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Invitation to a Mathematical Festival
Ivan Yashchenko Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education, Moscow, Russia
A co-publication of the AMS and Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
Invitation to a Mathematical Festival
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-6905-5
Product Code:  MCL/12
List Price: $35.00
Individual Price: $26.25
eBook ISBN:  978-0-8218-9505-4
Product Code:  MCL/12.E
List Price: $30.00
Individual Price: $22.50
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-6905-5
eBook: ISBN:  978-0-8218-9505-4
Product Code:  MCL/12.B
List Price: $65.00 $50.00
Invitation to a Mathematical Festival
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Invitation to a Mathematical Festival
Ivan Yashchenko Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education, Moscow, Russia
A co-publication of the AMS and Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-6905-5
Product Code:  MCL/12
List Price: $35.00
Individual Price: $26.25
eBook ISBN:  978-0-8218-9505-4
Product Code:  MCL/12.E
List Price: $30.00
Individual Price: $22.50
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-8218-6905-5
eBook ISBN:  978-0-8218-9505-4
Product Code:  MCL/12.B
List Price: $65.00 $50.00
  • Book Details
    MSRI Mathematical Circles Library
    Volume: 122013; 172 pp
    MSC: Primary 97; Secondary 00

    Held annually in Moscow since 1990, the Mathematical Festival is a brilliant and fascinating math competition attended by hundreds of middle school students. Participants of the Festival solve interesting mathematical problems and partake in other engaging activities, while cultivating key skills such as intuitive reasoning and quick thinking. This book contains problems presented at the Festival during the years 1990–2011, along with hints and solutions for many of them. Most of the problems are accessible to students with no additional training in mathematics and may be used as supplementary material at school or at home. Other problems, however, are more advanced and will be enjoyed by students with a deeper interest in mathematics.

    Most of the problems in this book are specially created for Mathematical Festival competitions by leading Russian experts in school and extracurricular math education and have never been published before.

    In the interest of fostering a greater awareness and appreciation of mathematics and its connections to other disciplines and everyday life, MSRI and the AMS are publishing books in the Mathematical Circles Library series as a service to young people, their parents and teachers, and the mathematics profession.

    Titles in this series are co-published with the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI).


    Middle school students, their parents, and teachers.

  • Table of Contents
    • Chapters
    • Title page
    • Contents
    • Preface
    • Authors of the problems
    • Problems
    • Answers
    • Hints
    • Solutions
    • Thematic index
  • Reviews
    • Since many problems do not require advanced knowledge of mathematics, the text appeals to a very wide audience of mathematics fans. Challenging and inspiring problems in this collection will help to develop reader's mathematical skills, stimulate creative thinking, and promote further interest to the subject.

      Zentralblatt Math
    • This book is an enormous storehouse of problems that middle school math teachers can use in their classes. Most of the problems are what could be categorized as 'fun' and the solution of many requires nothing more than simple persistence rather than significant mathematical insight. People that home-school will also find it very valuable in presenting challenging problems to their students. These are also great problems for classes designed to teach future elementary and middle school math teachers. Even mathematical veterans will find the mathematical components of their brains challenged a bit as they read through these problems.

      Charles Ashbacher, MAA Reviews
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 122013; 172 pp
MSC: Primary 97; Secondary 00

Held annually in Moscow since 1990, the Mathematical Festival is a brilliant and fascinating math competition attended by hundreds of middle school students. Participants of the Festival solve interesting mathematical problems and partake in other engaging activities, while cultivating key skills such as intuitive reasoning and quick thinking. This book contains problems presented at the Festival during the years 1990–2011, along with hints and solutions for many of them. Most of the problems are accessible to students with no additional training in mathematics and may be used as supplementary material at school or at home. Other problems, however, are more advanced and will be enjoyed by students with a deeper interest in mathematics.

Most of the problems in this book are specially created for Mathematical Festival competitions by leading Russian experts in school and extracurricular math education and have never been published before.

In the interest of fostering a greater awareness and appreciation of mathematics and its connections to other disciplines and everyday life, MSRI and the AMS are publishing books in the Mathematical Circles Library series as a service to young people, their parents and teachers, and the mathematics profession.

Titles in this series are co-published with the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI).


Middle school students, their parents, and teachers.

  • Chapters
  • Title page
  • Contents
  • Preface
  • Authors of the problems
  • Problems
  • Answers
  • Hints
  • Solutions
  • Thematic index
  • Since many problems do not require advanced knowledge of mathematics, the text appeals to a very wide audience of mathematics fans. Challenging and inspiring problems in this collection will help to develop reader's mathematical skills, stimulate creative thinking, and promote further interest to the subject.

    Zentralblatt Math
  • This book is an enormous storehouse of problems that middle school math teachers can use in their classes. Most of the problems are what could be categorized as 'fun' and the solution of many requires nothing more than simple persistence rather than significant mathematical insight. People that home-school will also find it very valuable in presenting challenging problems to their students. These are also great problems for classes designed to teach future elementary and middle school math teachers. Even mathematical veterans will find the mathematical components of their brains challenged a bit as they read through these problems.

    Charles Ashbacher, MAA Reviews
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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