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Cohomology Theory and Algebraic Correspondences

eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-9976-2 |
Product Code: | MEMO/1/33.E |
List Price: | $23.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $20.70 |
AMS Member Price: | $18.40 |

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Cohomology Theory and Algebraic Correspondences
eBook ISBN: | 978-0-8218-9976-2 |
Product Code: | MEMO/1/33.E |
List Price: | $23.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $20.70 |
AMS Member Price: | $18.40 |
Book DetailsMemoirs of the American Mathematical SocietyVolume: 1; 1959; 96 ppMSC: Primary 14
Table of Contents
Topological preparations
Part I. The cohomology theorem of the graph
1. The proper generalization of Lemma 14.1 of [3]
2. Applications of Lemma 1.1
Part II. Sheaves, associated with doubly graded modules
3. The doubly graded coordinate ring of an algebraic correspondence
4. Sheaves of fractional ideals
5. The sheaf of a doubly graded $v$-module
6. The sheaf $A(v^*(m, n))$
7. Integrally closed Noetherian rings
8. Divisors
Part III. Cohomology groups of doubly graded modules
9. The double complex of a doubly graded $v$-module
10. Polynomials
11. General properties of $H^t(\mathfrak {M})$
12. General properties of $H^t(X_3, F)$
13. The divisor $D(m, n)$
Part IV. Linear systems
14. Completeness of $g(m, n)$
15. The Hilbert characteristic function of $T$
16. The polynomial $\chi _1(m)$
17. Irreducible linear systems without base points
Part V. The geometric genus under birational transformations
18. Affine subvarieties, associated with $T$
19. Coverings, associated with $T$
20. Cohomology groups under birational transformations
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- Book Details
- Table of Contents
- Requests
Topological preparations
Part I. The cohomology theorem of the graph
1. The proper generalization of Lemma 14.1 of [3]
2. Applications of Lemma 1.1
Part II. Sheaves, associated with doubly graded modules
3. The doubly graded coordinate ring of an algebraic correspondence
4. Sheaves of fractional ideals
5. The sheaf of a doubly graded $v$-module
6. The sheaf $A(v^*(m, n))$
7. Integrally closed Noetherian rings
8. Divisors
Part III. Cohomology groups of doubly graded modules
9. The double complex of a doubly graded $v$-module
10. Polynomials
11. General properties of $H^t(\mathfrak {M})$
12. General properties of $H^t(X_3, F)$
13. The divisor $D(m, n)$
Part IV. Linear systems
14. Completeness of $g(m, n)$
15. The Hilbert characteristic function of $T$
16. The polynomial $\chi _1(m)$
17. Irreducible linear systems without base points
Part V. The geometric genus under birational transformations
18. Affine subvarieties, associated with $T$
19. Coverings, associated with $T$
20. Cohomology groups under birational transformations
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Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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