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The Contest Problem Book IX: American Mathematics Competitions (AMC 12) 2001–2007
The Contest Problem Book IX
MAA Press: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
Now available in new edition: PRB/35
The Contest Problem Book IX
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The Contest Problem Book IX: American Mathematics Competitions (AMC 12) 2001–2007
MAA Press: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
Now available in new edition: PRB/35
  • Book Details
    Problem Books
    Volume: 182008; 220 pp

    Reprinted edition available: PRB/35

    This is the ninth book of problems and solutions from the American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) contests. It chronicles 325 problems from the thirteen AMC 12 contests given in the years between 2001 and 2007. The authors were the joint directors of the AMC 12 and the AMC 10 competitions during that period.

    The problems have all been edited to ensure that they conform to the current style of the AMC 12 competitions. Graphs and figures have been redrawn to make them more consistent in form and style, and the solutions to the problems have been both edited and supplemented. A problem index at the back of the book classifies the problems into subject areas of Algebra, Arithmetic, Complex Numbers, Counting, Functions, Geometry, Graphs, Logarithms, Logic, Number Theory, Polynomials, Probability, Sequences, Statistics, and Trigonometry. A problem that uses a combination of these areas is listed multiple times.

    The problems on these contests are posed by members of the mathematical community in the hope that all secondary school students will have an opportunity to participate in problem-solving and an enriching mathematical experience.

  • Table of Contents
    • Chapters
    • Problems
    • Solutions
  • Additional Material
Volume: 182008; 220 pp

Reprinted edition available: PRB/35

This is the ninth book of problems and solutions from the American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) contests. It chronicles 325 problems from the thirteen AMC 12 contests given in the years between 2001 and 2007. The authors were the joint directors of the AMC 12 and the AMC 10 competitions during that period.

The problems have all been edited to ensure that they conform to the current style of the AMC 12 competitions. Graphs and figures have been redrawn to make them more consistent in form and style, and the solutions to the problems have been both edited and supplemented. A problem index at the back of the book classifies the problems into subject areas of Algebra, Arithmetic, Complex Numbers, Counting, Functions, Geometry, Graphs, Logarithms, Logic, Number Theory, Polynomials, Probability, Sequences, Statistics, and Trigonometry. A problem that uses a combination of these areas is listed multiple times.

The problems on these contests are posed by members of the mathematical community in the hope that all secondary school students will have an opportunity to participate in problem-solving and an enriching mathematical experience.

  • Chapters
  • Problems
  • Solutions
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