eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-0336-2 |
Product Code: | MEMO/156/743.E |
List Price: | $51.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $45.90 |
AMS Member Price: | $30.60 |

eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-0336-2 |
Product Code: | MEMO/156/743.E |
List Price: | $51.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $45.90 |
AMS Member Price: | $30.60 |
Book DetailsMemoirs of the American Mathematical SocietyVolume: 156; 2002; 63 ppMSC: Primary 11; Secondary 22
Let \(F\) be a number field and \({\bf A}\) the ring of adeles over \(F\). Suppose \(\overline{G({\bf A})}\) is a metaplectic cover of \(G({\bf A})=GL(r,{\bf A})\) which is given by the \(n\)-th Hilbert symbol on \({\bf A}\). According to Langlands' theory of Eisenstein series, the decomposition of the right regular representation on \(L^2\left(G(F)\backslash\overline{G({\bf A})}\right)\) can be understood in terms of the residual spectrum of Eisenstein series associated with cuspidal data on standard Levi subgroups \(\overline{M}\). Under an assumption on the base field \(F\), this paper calculates the spectrum associated with the diagonal subgroup \(\overline{T}\). Specifically, the diagonal residual spectrum is at the point \(\lambda=((r-1)/2n,(r-3)/2n,\cdots,(1-r)/2n)\). Each irreducible summand of the corresponding representation is the Langlands quotient of the space induced from an irreducible automorphic representation of \(\overline{T}\), which is invariant under symmetric group \(\mathfrak{S}_r\), twisted by an unramified character of \(\overline{T}\) whose exponent is given by \(\lambda\).
ReadershipGraduate students and research mathematicians interested in number theory, and the Langlands program.
Table of Contents
1. Preliminaries
2. Local intertwining operators
3. Spectrum associated with the diagonal subgroup
4. Contour integration (after MW)
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Let \(F\) be a number field and \({\bf A}\) the ring of adeles over \(F\). Suppose \(\overline{G({\bf A})}\) is a metaplectic cover of \(G({\bf A})=GL(r,{\bf A})\) which is given by the \(n\)-th Hilbert symbol on \({\bf A}\). According to Langlands' theory of Eisenstein series, the decomposition of the right regular representation on \(L^2\left(G(F)\backslash\overline{G({\bf A})}\right)\) can be understood in terms of the residual spectrum of Eisenstein series associated with cuspidal data on standard Levi subgroups \(\overline{M}\). Under an assumption on the base field \(F\), this paper calculates the spectrum associated with the diagonal subgroup \(\overline{T}\). Specifically, the diagonal residual spectrum is at the point \(\lambda=((r-1)/2n,(r-3)/2n,\cdots,(1-r)/2n)\). Each irreducible summand of the corresponding representation is the Langlands quotient of the space induced from an irreducible automorphic representation of \(\overline{T}\), which is invariant under symmetric group \(\mathfrak{S}_r\), twisted by an unramified character of \(\overline{T}\) whose exponent is given by \(\lambda\).
Graduate students and research mathematicians interested in number theory, and the Langlands program.
1. Preliminaries
2. Local intertwining operators
3. Spectrum associated with the diagonal subgroup
4. Contour integration (after MW)