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A Friendly Mathematics Competition: Thirty-Five Years of Teamwork in Indiana
Edited by: Rick Gillman
A Friendly Mathematics Competition
MAA Press: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-7414-0
Product Code:  PRB/8.S
List Price: $25.00
MAA Member Price: $18.75
AMS Member Price: $18.75
eBook ISBN:  978-1-61444-400-8
Product Code:  PRB/8.E
List Price: $50.00
MAA Member Price: $37.50
AMS Member Price: $37.50
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-7414-0
eBook: ISBN:  978-1-61444-400-8
Product Code:  PRB/8.S.B
List Price: $75.00 $50.00
MAA Member Price: $56.25 $37.50
AMS Member Price: $56.25 $37.50
A Friendly Mathematics Competition
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A Friendly Mathematics Competition: Thirty-Five Years of Teamwork in Indiana
Edited by: Rick Gillman
MAA Press: An Imprint of the American Mathematical Society
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-7414-0
Product Code:  PRB/8.S
List Price: $25.00
MAA Member Price: $18.75
AMS Member Price: $18.75
eBook ISBN:  978-1-61444-400-8
Product Code:  PRB/8.E
List Price: $50.00
MAA Member Price: $37.50
AMS Member Price: $37.50
Softcover ISBN:  978-1-4704-7414-0
eBook ISBN:  978-1-61444-400-8
Product Code:  PRB/8.S.B
List Price: $75.00 $50.00
MAA Member Price: $56.25 $37.50
AMS Member Price: $56.25 $37.50
  • Book Details
    Problem Books
    Volume: 82003; 185 pp

    A Friendly Mathematics Competition tells the story of the Indiana College Mathematics Competition (ICMC) by presenting the problems, solutions, and results of the first 35 years of the ICMC. The ICMC was organized in reaction to the Putnam Exam—its problems were to be more representative of the undergraduate curriculum, and students could work on them in teams. Participation was originally restricted to the small, private colleges and universities of the state, but was later opened up to students from all of the schools in Indiana. The competition was quickly nicknamed the "Friendly" Competition because of its focus on solving mathematical problems, which brought faculty and students together, rather than on the competitive nature of winning. Organized by year, the problems and solutions in this volume present an excellent archive of information about what has been expected of an undergraduate mathematics major over the past 35 years.

    With more than 245 problems and solutions, the book is also a must buy for faculty and students interested in problem-solving. The index of problems lists problems in: Algebraic Structures; Analytic Geometry, Arclength, Binomial Coefficients, Derangements, Differentiation, Differential Equations, Diophantine Equations, Enumeration, Field and Ring Theory, Fibonacci Sequences, Finite Sums, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Geometry, Group Theory, Inequalities, Infinite Series, Integration, Limit Evaluation, Logic, Matrix Algebra, Maxima and Minima Problems, Multivariable Calculus, Number Theory, Permutations, Probability, Polar Coordinates, Polynomials, Real Valued Functions, Riemann Sums, Sequences, Systems of Equations, Statistics, Synthetic Geometry, Taylor Series, Trigonometry, and Volumes.

  • Table of Contents
    • Articles
    • Paul T. Mielke — The Indiana College Mathematics Competition: A Short History
    • An Update of the History of the ICMC
    • Exams
    • Solutions
  • Requests
    Review Copy – for publishers of book reviews
    Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
Volume: 82003; 185 pp

A Friendly Mathematics Competition tells the story of the Indiana College Mathematics Competition (ICMC) by presenting the problems, solutions, and results of the first 35 years of the ICMC. The ICMC was organized in reaction to the Putnam Exam—its problems were to be more representative of the undergraduate curriculum, and students could work on them in teams. Participation was originally restricted to the small, private colleges and universities of the state, but was later opened up to students from all of the schools in Indiana. The competition was quickly nicknamed the "Friendly" Competition because of its focus on solving mathematical problems, which brought faculty and students together, rather than on the competitive nature of winning. Organized by year, the problems and solutions in this volume present an excellent archive of information about what has been expected of an undergraduate mathematics major over the past 35 years.

With more than 245 problems and solutions, the book is also a must buy for faculty and students interested in problem-solving. The index of problems lists problems in: Algebraic Structures; Analytic Geometry, Arclength, Binomial Coefficients, Derangements, Differentiation, Differential Equations, Diophantine Equations, Enumeration, Field and Ring Theory, Fibonacci Sequences, Finite Sums, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Geometry, Group Theory, Inequalities, Infinite Series, Integration, Limit Evaluation, Logic, Matrix Algebra, Maxima and Minima Problems, Multivariable Calculus, Number Theory, Permutations, Probability, Polar Coordinates, Polynomials, Real Valued Functions, Riemann Sums, Sequences, Systems of Equations, Statistics, Synthetic Geometry, Taylor Series, Trigonometry, and Volumes.

  • Articles
  • Paul T. Mielke — The Indiana College Mathematics Competition: A Short History
  • An Update of the History of the ICMC
  • Exams
  • Solutions
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Accessibility – to request an alternate format of an AMS title
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