eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-0106-1 |
Product Code: | MEMO/110/527.E |
List Price: | $39.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $35.10 |
AMS Member Price: | $23.40 |

eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-0106-1 |
Product Code: | MEMO/110/527.E |
List Price: | $39.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $35.10 |
AMS Member Price: | $23.40 |
Book DetailsMemoirs of the American Mathematical SocietyVolume: 110; 1994; 82 ppMSC: Primary 55; 57
In algebraic topology, obstruction theory provides a way to study homotopy classes of continuous maps in terms of cohomology groups; a similar theory exists for certain spaces with group actions and maps that are compatible (that is, equivariant) with respect to the group actions. This work provides a corresponding setting for certain spaces with group actions and maps that are compatible in a stronger sense, called isovariant. The basic idea is to establish an equivalence between isovariant homotopy and equivariant homotopy for certain categories of diagrams. Consequences include isovariant versions of the usual Whitehead theorems for recognizing homotopy equivalences, an obstruction theory for deforming equivariant maps to isovariant maps, rational computations for the homotopy groups of certain spaces of isovariant functions, and applications to constructions and classification problems for differentiable group actions.
ReadershipResearch mathematicians.
Table of Contents
1. Equivariant homotopy in diagram categories
2. Quasistratifications
3. Isovariant homotopy and maps of diagrams
4. Almost isovariant maps
5. Obstructions to isovariance
6. Homotopy groups of isovariant function spaces
7. Calculations with the spectral sequence
8. Applications to differentiate group actions
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In algebraic topology, obstruction theory provides a way to study homotopy classes of continuous maps in terms of cohomology groups; a similar theory exists for certain spaces with group actions and maps that are compatible (that is, equivariant) with respect to the group actions. This work provides a corresponding setting for certain spaces with group actions and maps that are compatible in a stronger sense, called isovariant. The basic idea is to establish an equivalence between isovariant homotopy and equivariant homotopy for certain categories of diagrams. Consequences include isovariant versions of the usual Whitehead theorems for recognizing homotopy equivalences, an obstruction theory for deforming equivariant maps to isovariant maps, rational computations for the homotopy groups of certain spaces of isovariant functions, and applications to constructions and classification problems for differentiable group actions.
Research mathematicians.
1. Equivariant homotopy in diagram categories
2. Quasistratifications
3. Isovariant homotopy and maps of diagrams
4. Almost isovariant maps
5. Obstructions to isovariance
6. Homotopy groups of isovariant function spaces
7. Calculations with the spectral sequence
8. Applications to differentiate group actions