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The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition 1985–2000: Problems, Solutions, and Commentary
The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition 1985--2000
MAA Press: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
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The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition 1985--2000
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The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition 1985–2000: Problems, Solutions, and Commentary
MAA Press: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
This title is not currently available
  • Book Details
    Problem Books
    Volume: 62002; 337 pp

    Reprinted edition available: PRB/33

    This third volume of problems from the William Lowell Putnam Competition is unlike the previous two in that it places the problems in the context of important mathematical themes. The authors highlight connections to other problems, to the curriculum and to more advanced topics. The best problems contain kernels of sophisticated ideas related to important current research, and yet the problems are accessible to undergraduates. The solutions have been compiled from the American Mathematical Monthly, Mathematics Magazine and past competitors. Multiple solutions enhance the understanding of the audience, explaining techniques that have relevance to more than the problem at hand. In addition, the book contains suggestions for further reading, a hint to each problem, separate from the full solution and background information about the competition.

    The book will appeal to students, teachers, professors and indeed anyone interested in problem solving as a gateway to a deep understanding of mathematics.

  • Additional Material
  • Reviews
    • Each chapter solves several realistic problems while introducing the modelling optimization techniques and simulation as required. This allows readers to see how the methods are used, making it easier to grasp the basics.

      CERN Courier
    • The book will be invaluable for anybody with an interest in mathematical competitions or just trying his or her hand at challenging Mathematics at university level. All theories begin with simple, easy to state and beautiful problems and this book has an abundant supply of those.

      The London Mathematical Society
Volume: 62002; 337 pp

Reprinted edition available: PRB/33

This third volume of problems from the William Lowell Putnam Competition is unlike the previous two in that it places the problems in the context of important mathematical themes. The authors highlight connections to other problems, to the curriculum and to more advanced topics. The best problems contain kernels of sophisticated ideas related to important current research, and yet the problems are accessible to undergraduates. The solutions have been compiled from the American Mathematical Monthly, Mathematics Magazine and past competitors. Multiple solutions enhance the understanding of the audience, explaining techniques that have relevance to more than the problem at hand. In addition, the book contains suggestions for further reading, a hint to each problem, separate from the full solution and background information about the competition.

The book will appeal to students, teachers, professors and indeed anyone interested in problem solving as a gateway to a deep understanding of mathematics.

  • Each chapter solves several realistic problems while introducing the modelling optimization techniques and simulation as required. This allows readers to see how the methods are used, making it easier to grasp the basics.

    CERN Courier
  • The book will be invaluable for anybody with an interest in mathematical competitions or just trying his or her hand at challenging Mathematics at university level. All theories begin with simple, easy to state and beautiful problems and this book has an abundant supply of those.

    The London Mathematical Society
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