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Hypercontractivity in Group von Neumann Algebras
Marius Junge University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA
Carlos Palazuelos Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Madrid, Spain
Javier Parcet Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Madrid, Spain
Mathilde Perrin Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Madrid, Spain
Hypercontractivity in Group von Neumann Algebras
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-4133-3
Product Code:  MEMO/249/1183.E
List Price: $75.00
MAA Member Price: $67.50
AMS Member Price: $45.00
Hypercontractivity in Group von Neumann Algebras
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Hypercontractivity in Group von Neumann Algebras
Marius Junge University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA
Carlos Palazuelos Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Madrid, Spain
Javier Parcet Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Madrid, Spain
Mathilde Perrin Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, Madrid, Spain
eBook ISBN:  978-1-4704-4133-3
Product Code:  MEMO/249/1183.E
List Price: $75.00
MAA Member Price: $67.50
AMS Member Price: $45.00
  • Book Details
    Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
    Volume: 2492017; 83 pp
    MSC: Primary 22; 43; 47

    In this paper, the authors provide a combinatorial/numerical method to establish new hypercontractivity estimates in group von Neumann algebras. They illustrate their method with free groups, triangular groups and finite cyclic groups, for which they obtain optimal time hypercontractive \(L_2 \to L_q\) inequalities with respect to the Markov process given by the word length and with \(q\) an even integer. Interpolation and differentiation also yield general \(L_p \to L_q\) hypercontrativity for \(1 < p \le q < \infty\) via logarithmic Sobolev inequalities. The authors' method admits further applications to other discrete groups without small loops as far as the numerical part—which varies from one group to another—is implemented and tested on a computer.

    The authors also develop another combinatorial method which does not rely on computational estimates and provides (non-optimal) \(L_p \to L_q\) hypercontractive inequalities for a larger class of groups/lengths, including any finitely generated group equipped with a conditionally negative word length, like infinite Coxeter groups. The authors' second method also yields hypercontractivity bounds for groups admitting a finite dimensional proper cocycle. Hypercontractivity fails for conditionally negative lengths in groups satisfying Kazhdan's property (T).

  • Table of Contents
    • Chapters
    • Introduction
    • 1. The combinatorial method
    • 2. Optimal time estimates
    • 3. Poisson-like lengths
    • A. Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities
    • B. The word length in $\mathbb {Z}_n$
    • C. Numerical analysis
    • D. Technical inequalities
  • Additional Material
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 2492017; 83 pp
MSC: Primary 22; 43; 47

In this paper, the authors provide a combinatorial/numerical method to establish new hypercontractivity estimates in group von Neumann algebras. They illustrate their method with free groups, triangular groups and finite cyclic groups, for which they obtain optimal time hypercontractive \(L_2 \to L_q\) inequalities with respect to the Markov process given by the word length and with \(q\) an even integer. Interpolation and differentiation also yield general \(L_p \to L_q\) hypercontrativity for \(1 < p \le q < \infty\) via logarithmic Sobolev inequalities. The authors' method admits further applications to other discrete groups without small loops as far as the numerical part—which varies from one group to another—is implemented and tested on a computer.

The authors also develop another combinatorial method which does not rely on computational estimates and provides (non-optimal) \(L_p \to L_q\) hypercontractive inequalities for a larger class of groups/lengths, including any finitely generated group equipped with a conditionally negative word length, like infinite Coxeter groups. The authors' second method also yields hypercontractivity bounds for groups admitting a finite dimensional proper cocycle. Hypercontractivity fails for conditionally negative lengths in groups satisfying Kazhdan's property (T).

  • Chapters
  • Introduction
  • 1. The combinatorial method
  • 2. Optimal time estimates
  • 3. Poisson-like lengths
  • A. Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities
  • B. The word length in $\mathbb {Z}_n$
  • C. Numerical analysis
  • D. Technical inequalities
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Permission – for use of book, eBook, or Journal content
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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