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Conjugacy of $\mathrm{Alt}_5$ and $\mathrm{SL}(2, 5)$ Subgroups of $E_8(\mathbb C)$
Darrin D. Frey Winona State University, Winona, MN
Conjugacy of Alt_5 and SL(2, 5) Subgroups of E_8(C)
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-0223-5
Product Code:  MEMO/133/634.E
List Price: $57.00
MAA Member Price: $51.30
AMS Member Price: $34.20
Conjugacy of Alt_5 and SL(2, 5) Subgroups of E_8(C)
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Conjugacy of $\mathrm{Alt}_5$ and $\mathrm{SL}(2, 5)$ Subgroups of $E_8(\mathbb C)$
Darrin D. Frey Winona State University, Winona, MN
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-0223-5
Product Code:  MEMO/133/634.E
List Price: $57.00
MAA Member Price: $51.30
AMS Member Price: $34.20
  • Book Details
    Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
    Volume: 1331998; 162 pp
    MSC: Primary 22; 20

    Exceptional complex Lie groups have become increasingly important in various fields of mathematics and physics. As a result, there has been interest in expanding the representation theory of finite groups to include embeddings into the exceptional Lie groups. Cohen, Griess, Lisser, Ryba, Serre and Wales have pioneered this area, classifying the finite simple and quasisimple subgroups that embed in the exceptional complex Lie groups.

    This work contains the first major results concerning conjugacy classes of embeddings of finite subgroups of an exceptional complex Lie group in which there are large numbers of classes. The approach developed in this work is character theoretic, taking advantage of the classical subgroups of \(E_8 (\mathbb C)\). The machinery used is relatively elementary and has been used by the author and others to solve other conjugacy problems. The results presented here are very explicit. Each known conjugacy class is listed by its fusion pattern with an explicit character afforded by an embedding in that class.


    Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in \(E_8 (\mathbb C)\); physicists working in string theory or quantum mechanics.

  • Table of Contents
    • Chapters
    • Introduction and preliminaries
    • The Dihedral group of order 6
    • The Dihedral group of order 10
    • The $\mathrm {Alt}_5$ and $\mathrm {SL}(2,5)$ fusion patterns in $G$, $\mathcal {A}$, $\Delta $ and $\Omega $
    • Fusion patterns of $\mathrm {Alt}_5$ and $\mathrm {SL}(2,5)$ subgroups of H
    • Fusion patterns of $\mathrm {Alt}_5$ subgroups of $\mathcal {E}$
    • Conjugacy classes of $\mathrm {Alt}_5$ subgroups of $G$
    • Conjugacy classes of $\mathrm {SL}(2, 5)$ subgroups of $G$
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 1331998; 162 pp
MSC: Primary 22; 20

Exceptional complex Lie groups have become increasingly important in various fields of mathematics and physics. As a result, there has been interest in expanding the representation theory of finite groups to include embeddings into the exceptional Lie groups. Cohen, Griess, Lisser, Ryba, Serre and Wales have pioneered this area, classifying the finite simple and quasisimple subgroups that embed in the exceptional complex Lie groups.

This work contains the first major results concerning conjugacy classes of embeddings of finite subgroups of an exceptional complex Lie group in which there are large numbers of classes. The approach developed in this work is character theoretic, taking advantage of the classical subgroups of \(E_8 (\mathbb C)\). The machinery used is relatively elementary and has been used by the author and others to solve other conjugacy problems. The results presented here are very explicit. Each known conjugacy class is listed by its fusion pattern with an explicit character afforded by an embedding in that class.


Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in \(E_8 (\mathbb C)\); physicists working in string theory or quantum mechanics.

  • Chapters
  • Introduction and preliminaries
  • The Dihedral group of order 6
  • The Dihedral group of order 10
  • The $\mathrm {Alt}_5$ and $\mathrm {SL}(2,5)$ fusion patterns in $G$, $\mathcal {A}$, $\Delta $ and $\Omega $
  • Fusion patterns of $\mathrm {Alt}_5$ and $\mathrm {SL}(2,5)$ subgroups of H
  • Fusion patterns of $\mathrm {Alt}_5$ subgroups of $\mathcal {E}$
  • Conjugacy classes of $\mathrm {Alt}_5$ subgroups of $G$
  • Conjugacy classes of $\mathrm {SL}(2, 5)$ subgroups of $G$
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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