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Camp Logic: A Week of Logic Games and Activities for Young People
Mark Saul Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, New York
Sian Zelbo Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, New York

Illustrations by Sian Zelbo

A publication of Delta Stream Media
Camp Logic
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-9776939-6-2
Product Code:  NMATH/2
List Price: $28.00
AMS Member Price: $22.40
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
Camp Logic
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Camp Logic: A Week of Logic Games and Activities for Young People
Mark Saul Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, New York
Sian Zelbo Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, New York

Illustrations by Sian Zelbo

A publication of Delta Stream Media
Softcover ISBN:  978-0-9776939-6-2
Product Code:  NMATH/2
List Price: $28.00
AMS Member Price: $22.40
Please note AMS points can not be used for this product
  • Book Details
    Natural Math
    Volume: 22015; 134 pp

    This book offers a deeper insight into what mathematics is, tapping every child's intuitive ideas of logic and natural enjoyment of games. Simple-looking games and puzzles quickly lead to deeper insights, which will eventually connect with significant formal mathematical ideas as the child grows.

    This book is addressed to leaders of math circles or enrichment programs, but its activities can fit into regular math classes, homeschooling venues, or situations in which students are learning mathematics on their own. The mathematics contained in the activities can be enjoyed on many levels.


    Parents and teachers interested in logic games and activities for young people.

  • Reviews
    • Most students encounter math through boring, rote memorization and drill and skill. Camp Logic reverses the trend by offering teachers fun, inquiry-based activities that get to the deeper elegance and joy of math with adaptations for different skill levels and learning environments. The work of Saul and Zelbo has redefined how math is taught in our programs.

      Meghan Groome, Executive Director of Education and Public Programs at the New York Academy of Sciences
    • Sian Zelbo and Mark Saul have created a user-friendly guide to help educators engage kids in finding patterns and using logic to solve puzzles. The program is a challenging yet fun approach to deepening math understanding.

      Lisa Mielke, STEM Programs Manager for TASC, New York
    • Mark and Sian have put together a delightful set of activities that are sure to captivate young minds (and old). Kids will enjoy games like Giotto for hours, all the while improving their math skills for years to come.

      Ethan Berman, Founder, i2 Learning
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 22015; 134 pp

This book offers a deeper insight into what mathematics is, tapping every child's intuitive ideas of logic and natural enjoyment of games. Simple-looking games and puzzles quickly lead to deeper insights, which will eventually connect with significant formal mathematical ideas as the child grows.

This book is addressed to leaders of math circles or enrichment programs, but its activities can fit into regular math classes, homeschooling venues, or situations in which students are learning mathematics on their own. The mathematics contained in the activities can be enjoyed on many levels.


Parents and teachers interested in logic games and activities for young people.

  • Most students encounter math through boring, rote memorization and drill and skill. Camp Logic reverses the trend by offering teachers fun, inquiry-based activities that get to the deeper elegance and joy of math with adaptations for different skill levels and learning environments. The work of Saul and Zelbo has redefined how math is taught in our programs.

    Meghan Groome, Executive Director of Education and Public Programs at the New York Academy of Sciences
  • Sian Zelbo and Mark Saul have created a user-friendly guide to help educators engage kids in finding patterns and using logic to solve puzzles. The program is a challenging yet fun approach to deepening math understanding.

    Lisa Mielke, STEM Programs Manager for TASC, New York
  • Mark and Sian have put together a delightful set of activities that are sure to captivate young minds (and old). Kids will enjoy games like Giotto for hours, all the while improving their math skills for years to come.

    Ethan Berman, Founder, i2 Learning
Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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