eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-0604-2 |
Product Code: | MEMO/210/987.E |
List Price: | $74.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $66.60 |
AMS Member Price: | $44.40 |

eBook ISBN: | 978-1-4704-0604-2 |
Product Code: | MEMO/210/987.E |
List Price: | $74.00 |
MAA Member Price: | $66.60 |
AMS Member Price: | $44.40 |
Book DetailsMemoirs of the American Mathematical SocietyVolume: 210; 2011; 109 ppMSC: Primary 03; Secondary 16; 18
Most of the model theory of modules works, with only minor modifications, in much more general additive contexts (such as functor categories, categories of comodules, categories of sheaves). Furthermore, even within a given category of modules, many subcategories form a “self-sufficient” context in which the model theory may be developed without reference to the larger category of modules. The notion of a definable additive category covers all these contexts. The (imaginaries) language which one uses for model theory in a definable additive category can be obtained from the category (of structures and homomorphisms) itself, namely, as the category of those functors to the category of abelian groups which commute with products and direct limits. Dually, the objects of the definable category—the modules (or functors, or comodules, or sheaves)—to which that model theory applies may be recovered as the exact functors from the, small abelian, category (the category of pp-imaginaries) which underlies that language.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Preadditive and additive categories
3. Preadditive categories and their ind-completions
4. The free abelian category of a preadditive category
5. Purity
6. Locally coherent categories
7. Localisation
8. Serre subcategories of the functor category
9. Conjugate and dual categories
10. Definable subcategories
11. Exactly definable categories
12. Recovering the definable structure
13. Functors between definable categories
14. Spectra of definable categories
15. Definable functors and spectra
16. Triangulated categories
17. Some open questions
18. Model theory in finitely accessible categories
19. pp-Elimination of quantifiers
20. Ultraproducts
21. Pure-injectives and elementary equivalence
22. Imaginaries and finitely presented functors
23. Elementary duality
24. Hulls of types and irreducible types
25. Interpretation functors
26. Stability
27. Ranks
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Most of the model theory of modules works, with only minor modifications, in much more general additive contexts (such as functor categories, categories of comodules, categories of sheaves). Furthermore, even within a given category of modules, many subcategories form a “self-sufficient” context in which the model theory may be developed without reference to the larger category of modules. The notion of a definable additive category covers all these contexts. The (imaginaries) language which one uses for model theory in a definable additive category can be obtained from the category (of structures and homomorphisms) itself, namely, as the category of those functors to the category of abelian groups which commute with products and direct limits. Dually, the objects of the definable category—the modules (or functors, or comodules, or sheaves)—to which that model theory applies may be recovered as the exact functors from the, small abelian, category (the category of pp-imaginaries) which underlies that language.
1. Introduction
2. Preadditive and additive categories
3. Preadditive categories and their ind-completions
4. The free abelian category of a preadditive category
5. Purity
6. Locally coherent categories
7. Localisation
8. Serre subcategories of the functor category
9. Conjugate and dual categories
10. Definable subcategories
11. Exactly definable categories
12. Recovering the definable structure
13. Functors between definable categories
14. Spectra of definable categories
15. Definable functors and spectra
16. Triangulated categories
17. Some open questions
18. Model theory in finitely accessible categories
19. pp-Elimination of quantifiers
20. Ultraproducts
21. Pure-injectives and elementary equivalence
22. Imaginaries and finitely presented functors
23. Elementary duality
24. Hulls of types and irreducible types
25. Interpretation functors
26. Stability
27. Ranks