an impossibility or already a reality?
    • Chapter 11. Spheres in the computer—the Kepler conjecture
    • Chapter 12. How do quanta compute? The new world of the quantum computer
    • Chapter 13. Fermat’s Last Theorem—the solution of a 300 year old problem
    • Chapter 14. A short history of the Nash equilibrium
    • Chapter 15. Mathematics in the climate of global change
    • Part 4. The central theme
    • Chapter 16. Prime numbers, secret codes and the boundaries of computability
    • Chapter 17. The mathematics of knots
    • Chapter 8. On soap bubbles
    • Chapter 19. Heat diffusion, the structure of space and the Poincaré Conjecture
    • Chapter 20. Chance and mathematics: a late love
    • Part 5. Epilogue
    • Chapter 21. The prospects for mathematics in a multi-media civilization
  • Reviews
    • The modern world runs on mathematics. It provides a way to make things work better and more efficiently, which is one of the ways that economies can emerge from a recession. This necessary fervor is fueled by knowledge of the latest applications of mathematics, some of which is provided in great detail by this book.

      MAA Reviews
    • This collection of articles illustrates the endless impact of mathematics in the world around us while showcasing the elegance and functionality of mathematics. . . . This book is a must-read for mathematics majors. It allows them to see the wide range of places their degree can take them, many of which they would not have been exposed to in their undergraduate preparation.

      Diane Barrett, Mathematics Teacher
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
2010; 330 pp
MSC: Primary 00

Mathematics is all around us. Often we do not realize it, though. Mathematics Everywhere is a collection of presentations on the role of mathematics in everyday life, through science, technology, and culture. The common theme is the unique position of mathematics as the art of pure thought and at the same time as a universally applicable science. The authors are renowned mathematicians; their presentations cover a wide range of topics. From compact discs to the stock exchange, from computer tomography to traffic routing, from electronic money to climate change, they make the “math inside” understandable and enjoyable. An additional attractive feature is the leisurely treatment of some hot topics that have gained prominence in recent years, such as Fermat's Theorem, Kepler's packing problem, and the solution of the Poincaré Conjecture. Or maybe you have heard about the Nash equilibrium (of “A Beautiful Mind” fame), or the strange future of quantum computers, and want to know what it is all about? Well, open the book and take an up-to-date trip into the fascinating world of the mathematics all around us.


Undergraduates, graduate students, and research mathematicians interested in mathematical trends and topics in the world around us.

  • Part 1. Prologue
  • Chapter 1. Math becomes a cult—description of a hope
  • Part 2. Case studies
  • Chapter 2. The mathematics of the compact disc
  • Chapter 3. Image processing and imaging for operation planning in liver surgery
  • Chapter 4. The quickest path to the goal
  • Chapter 5. Romeo and Juliet, spontaneous pattern formation, and Turing’s instability
  • Chapter 6. Mathematics and intelligent materials
  • Chapter 7. Discrete tomography: from battleship to nanotechnology
  • Chapter 8. Reflections on reflections
  • Part 3. Current topics
  • Chapter 9. The role of mathematics in the financial markets
  • Chapter 10. Electronic money: an impossibility or already a reality?
  • Chapter 11. Spheres in the computer—the Kepler conjecture
  • Chapter 12. How do quanta compute? The new world of the quantum computer
  • Chapter 13. Fermat’s Last Theorem—the solution of a 300 year old problem
  • Chapter 14. A short history of the Nash equilibrium
  • Chapter 15. Mathematics in the climate of global change
  • Part 4. The central theme
  • Chapter 16. Prime numbers, secret codes and the boundaries of computability
  • Chapter 17. The mathematics of knots
  • Chapter 8. On soap bubbles
  • Chapter 19. Heat diffusion, the structure of space and the Poincaré Conjecture
  • Chapter 20. Chance and mathematics: a late love
  • Part 5. Epilogue
  • Chapter 21. The prospects for mathematics in a multi-media civilization
  • The modern world runs on mathematics. It provides a way to make things work better and more efficiently, which is one of the ways that economies can emerge from a recession. This necessary fervor is fueled by knowledge of the latest applications of mathematics, some of which is provided in great detail by this book.

    MAA Reviews
  • This collection of articles illustrates the endless impact of mathematics in the world around us while showcasing the elegance and functionality of mathematics. . . . This book is a must-read for mathematics majors. It allows them to see the wide range of places their degree can take them, many of which they would not have been exposed to in their undergraduate preparation.

    Diane Barrett, Mathematics Teacher
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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