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Coloring Book of Complex Function Representations
Coloring Book of Complex Function Representations
MAA Press: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-4784-7
Product Code:  MMBK/8
List Price: $18.00
MAA Member Price: $13.50
AMS Member Price: $13.50
Coloring Book of Complex Function Representations
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Coloring Book of Complex Function Representations
MAA Press: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-4784-7
Product Code:  MMBK/8
List Price: $18.00
MAA Member Price: $13.50
AMS Member Price: $13.50
  • Book Details
    2017; 40 pp

    Have you ever seen a mathematical object that was so intriguing that anyone, regardless of mathematical background, could appreciate its aesthetic beauty? If so, did you stop to color it? Now is your chance. Explore the beauty of mathematics in this collection of intricate pictures related to complex-valued functions. Any of these images could pass for designs found in some of the many coloring books for adults seen in stores today and are displayed here for you to color. While looking at the coloring pages, you can read about the author's quest to find interesting images. Their tale includes expeditions on the complex plane, work with families of complex functions, visits to Julia sets, unexpected results from a typo, random explorations, and a final send-off from a well-known cartoon character. Grab your colored pencils and enjoy coloring these functions. There are no incorrect ways to color, and, consequently, there are no answers in the back of the book!

  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
2017; 40 pp

Have you ever seen a mathematical object that was so intriguing that anyone, regardless of mathematical background, could appreciate its aesthetic beauty? If so, did you stop to color it? Now is your chance. Explore the beauty of mathematics in this collection of intricate pictures related to complex-valued functions. Any of these images could pass for designs found in some of the many coloring books for adults seen in stores today and are displayed here for you to color. While looking at the coloring pages, you can read about the author's quest to find interesting images. Their tale includes expeditions on the complex plane, work with families of complex functions, visits to Julia sets, unexpected results from a typo, random explorations, and a final send-off from a well-known cartoon character. Grab your colored pencils and enjoy coloring these functions. There are no incorrect ways to color, and, consequently, there are no answers in the back of the book!

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Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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